Programme ideas are sent to a commissioner within the appropriate genre team via our online submission system BBC Pitch. (Please note updates to the previous framework dated 11. We commission Network TV programmes from UK-based production companies. The tender was launched in May 2022. d) the BBC recognises that other stakeholders (for example the producer itself and any commercial distributors) may have invested in the content. Pitch helps us comply with our commitments, manage proposals in one place and track the progress of individual ideas. Read the Business framework below or visit theA-Z pagetodownload previous versions of the Business framework and Terms of trade. On a six (6) monthly basis, the Producer shall provide to the BBC a statement (from the Producer or its distributor as applicable) identifying sales agreed during the previous 6 months, by media, territory and date. New PwC report finds that the BBCs Across the UK plans are expected to result in 4,750 new creative businesses and 45,000 additional jobs outside London. The Supplier owns the rights in any new stand-alone experience. To be adopted to new commissions from 25 November 2021. Staged payments will be agreed taking in to account standard industry practice for that type of digital experience. All exploitation of Additional Material and Programme clips must comply with the BBC Guidelines, carry appropriate BBC branding and adhere to any relevant compliance requirements (programme compliance, legal and regulatory compliance etc) for so long as the BBC is commissioning the Programme and/or has a subsisting re-commissioning right in the Programme. A successful proposal will be given approval by the relevant head of commissioning. The opportunity is open to all producers who fulfil the eligibility criteria and the production must qualify as Wales under the Ofcom criteria. b) In reporting and accounting to the BBC its share of Net Revenue; Producers shall ensure that timely and clear statements are sent to the BBC every six (6) months by the Producer or its appointed Distributor. ); promote the flow of new and innovative ideas for an internet-first BBC; respond to regulatory, policy, editorial and strategic imperatives; enable the BBC to lead developments (both financially or creatively); promote technical innovation and to share R&D knowledge and technologies; meet specific project requirements, e.g. A small number of selected BBC Four long-form programme strands may also be made available over time. Whilst the BBC has a subsisting re-commissioning right in the Programme: If the BBC wishes to exercise such option: Whether or not the BBC commissions or licences Additional Material as referred to in paragraph 3 above, the independent producer may, with prior notification to the BBC, exploit Additional Material in the following manner: as part of the exploitation of the DVD and Commercial Download Rights in the Programme in accordance with the General Terms; and, as part of any permitted Programme sale to the UK secondary television and video-on-demand market in accordance with the BBC's Programme Release Policy; and. This will be identified at the commissioning stage. Programme ideas for BBC television are submitted via the online proposal system BBC Pitch. The BBC Gaeilge Commissioning Strategy continues to build a varied portfolio of . Commissioning briefs, new opportunities and contacts, BBC and NBCUniversal co-commission hit format Destination X, BBC Factual announces Mumbai: City of Dreams, Once Upon A Time in Northern Ireland tells extraordinary human stories from those who lived through The Troubles, BBC Arts announces an exciting new raft of films for its flagship strand Arena on BBC Two and BBC iPlayer this spring, The BBC announces new drama Kidnapped (w/t), Wall To Wall whip up Nadiya's simple spices for BBC Two and BBC iPlayer, Stacey Dooley: Ready for War? (Please note updates to the previous framework dated 11 May 2020 are indicated in bold text.). Production companies can submit applications to the fund for their employees and freelancers working on C5 programming, at any stage during a contracted production. Find out more about the science around climate change and its current impacts. Find out more about these on the links below. Typically: The BBC collaborates with an outside organisation. Business framework (Terms of Trade), PPA, commissioning specification, schedule of residuals, key agreements, contributors and third party agreements, programme prices and tariff ranges and digital rights models. qualifying independent producers and others). Any changes to the delivery date must be pre-agreed with the BBC in writing. For any Key agreements, BBC consent to the proposed agreement terms and/or fee must be secured before signing. in the White Paper in spring 2016 or subsequently), the BBC would ensure that a minimum. The Schedule of residuals lists all the writers, contributors, copyright material and music to be referenced for any repeat fees. funded with producer deficit or deferral, then the BBC shall provide some indication of its reasonably likely intention to acquire additional availability under paragraph 6(a)(iii) or 6(a)(iv), and must formally exercise its option after the first use by the BBC for the first additional window and within the first 6 months of a current window for any subsequent additional windows. Whats being commissioned, for example: The BBC is influenced by industry norms and market drivers to get value for money and meet the BBCs technology and digital strategic objectives for the BBCs next generation of services. 3k -8k per episode Any of the four companies which fails to secure a Network Co-commission, will be guaranteed a series commission of one of their . The Code of practice ensures relations between the BBC and independent producers are fair and transparent. In accordance with theBBCs Programme Release Policy. Variables affecting the stages might include fee level, production schedule, multiple delivery stages and availability of insurance cover. New nine-month traineeship will include industry training, expert mentoring and a fully paid production placement. We are committed to treating ideas fairly, transparently and on merit, regardless of which supplier submits them. 250,000 -300,000 per hour). See the Archives, rights and clearances pagefor more information about clearances. The terms to apply to the exercise of such option and the rights granted to the BBC will be negotiated on a case by case basis, but for the avoidance of doubt, shall not be for any period shorter than the licence period in the Programme, and shall as a minimum include the right to use the Additional Material on any of the BBC's public services in the UK. BBC wishes to broadcast the content on TV. "Not applicable" should be added to such sections. It is acknowledged that in most cases the Producer will be required to obtain a loan and or otherwise deficit finance the proposed TTR element of the programme budget funding (the TTR Loan). Please see thedelivery timelinefor a full list of the assets to be delivered as part of a standard BBC programme commission. Other points may not be relevant to the particular production as the Commissioning specification is designed to accommodate a wide variety of genres and types of productions. Any reliance that you may choose to place on any such opinion or guidance shall not, unless specifically agreed in writing by the BBC, be deemed to waive your obligations or warranties under the terms of your Programme production agreement. The BBC needs to make its content continue to appeal and be available where and when audiences want it. BBC owns all or listed deliverables but not Supplier or 3. Having made its price offer, the BBC will not reduce (or increase) the price offered (or agreed), should the actual level of tax credit ultimately be more (or less) than anticipated by the parties or lead to a funding surplus or deficit for the production. The independent producer is entitled to create Additional Material subject to the overarching principles set out below: If the independent producer creates Additional Material, it may exploit the Additional Material in the manner set out in paragraph 4 below. Producers should check these genre briefs before they send their ideas, to ensure they match our editorial strategy. Independent production companies should email the form to the relevant, BBC Studios productions are not required to complete a schedule of residuals form. Director of BBC Childrens and Education, Find commissioning contacts across genres, Technology, software and digital services, Working with you to achieve our strategic priorities, Our diversity, representation and inclusion strategy, Our environmental sustainability strategy, Ofcoms Operating Licence for the BBC (pdf), business and contractual information page, support for indies in the Nations and English regions page, the stages of the process and award criteria (pdf). It sets out the timetable for the negotiations of the commissioning agreement, the rights, programme prices and payments. All our suppliers are required to submit information about regional portrayal at the end of a production to show how they have met the Ofcom criteria. as part of any international Programme exploitation (i.e. b)The BBC has publishedherea release policy setting out the general approach it will take to requests for consent to exploit the clips and extracts of the programme commercially on television and online services in the UK during the BBCs licence period. Factual is also divided into individual sub-genre teams, such as documentaries, history, arts, factual entertainment, etc. Currently Editor of BBCs The One Show, Rob will start his new role in the coming months and will report into Kate Phillips, the BBCs Director of Unscripted. BBC takes a 5 year exclusive licence in the UK and non-exclusive rest of world (to enable the BBC to publish without geo-locking but not with the intention of targeting non-UK audiences). c)The BBC has publishedheretheprinciples and guidelines its adopts from time to time when considering requests for consent to use the programme brand in connection with commercial websites, apps, and social media activity in or accessible from the UK, as referred to in section 4.3(2) below. TV standard programme production agreement, Contributors, key agreements and other third party agreements, Contact with BBC television legal and rights teams, BBC commissioning process framework (pdf), Sample standard streamlined Special terms January 2022 (pdf), Associated General terms August 2018 (pdf). The BBC and PACT regard this right of the producer to remuneration for such retransmissions of commissioned productions as entitling AGICOA, the collecting society that during the period since July 2004 has represented holders of retransmission rights in acquired and commissioned television programmes included in the BBC television channels, to receive a share of the licence fees for such retransmissions received from the cable distribution platforms and as entitling the producer to claim a part of the revenues received by AGICOA. By 2027/28 the BBC will be spending. Pact and/or the BBC will be entitled to request evidence from the producer regarding the application of any such surplus. They need to demonstrate ambition and high production values to meet the expectation of audiences in slots such as 21.00 or 22.35 on BBC One Scotland. Content acquisition:Where the BBC buys rights to exhibit content (which could include via online) that is already made such as films, foreign language drama, etc. BBC Factual has announced a 6x30 order of Nadiyas Simple Spices, produced by multi-award-winning Wall To Wall Media, coming to BBC Two and BBC iPlayer later this year. funded with third party investment which is predicated in whole or part on exploiting UK commercial rights, then the UK windowing across the BBC and third party shall be agreed at the point of commission, alongside any impact on the BBC licence period (for the purposes of this paragraph, third party investment relates to production funding directly or indirectly from a licensee with a global SVOD reach including the UK); iii. We are aiming to double our investment in co-commissions over the next three years - to deliver the next generation of returning brands from all four Nations, across factual, drama and comedy.