Up to 17 percent of lesions disappear without intervention, as long as there is no ulceration. Diabetic dermopathy is sometimes referred to as shin spots or pigmented pretibial patches. Doctors dont know precisely why NLD occurs, but it may result from a breakdown in collagen. The condition is characterized by the presence of lesions. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Hard, thick, and swollen-looking skin can spread, appearing on the forearms and upper arms. Want another reason to get your blood sugar levels under control and keep them that way? Heres what you need to know. Inadequate circulation may cause itching in the lower legs. They often happen in people who have severe diabetes and diabetic neuropathy. If you have what feels like razor bumps or acne on the back of your neck or scalp, you may have acne keloidalis nuchae. These dermatologists' tips tell you how to protect your skin. Read our. Diabetic dermopathy is a complication of diabetes that causes brown lesions to appear on your skin. You can expect permanent results in all but one area. When legions appear on the face, scalp or upper arms, NLD is less likely to be correctly diagnosed. Diabetes may leave you more prone to skin problems, including bacterial and fungal infections. Diabetes can make existing skin problems worse. High blood sugar can increase the risk of developing digital sclerosis. No matter what, its essential to do your best to manage your diabetes well in order to be healthy and prevent complications. Diabetic dermopathy is a common occurrence that affects many patients with diabetes. FACE, practices endocrinology on the upper east side of Manhattan and is affiliated with NYU, Lenox Hill, and Mount Sinai Hospitals. The condition is also more common in people assigned male at birth. Examples of healthy coping might be talking with a friend, being active, doing something you enjoy, and getting enough sleep. Dont be afraid to ask your provider for help and friends and family for support. Skin and mouth conditions. Remember that what may be occurring on the skins surface might reflect what is happening in the body. Sides of feet. As a result, there may be stiffness in the joints, making it harder to bend your fingers. McKinley-Grant L, Warnick M, et al. You may develop one lesion or clusters of lesions on the shin and other parts of your body. A dark patch (or band) of velvety skin on the back of your neck, armpit, groin, or elsewhere could mean that you have too much insulin in your blood. With vitiligo, the cells that make the substance that gives your skin color, melanin, are destroyed. Youll usually find these bumps on the buttocks, thighs, crooks of the elbows, or backs of the knees. The patches are harmless and dont itch, ooze liquid or cause pain. The legs are the most commonly affected site for NLD, but other body parts such as the face, abdomen, and scalp have been reported as affected areas. Unlike the blisters that develop after a burn, these blisters are not painful. Diabetes-Related dermopathy is a skin condition that affects the small blood vessels in the legs. Work with your doctor to better control your diabetes. Bacterial infections, such as carbuncles, may need to be pierced by a doctor and drained. Numbness. Good management of diabetes in regulating blood sugar levels may help decrease the likelihood of developing diabetic dermopathy. Could You Have Subclinical Hypothyroidism? They can be reddish or brownish in color and are usually round or oval in shape. These and other factors can lead to a range of skin problems. It was renamed in 1932 as necrobiosis lipoidica diabetica by E. Urbach. The medical name for this condition is necrobiosis lipodica. The skin disease goes through cycles where it is active, inactive, and then active again It appears that nerve and blood vessel damage that can result from diabetes can also predispose you to diabetic dermopathy. Talk with your doctor about the right ones to use. Dermopathy appears as a shiny round or oval lesion on the thin skin of your shins. Timshina DK, et al. When diabetes affects the skin, it's often a sign that your blood sugar (glucose) levels are too high. Get immediate medical care for all other wounds. Many researchers and healthcare providers think that diabetes-related dermopathy may be related to prior trauma to your skin from an injury or extreme heat or cold, especially if you have neuropathy, which is a type of nerve damage thats caused by chronic high blood sugar (hyperglycemia). It typically affects the armpits, groin and neck. Itching skin, also called pruritus, can have many causes, such as dry skin, poor blood flow, or a yeast infection. South Dartmouth (MA): MDText.com, Inc.; 2000-. A board-certified dermatologist can help a patient get some relief. These spots may develop into open sores which can be slow to heal. Dermopathy is often seen in those with retinopathy, neuropathy, and kidney issues. Researchers arent sure if better diabetes management and having better blood sugars help improve the patches after someone already has them. However, diabetes-related dermopathy can be a warning sign of diabetes complications such as neuropathy, nephropathy and retinopathy. Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk More Than Previously Thought. What to Eat to Better Regulate Your Blood Sugar. See additional information. However, it may result from damage to the nerves of the skin and damage to the small blood vessels that supply oxygen to the tissues. Infection with the bacteria Staphylococcus, commonly known as staph infection, causes styes, boils, folliculitis, and even deep infection (cellulitis), and this type of infection is even more serious in those with poor control of their diabetes (such as in . The best management of diabetes includes addressing lifestyle factors and making behavior changes. Its typically asymptomatic, meaning it usually doesnt present any symptoms. Nerve damage, known as diabetic neuropathy, can reduce sensation, making it harder to notice wounds or injuries. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 03/28/2022. No matter where they form, they are usually tender and itchy. Diabetic dermopathy does not typically itch, burn, or sting. On the hands, youll notice tight, waxy skin on the backs of your hands. Last medically reviewed on October 6, 2022. Diabetes Skin Conditions: Diabetes Rash What rashes are caused by diabetes? However, it may fade with improved glucose levels. On average, diabetes-related dermopathy patches tend to fade after one to two years, but they can remain on your skin for longer. Some skin conditions that develop due to kidney disease can be difficult to control. Hyperglycemia, or high blood glucose levels, can happen with uncontrolled diabetes. Because it is a benign condition, not threatening to life or health, skin biopsies are rarely performed, especially because patients with diabetes commonly have delayed wound healing. The skin can also become thicker and leathery. Its important to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders. In: Wolff K, Goldsmith LA, et al. Diabetic dermopathy doesnt usually cause symptoms like burning, stinging, or itching. Diabetic dermopathy is often associated with nerve and blood vessel damage that can cause more serious problems, such as peripheral neuropathy, diabetic ketoacidosis, frequent infections, kidney disease, eye problems, and arthropathies (joint diseases). This is often a sign of prediabetes. If you develop ulcers, seek medical advice as soon as possible. Diabetes-related dermopathy could be a sign of other diabetes complications, and your provider may want to run certain tests to check your overall health. It may show up on the ears, hands, and torso. Diabetes-related dermopathy (often called shin spots) is a fairly common skin condition that affects people who are living with diabetes, including Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Digital sclerosis may spread to the skin in other parts of the body if blood glucose levels stay high. Let your doctor know if you have bumps like those shown here, especially if the bumps come and go. References If you have a minor wound, treat it. Tell your doctor about the bumps because this skin condition appears when you have uncontrolled diabetes. They can form anywhere though. Sometimes, its called diabetic bullae. There are several types of granuloma annulare, including localized (in one area) or disseminated (general, more widespread). Dr. Siegel adds that NLD usually doesnt cause problems unless there are significant ulcers, adding that wraps of topical treatment with steroids can sometimes be of value.. * Diabetes Care*. High glucose levels can put you at risk for developing infections. Diabetic dermopathy: This 55-year-old man has had diabetes for many years. Also called shin spots, the lesions are not accompanied by other symptoms and do not cause pain. We explain what insulin sizes mean, how to choose the correct size for, Singer Nick Jonas, who has type 1 diabetes, debuted a new blood glucose monitoring device during a Super Bowl television commercial, Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. It is not always possible to avoid diabetes, but some lifestyle habits may have an impact, including: Lifestyle changes that may help with type 2 diabetes-related skin problems include: Each person is different, so make sure to consult your doctor before changing your diet or exercise program. Persistently high blood sugar levels can cause damage throughout your body. Try lotions and moisturizers to help soften the skin. Lotions and moisturizers might help soften your skin. Do Diabetics Experience Dizziness More Than Non-Diabetics? ", American Family Physician: "Onychomycosis: Current Trends in Diagnosis and Treatment.". They can look like scars and be indented. Theres no known treatment for diabetes-related dermopathy, but the good news is that the skin patches themselves are harmless. An itchy rash and sometimes tiny blisters, dry scaly skin, or a white discharge that looks like cottage cheese In some cases, diabetes-related dermopathy helps with early diagnosis and prevention of these diabetes complications. Diabetic foot wounds are probably the most common things that are problematic, which can be related to poor blood flow and diabetic nerve disease, explains Richard Siegel, M.D., endocrinologist and co-director of the Diabetes and Lipid Center at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. Diabetes can cause long-term damage, from foot to nerve complications. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of Skinsights terms of service and privacy policy. Keeping your diabetes under control can reduce your chances of developing this condition. In some cases, this may lead to skin changes. Diabetes-Related dermopathy. Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a darkening of the parts of the skin that are velvety in texture. 2,3 CASE REPORT While there is no way to cure diabetic dermopathy, having good control over blood sugar levels can prevent the lesions of diabetic dermopathy from occurring and decrease the likelihood of other diabetes-related complications. Over time, high blood sugar can cause damage throughout your body. For treatment, your doctor will help you get your blood sugar levels under control. Skin tags are soft, skin-colored growths that hang from the skin. There are a variety of skin conditions that you can suffer from due to diabetes, some with different treatments. Skin problems may be the first visible signs of diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA). Diabetes-related nephropathy (damage to your. They're usually painless and they heal on their own. Each diabetic dermopathy lesion lasts about 1824 months before clearing completely or fading. Dark patches of skin with a thick, velvety texture characterize the condition. Better blood sugar management doesnt seem to have an effect on how diabetes-related dermopathy progresses once you already have it. Type 2 diabetes may increase the risk of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease. What it looks like: Measles causes flat, red spots that cover huge swaths of skin. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. China, 2009:481-4. Recognizing when you need to make changes in your lifestyle habits can help you reach your blood glucose goals. Diabetic dermopathy: Also called shin spots, this skin condition develops as a result of changes to the blood vessels that supply the skin. Symptoms. It's not contagious and usually not painful, but it can make you feel self-conscious. Yellow, reddish, or brown patches on your skin. A Review. Common symptoms of diabetes that may aid in the diagnosis of diabetic dermopathy include: Because diabetic dermopathy is an asymptomatic and benign condition, it requires no treatment. Diabetic dermopathy is painless and is usually not associated with other symptoms like itching, burning, or tingling. Locations of diabetic dermopathy: Shins (the pretibial area) Thighs. One such study found that people with diabetes were most likely to have granuloma annulare over large areas of skin and that the bumps came and went. They can itch, spread, and worsen if not treated with prescription medication. Tell your doctor about the blisters. They commonly affect the hands or feet. NLD occurs due to collagen degeneration and inflammation associated with the thickening of blood vessel walls and fat disposition. The skin condition is characterized by reddish-brown, round or oval, scar-like patches that are usually a centimeter or less in size. Shin spots have been linked to leg injuries, leaving some doctors to conclude that the lesions might be an exaggerated response to trauma in people who have diabetes thats not well-managed. These brownish patches on your skin appear like a dark brown birthmark but they are a skin condition caused by diabetes. Slightly indented into your skin and/or somewhat scaly. We know that most people who have granuloma annulare do not have diabetes. A skin biopsy is used to diagnose NLD, which can also be the first sign of diabetes in some patients. Learn how to prevent skin infections if you have diabetes. It's important to keep diabetes well-managed to avoid other serious complications (beyond dermopathy), such as: A diagnosis of diabetic dermopathy is made through a physical exam by a physician. Getting better control of your diabetes can bring relief. These are known as shin spots and may be oval or circular. When you have issues with your heart or blood vessels: Diabetes-related blisters (bullous diabeticorum): In rare cases, people with diabetes get blisters that resemble burn blisters. Join 614,096 people who get the newsletter, How to bring down high blood sugar levels, Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome, Metformin: Uses, Dosages, Interactions and Side Effects, NLD preceded the onset of diabetes in 15% of patients, 60% of patients had diabetes prior to the onset of NLD, 25% of patients had NLD appear simultaneously with the onset of diabetes. Diabetes happens when your body either doesnt respond effectively to insulin or doesnt produce enough insulin to manage your blood sugar levels. Over time, the clusters of spots may look like age spots. The appearance of diabetic dermopathy can vary from person to person. If diabetes has been poorly controlled for years, it can feel like you have pebbles in your fingertips. Diabetic dermopathy is a common condition in people living with diabetes. Diabetes. We avoid using tertiary references. This skin condition often begins as small raised solid bumps that look like pimples. injuries or irritation to the skin surrounding insulin injection sites, styes, which cause swelling on the eyelids, folliculitis, an infection of the hair follicles, carbuncles, deep infections of the skin and the tissue below it, a white discharge that resembles cottage cheese, first appear as firm, reddish-brown papules, develop thinner, weaker, waxy skin in the center, may look like a shiny scar with a violet border, may feature ulcers for example, after a blow or other trauma to the area, usually appear on the lower leg but sometimes on the arms, face, or scalp, be darker and thicker than the surrounding skin, topical steroid medications, such as those containing, moisturizers and lotions to relieve dryness, topical or oral antibiotics to treat skin infections, insulin therapy or other drugs to manage blood sugar levels, talcum powder to prevent friction in skin folds, avoiding scratching dry skin, which increases the risk of infections by breaking the skin, avoiding hot baths or showers, which can dry out your skin. Though lesions primarily form on the shins, they can be found on other parts of the body, too. With diabetes, wounds tend to heal more slowly and progress more quickly. You may also notice: Acanthosis nigricans (ak-an-THOE-sis NIE-grih-kuns) tends to affect people with obesity. If you have diabetes, youre more likely to have dry skin. Find out what can help. Hyperglycemia may lead to dry skin because of a fluid imbalance. But most are easily treated with management of blood glucose levels. Some non-drug remedies for diabetes-related skin problems are: Before using any natural or alternative remedies, consult your doctor. There is no treatment for AN. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. This image displays a close-up of diabetic dermopathy showing scarring. Changes in the small blood vessels can impact the eyes and kidneys. The skin is itchy and painful Diabetes foot syndrome. Medications: In some cases, youll need more than an OTC treatment. Compression therapy may help in some cases. This skin condition causes bumps and patches that may be skin-colored, red, pink, or bluish purple. Atopic dermatitis (eczema) symptoms can appear anywhere on the body and vary widely from person to person. It causes darkened and thickened skin, especially in skin folds. (2014). Moisturizing may also help improve the appearance of spots. In addition, participating in diabetes education, getting enough sleep, and stopping smoking can all reduce your risk for diabetes-related complications. All rights reserved. They may want to examine your skin to make sure you dont have a serious condition. About 30% of people with vitiligo have a family history of the condition, and it is more common in people with Type 1 diabetes than Type 2 diabetes. The condition causes small lesions on your skin. This is why a patients glucose tolerance may also be checked. These lesions are harmless and dont cause any pain, but they shouldnt be ignored. If you notice any of the following warning signs on your skin, its time to talk with your doctor. Here's what to know. See a dermatologist about your skin. Using a moisturizer to help improve the appearance and texture of the patches. Talk with your doctor. This skin condition causes the skin on the hands, fingers, and toes to become thick, tight, waxy, and potentially stiff. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK481900/, https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/library/features/diabetes-and-your-skin.html, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK431057/. While there is no specific treatment for diabetic dermopathy, it is still important to remember that controlling your diabetes is important to prevent other complications of diabetes. Diabetic dermopathy appears as pink to red or tan to dark brown patches, and it is most frequently found on the lower legs. Necorbiosis lipodica is harmless, but it can lead to complications. The treatment is to bring . Bilateral, meaning they appear on the skin of both of your legs or both of your arms at the same time. When this develops on the fingers, toes, or both, the medical name for this condition is digital sclerosis. While it has been reported that diabetic dermopathy is more common in type 2 diabetes, it can occur in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. For patients suffering from diabetic skin conditions, keeping their diabetes under control is the most important factor in preventing the development and worsening of skin-related diabetes complications.Maintaining control over blood glucose levels, using proper diabetic skin care, and staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water can help reduce the risk . The fingers can become stiff and difficult to move. Brady MF, et al. For these reasons, many people mistake them for age spots. Various skin changes can occur with diabetes, such as granuloma annulare, a ring-shaped rash of raised bumps that may appear red, red-brown, pink, purplish, or the same color as your skin. These can affect the fingers, hands, toes, feet, legs, or forearms. Find out why dark spots appear and what can fade them. Lotion can help to keep your skin soft and moist, and prevent itching due to dry skin. To find the best HbA1c test kits, we looked at cost, website use, and follow-up, Insulin syringes come in multiple sizes to deliver different doses of insulin. Diabetics face a variety of potential skin problems. Theres no available research to confirm this information. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Diabetic dermopathy is the most common skin finding in people with diabetes. Signs & Symptoms. Other than the appearance of skin lesions, diabetic dermopathy doesnt have any other symptoms. Diabetes-related dermopathy looks like small, round pink, reddish or brown patches on your skin. AN also causes thickening of the skin. The medical name for this condition is bullosis diabetricorum. What Are the Symptoms of Uncontrolled Diabetes? For this reason, if you have type 2 diabetes, its important to watch out for: Scientists think diabetes may make the immune system less effective at fighting infections. Most lesions are found on the lower parts of the legs and can turn into an ulcer if theres trauma. (2016). While its cause is unknown, research shows it may be due to poor circulation that . While NLD may happen more often in women, Dr. Siegel notes that its actually fairly rare. No treatment is necessary unless the spots crack and open. Other symptoms to note: The . Itchiness (pruritus) Rash on swollen skin that varies in color depending on your skin color. The key is to catch them early. If you have diabetes, you should check your feet every day for sores and open wounds. Diabetic dermopathy is a condition characterized by small, brown skin lesions on the shins of patients with diabetes. Women are likely to get this in their vaginas. Dermopathy appears as a shiny round or oval. Many of them can likely be treated at home with over-the-counter remedies, Its important to use your A1C as part of your diabetes monitoring. Available from: Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists, Kolb L. An Effective Model of Diabetes Care and Education: The ADCES7 Self-Care Behaviors. If youre overweight, losing excess pounds can help stabilize your blood sugar level. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. Symptom checkers like Aysa can help narrow down possible skin conditions by analyzing a skin photo. 3 /15. The affected joints may become harder to move. Diabetes-related skin conditions can be frustrating or uncomfortable. Steps you can take to manage your diabetes well include: Since many researchers think that diabetes-related dermopathy may be related to prior injuries to the affected area, wearing protective gear such as shin guards or thick, long socks when youre doing physical activities could help protect your shins from getting injured. The rash can be red, red-brown, or skin-colored. Dermatologists team up to improve patient care, JAK inhibitors: A newer type of medication, Free materials to help raise skin cancer awareness, Dermatologist-approved lesson plans, activities you can use. This may involve using the right balance of moisturizers . Tell your doctor if you have frequent skin infections. If necessary, a physician will likely stress the importance of controlling blood sugar and reiterate that appropriate diabetes management will help improve lesions as quickly as possible. Tell your doctor about your extremely dry skin. Fitzpatricks Dermatology in General Medicine. For example, you can use OTC antifungal cream to treat athletes foot. All rights reserved. Why You Should Give Skin a Closer Look, How Diabetes Can Aggravate Common Skin Problems, Styes, which are infections of the eyelid glands. While theres no formal treatment for diabetes-related dermopathy, there are some things you can do at home to help manage the appearance of the diabetes-related dermopathy, including: Its also important to manage your diabetes as well as you can to prevent complications. The . Diabetes-related dermopathy affects people who have diabetes mellitus. Diabetic dermopathy can also stay on the skin indefinitely. Other skin changes, such as AN, can be a signal that blood sugar levels are too high. The rash often appears on the face near the hairline, then spreads down to the feet. Poor blood supply to the skin can cause changes in the collagen and fat underneath. Kalus AA, Chien AJ, et al. Is there a link, and what can you do to get rid of them? The spots are often brown and cause no symptoms. The following picture gallery contains common examples of diabetic dermopathy: Even though diabetic dermopathy is common when youre living with diabetes, the exact cause of this condition is unknown. These include the folds of the skin around the neck, groin, and armpits. This skin condition causes spots (and sometimes lines) that create a barely noticeable depression in the skin. As many as 1 out of 3 people with diabetes will have one. (first edition). Lesions of diabetic dermopathy typically occur in patients with a longstanding history of diabetes, but occasionally they may present as the first sign of diabetes before a diagnosis is made. Use these professionally produced online infographics, posters, and videos to help others find and prevent skin cancer. Ana Maria Kausel, MD, is a double board-certified endocrinologist affiliated with Mount Sinai St. Luke's/Mount Sinai West in New York City.