Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Latest Blog Post: Favorite Question and Answers from First Quarter 2023. He is malice personified, a merciless tyrant who demands unwavering devotion and abject fear from all his subjects. In the Earth-Two dimension, Kryptonians' bodies had advanced to the point where they are able to produce these energies for effect on their home planet in the red sun system which was very different from most other known Kryptonians. Steppenwolf and Darkseid didn't fear Kryptonians, the motherboxes did. Though inter-guild mingling and relationships is allowed, it didn't help change the fact that Krypton essentially had a totalitarian world government that forcefully categorized its citizens. For example, the science guild of Krypton worshiped Telle, the god of wisdom. 4 How advanced are Kryptonians compared to other universes? Simultaneously, they are depicted as having super advanced science going hand in hand with that decadence. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Bizarro is one of the oddest and weirdest comic book characters of all time due to his appearance, personality, and powers. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Family members" category. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. (Or at least he was until the DCnU New 52 changed the DC Universe, yet again.) In New Earth's Krypton, the people lived isolated lives, rarely having personal meetings, only communicating through electronic methods. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Originally the level of power that Earth-Two Krytonians had in comparison to other dimensional Kryptonians were far lower than those of other dimensions such as the Earth-One dimension. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Kryptonians could not leave their planet without dying, since they had a biological link with it. However, he didn't posses agumented intellect anymore, nor could easily move so fast in order to travel through time. Because without radiation Krypton's land possessed no threat Superman could safely time-travel back and visit his home planet before its eventual destruction. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 2. Interestingly enough, the House of El goes back as far as the tribal times of Krypton, and, through Superman and his son, it continues to this day. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It might surprise some to learn that part of the reason that Doomsday is socomparableto Kryptonians because he is actually a Kryptonian himself sort of. In each of the main universes, the aspects of the Kryptonian culture had differences, but in all it is accepted that Kryptonians are a highly technologically advanced people. There WAS no Kryptonite on Krypton - Kryptonite was formed by the explosion of the planet, the radiation transmuting it. Gaining proper telekinesis like power. Okay, we lied. Sometimes they are shown as unusually harsh in some fashion or another. Bar-El and Lilo were Krypton's first astronauts who were lost and drifting in space for decades before finding their way to Earth. On his Kryptonian birthday, his body goes haywire. Kryptonians within their natural environment are known to be as weak as a human and are known to live within an atmosphere that would kill any human, unless thathuman is wearing a Breather. 20. While living on Krypton, or any planet under a red star, Kryptonians seem relatively just as physically powerful as normal humans, but have highly advanced technology which allows them to control their world. With the premier of SyFy'sKrypton, we expect to learna ton of interesting history about the home planet of Superman, as well as the people that inhabit it. If they all live in a Kryptonite-rich environment, then they may simply have never known that they had powers. @Beta If a canon doesn't want to use color of star to give someone superpowers (like old comics), then Krypton's sun being yellow won't be a big deal. Kal-El also was shown to be able to read a flash drive just by looking at it. I should preface by saying I don't watch this show and I am not a Kryptonian historian. He gains power from the _yellow_ sun of Earth, Krypton had a red sun. Kryptonian Powers refers to the powers and abilities held by Kryptonians beyond those of normal humans. 1 Why don all Kryptonians have powers on Krypton? How much stuff can you bring on deployment? 2 A Red Lantern Ring. The religion of Krypton, like Krypton itself, has had a couple of different interpretations over the years, but their main deityhas remainedthe same. Your IP: Everything else remained relatively the same as before. Some are engineered to be better soldiers, or smarter to be a better scientist. However, on Earth, which has both lesser gravity and a yellow star, Kryptonians gain superpowers. Kryptonians are basically human in their structure and appearance, but their biology is far more advanced than that of Earth based humans. 2 Why are Kryptonians not strong on their planet? Organisms that evolve in an environment aren't made weaker by it. Perhaps a la the latest Superman film where it is the atmosphere which somehow imbues a Kryptonian with super powers. Bio-electric aura was established as an invisible field emanating in couple of milimiteres from Kal's body and making everything under it as invincible as he is, aura can also be spread upon the touch with other people or structures making them bypass laws of physics and preventing Superman from killing people while catching them at super-speed or structures from crumbling via their own weight. In various iterations of the DC universe, Jor-El and Lara-El apparently thought it was just as important to save like,five of Superman's pets. Interestingly, for a brief time in the Golden Age, Kryptonians DID have (some) powers on Krypton - in an early version of the origin, Jor-El mentions Earth as a possible escape route. 3. So I don't believe I need to point out what I've already pointed out many times. In unreleased The-K Metal from Planet Krypton it was stated by Superman himself that planet charged its inhabitans with (at least physical) power. Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper, Generic Doubly-Linked-Lists C implementation, "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection. This weakness can be exploited, as blue beetle and firestorm were able to imprison Superman with a red sun light generator. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Even Krypto, who is a dog and Supermans companion from when he was only a toddler, possesses some superpowers. What is the difference between a human and a Kryptonian? The thing about Bizarro is that he is not a natural-born Kryptonian but was one that was cloned from Superman when the Joker temporarily acquired the incredible reality-altering powers of Mr. Mxyzptlk. Similarly, the military guild worshiped the god of strength, Mordo. Edit: I must be losing my mind, I thought the question was worded a little bit differently. Also since this revision Superman is not the last living Kryptonian, once again. Jor-El had the one test system he used to save his son. After Krypton sent out ships to explore the universe, it was invaded by a hostile takeover that ordered the ships back. Kal-El now was portrayed to be able to fly even in his teenager years as well as was using his powers as superhero. Fundamentally, they boil down to: Krypton has a set of distinct environmental conditions, as does every planet. The House of El, for example, is represented by an "S"-like shape. During Superman's fight with Collector of the Worlds/Brainiac/Internet the later mentioned that Superman can't murder him due to moral imprint. Krypton was part of sector 2813, the part of the universe that Tomar-Re was assigned to protect as a Green Lantern. So it isn't entirely unbelievable to posit that 1 a Kryptonian might live in effectively a sealed capsule existence given space limitations and use view screens that appear to the naked eye to be windows, and/or 2 that perhaps a new fad is to depict a distorted form of reality with changes to things like the color of the sun. They are a race all but extinct, having a handful of survivors after their planets destruction, most notably Kal-El who was sent away by his father Jor-El to Earth, as well as several Sword of Rao Kryptonian warriors, who are currently trapped permanently in the Phantom Zone. It only takes a minute to sign up. Maybe the Kryptonians always had powers but they were suppressed. If they all live in a Kryptonite-rich environment, then they may simply have never known that they had powers. If a kryptonian is exposed to a yellow or blue sun, they gain powers. Relatively same as before. In 2010, Atlas was brainwashed by an unknown villain to attack the Justice League. But no other Kryptonian is more powerful than Superman. The canon of which Krypton history is accurate/current is always changing, and throughout the long history of Superman comics, there have been different depictions of his home planet ranging from dark and gritty to utopian and retro-futuristic. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This might be the lower gravity, the color of the sun, the "air" (sorry, I loathe the last Superman movie) or some other reason. What risks are you taking when "signing in with Google"? Kal-El was not affected due to a serum administered by his father, Jor-El. @SS-3: I read your question and I'd stand by Fza's comment, if I were they. Inspired by Syfy's Krypton, CBR digs deep into the biology and culture of the Kryptonian people, with these 15 strange facts! Also it is stated that Kryptonian can easily bruise another. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. In fact, the social structure of Krypton was far from Utopian, bordering on dys topian. Making her even more capable than her cousin Kal. So, in a nutshell, all Kryptonians possess some form of superpower. no, Krypton had a red sun. Archived post. They are an old and very intelligent race that possess numerous similar characteristics of humans, most notably DNA and the capability of speech. Kandor acts as a piece of Superman's lost world that he can visit and study as a means to connect to his origins, which is what the city served as until it was eventually restored to its regular size and the Kryptonians within it went to live on a new planet. Look at the scene which is in my mind: What's the catch here? All Rights Reserved 2022 Theme: Promos by. Kryptonite was also a radioactive green substance spurging from the panet's core that caused mass scale death toll like a plague even before Krypton blew up. How do you find the manufacturer of a generic drug? Whether it was intellectual agumentation via yellow sunlight or just natural much more advanced Kryptonian intellect simply aided with physical augmentations is unclear. Those three have all been used canonically, however, so make of it what you will. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Kryptonians are basically humans in their structure and appearance, but their biology is far more advanced than that of Earth based humans where they are able to utilize energy in their body with far more direct and elaborate manners than Earth based humans do. Answer (1 of 6): Depending on the writer and the version of Krypton we're talking about - the Kryptonians, though very advanced in almost every other form of science, never developed space flight or an FTL drive. Kryptonian people live there in standard but microscopic, non-superpowered lives. There's obviously only one problem with all of those. How much stuff can you bring on deployment? Now, the color of Krypton's Sun: I know that lots of other canons show Krypton's sun red, but I noticed that Krypton's sun was yellow in . The religion is henotheistic, as it includes lesser gods that are also worshiped by the respective Kryptonian guilds in addition to Rao, such as Cythonna, Yuda, Nightwing, and Flamebird. The Fortress of Solitude is a recreation of Krypton's surface, and also serves as a storehouse for all the knowledge obtained by the Kryptonian race from the 28 known galaxies. A better comparison would be that of Catholicism, with Rao as the monotheistic deity surrounded by the lesser gods as "angels". The current incarnation reflects more of Kal-L, understanding that he is biologically Kryptonian but considering himself as a human culturally. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Under their native Red giant star Rao, Kryptonians possess physical attributes similar to those of normal humans. It is also unclear whether bio-electric aura notion still present same way it was before. The result of Kryptonians breeding with a native species, the Daxamites arethedescendantsof an exploration program started by Krypton. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". T. Toa TAK Banned. Star's color does matter in the canon. The reason for Krypton's lack of space travel was due to the fact that they used to be planet conquerers, a way of life that they eventually gave up in favor of focusing on their own planet and society. Cookie Notice This made him a force to be reckoned with in comparison to other . Welcome to /r/Smallville the biggest active Smallville community on the internet! Physical strenght on Earth (up to the point of running so fast Superman could easily travel through time, but without being able of making any significant changes to the story or create time paradox) was explained as lower gravity. Did they forget the facts to show the futuristic city view of Krypton? Kal-El and Kal-L were NOT the only survivors of their respective home worlds. Earth-One dimension Kryptonians bodies are able to directly absorb and process yellow solar radiation through their body for a host of effects that would allow them true infinite power levels when fully charged. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The crystal technology of Krypton is not always a consistent element in the comics, but because of its prominence in the Christopher Reeve films, we decided to include it. Alternately, gold kryptonite may have been present, since later stories sometimes have Kal El sent to earth while still a fetus, and perhaps having escaped as only a few cells allowed it to develop without the influence of gold kryptonite. By 1988, Byrne had exited the Superman titles, but later creators continued to explore this new Krypton. If you have seen the Supergirl TV show then you have seen this explanation being used countless times. Thousands of years ago during the era of expansion, Krypton prohibited their fleets from colonizing worlds inhabited with a developing species. The last remark also appeared to prove untrue as prisoners of the Phantom Zone, such as General Zod, also survived the destruction of Krypton, as well as Argo City, a Kryptonian colony stuck in a pocket dimension where Kara Zor-El was raised. Fans have long debated which Kryptonian is stronger, Supergirl or Superman? Perhaps this will help: 1. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. 1 and 2 aren't entirely unreasonable. 3 How did the Kryptonians get their powers? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". They are a race all but extinct, having a handful of survivors after their planets destruction, most notably Kal-El who was sent away by his father Jor-El to Earth, as well as several Sword of Rao Kryptonian warriors, who are currently . Supergirl, cousin of Superman, also survived Krypton's destruction and made home on Earth. tried to recharge her cells with simulated yellow sun light.