If a member of a local church shall move to another community so far removed from the home church that the member cannot participate regularly in its worship and activity, this member shall be encouraged to transfer membership to a Global Methodist church in the community of the newly established residence. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic* church. Appointments are made with the expectation that the length of pastorates shall respond to the long-term pastoral needs of charges, communities, and pastors. If a just resolution is not agreed to and the complaint is not dismissed, the presiding elder (district superintendent), shall within thirty (30) days appoint a Global Methodist Church clergy or layperson to serve as counsel for the church under JPP 6.3. b. Those wishing to become professing members of the Global Methodist Church may present themselves to the pastor of any local congregation and, after any appropriate counsel, be baptized if they have not already done so, and join by professing their faith in Jesus Christ and agreeing to the vows of discipleship. A professing member of the Global Methodist Church, of an affiliated autonomous Methodist or united church, or of a Methodist church that has a concordat agreement with the Global Methodist Church, who resides for an extended period in a city or community at a distance from the members home church, may on request be enrolled as an affiliate member of a Global Methodist church located in the vicinity of the persons temporary residence. The committee shall meet only with the knowledge of the pastor. Work with the bishop and cabinet in the process of appointment and assignment for ordained clergy, or assignment of qualified and trained lay ministers. It is the responsibility of the Transitional Leadership Council to verify the legality of the process used by the local congregation and the congregations viability prior to their request being approved. 2. Define the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of those who serve as deacons, elders, supply pastors, and other leaders within the Global Methodist Church. 3:1-13). 9. Senior clergy, including bishop emeriti, retain their active status and right to both voice and vote at annual conference if they fulfill either of the following conditions: a) they are within seven years of the effective date of their aligning with the Global Methodist Church or the end of their last appointment, whichever is later, provided that they notify the conference secretary at least ninety days prior to the annual conference session of their intention to participate as a voting member, or b) they are under appointment by the bishop for at least one-quarter time (no notification necessary). 4.0,` 3p H.Hi@A> Bishops may appoint deacons and elders to attend any recognized school, college, or theological seminary, or to participate in an accredited program of clinical pastoral education. Time spent on leave of absence shall not be considered as part of the six years. History of Christianity through the Reformation, History of Christianity, Reformation to the present, Church Finance and Administration (if not already taken). (m) For the sake of the churchs witness, are you willing to dedicate yourself to the highest ideals of theChristian life, exercising self-control in your personal habits, integrity in all of your relationships and if married, fidelity in your covenant with your spouse, or if single, chastity in your personal conduct? The application must include a copy of the certificate or license from the persons service in The United Methodist Church, a transcript of courses completed to meet the requirements of 407, and a declaration that the applicant affirms the doctrines and Social Witness set forth in thisTransitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplineand agrees to abide by its discipline. A joint church conference for two or more churches may be held at the same time and place as the presiding elder (district superintendent) may determine. A judicial complaint involves allegations of misconduct as enumerated in the chargeable offenses below. 12. s. Hire necessary staff to accomplish the work of the general church, including the work of any interim commissions or other transitional general church entities. d) To secure experience and stability, the membership may be divided into three classes, one of which would be elected each year for a three-year term. Persons desiring to be certified lay ministers must fulfill the following qualifications: a. For deacons who wish to pursue elders orders, a minimum of ten additional courses (beyond the ten already taken for ordination as deacon) will be required. (j) What is the meaning of ordination? If a just resolution is not agreed to and the complaint is not dismissed, the bishop shall notify the pastor-parish relations committee of the existence and nature of the complaint. The conference system provides for collective discernment and collective decision-making as the governing principle of our church polity (Proverbs 15:22, Acts 15:1-35). The Global Methodist Church is to be focused on Wesleyan accountable discipleship, church planting, and mission. REGISTRATION OF THE NAME GLOBAL METHODIST CHURCH, 906. The Finance Committee shall be charged with responsibility for developing and implementing plans that will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted by the church council. 9. Persons who hear a call to ordained ministry should meet with their local pastor or presiding elder (district superintendent) to inquire about candidacy. If the charges lay member of the annual conference shall cease to be a member of the charge or shall for any reason fail to serve, an alternate member in the order of election shall serve in place. Voluntary worksbesides, over and above Gods commandmentswhich they call works of supererogation, cannot be taught without arrogancy and impiety. 4. The Transitional Wesleyan Unity Commission shall recommend to the Transitional Leadership Council whether such denominations or associations shall have representation at the convening General Conference with voice, and with or without vote. They must have held membership in a local Global Methodist church (or its predecessor) for at least one year and shall complete a background and credit check. a. j. 5. 5. When Holy Communion cannot be offered, the Love Feast provides an opportunity for significant fellowship in a wide array of settings. We respect the right of workers to engage in collective bargaining to protect their welfare. Maintain the records of the annual conference, including the records of closed churches ( 328.7) and annual statistical reports from all local churches ( 330, 339.10). [0 0 612 792] >> Members on the inactive roll are suspended from serving on church committees or voting on church matters during that time. 4. Deacons considering a call to ordination as an elder, or in whom the gifts and graces for the ministry of elder are recognized by a bishop or presiding elder (district superintendent), may be appointed to the office of pastor in a local church. d. The Board of Ministry may establish subcommittees and teams to assist it in its work. Nondiscrimination. Counsel for the Church No person who was a member of the Transitional Leadership Council, cabinet, conference staff, Board of Ministry, or committee on investigation on or after the date of the alleged offense shall be appointed counsel for the Church or serve as counsel for the respondent or any of the persons bringing complaints in a case. The membership of a local Global Methodist church shall include all people who have been baptized and all people who have professed their faith. Clergy are one of the vital resources the Global Methodist Church has to make disciples of Jesus Christ and spread scriptural holiness across the land. b. Upon recommendation of the board of ministry and affirmation by the clergy session of the annual conference, a bishop may appoint clergy in good standing in other Christian denominations to serve appointments or ecumenical ministries while retaining their denominational affiliation. Presiding elders (district superintendents), although assigned to districts, also have conference-wide responsibilities. The respondent and complainant have the right to notice of any hearing with sufficient detail to allow the respondent to prepare a response. Under the procedures set forth in this Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline, the Global Methodist Church as a denominational whole is not an entity, nor does it possess legal capacities and attributes. j. Transitional Leadership Council or Its SuccessorThe Transitional Leadership Council or its successor or any persons or church unit served with legal process in the name of the Global Methodist Church may appear for the purpose of presenting to the court the nonjural nature of the Global Methodist Church and to raise issues of lack of jurisdiction of the court, lack of capacity of such individual or unit to be served with process, and related constitutional issues in defense of denominational interests. 2. Wherefore, that we are justified by faith, only, is a most wholesome doctrine, and very full of comfort. If such pastoral response does not result in resolution and a written complaint is made against a professing member for any of the offenses in 808.2, the presiding elder (district superintendent) and the district lay leader (if any), shall appoint a committee on investigation consisting of four professing members and three clergy in full connection to serve only for this complaint. A vacancy in the office of bishop may occur due to death, transition to senior status, resignation, administrative or judicial procedure, leave of absence, or medical leave. The adaptability of any provisions shall be written into the provisions themselves in order to be recognized as valid. By. Other Trans-Methodist bodies. The annual conference board of ministry shall determine the length and content of the process, though it should focus on the development of spiritual maturity and leadership skills necessary for successful ministry in the candidates ministry setting. We believe God is the owner of all things and that the individual holding of property is lawful and is a sacred trust under God. 6. Determine a program for raising and distributing funds necessary to conduct the work and mission of the church in its region. If step one proves unfruitful or the pastor is not contributing to the problem, the bishop and presiding elder (district superintendent) shall meet with the church council (or its equivalent) or a larger group of the congregation to identify areas of disagreement over Global Methodist Church doctrines or practices, seeking a resolution of such disagreements and restoration of conformity by the local church. The regional conferences shall be composed of clergy and lay delegates in equal number elected from the annual conferences within each regional conference. For persons who are ordained, consecrated, or licensed in denominations other than the UM Church, they will complete the application for ordination along with supporting materials and will then be evaluated for ordination as deacons or elders by the Global Methodist Church. Within discussions about greater union with other denominations or associations, particular care shall be taken to uphold the doctrine and moral principles and polity of the Global Methodist Church. The presiding elder shall complete and submit the pastoral appointment form to the general Church staff within 3 days of the pastoral appointment being fixed. The convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church may establish the process for electing and assigning bishops. The resolution authorizing such proposed action shall direct and authorize the Board of Directors to take all necessary steps to carry out the action and to cause to be executed, as hereinafter provided, any necessary contract, deed, bill of sale, mortgage, or other written instrument. In the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, Pietists in all traditions sought to emphasize the experiential nature of this faith, as direct encounter with the risen Lord. The Board shall not, however, violate the rights of any local church organization elsewhere granted in the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Discipline, nor prevent or interfere with the pastor in the use of any of the said property for religious services or other proper meetings or purposes recognized by the law, usages, and customs of the church. 1. These terms refer to the overall denomination and connectional relation and identity of its many local churches, the various conferences and their respective councils, boards, and agencies, and other Church units, which collectively constitute the religious system known as Global Methodism. 3. During this time, the candidate shall: a. The Director shall be ultimately accountable to the Transitional Leadership Council and shall work in close collaboration with the ecclesiastical endorsing board on all matters relevant to the effective discharge of responsibilities. Determine a program for raising and distributing the funds that are necessary for the work of the Church. >> /Font << /TT2 7 0 R /TT4 9 0 R /TT6 11 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 12 0 R >> After being interviewed and recommended by the annual conference board of ministry by a two-thirds vote and approved by a two-thirds vote of the clergy of the annual conference in executive session and by the bishop, a certified candidate shall become a full member of the annual conference and be ordained as deacon by the bishop through the laying on of hands. It does not and cannot hold title to property, nor does it have any officer, agent, employee, office, or location. As a part of our witness, individuals employed by the church shall subscribe to the doctrinal and moral standards of the Global Methodist Church and give evidence of the same in their life and ministry, including faithfulness in marriage, understood to be between one man and one woman, or chastity in singleness. There is no mandatory age for such status. a. CongregationsThe presiding elder (district superintendent) shall develop with the pastor and the pastor-parish relations committee of each church a profile that reflects the needs, characteristics, and opportunities for mission of the congregation consistent with the Global Methodist Churchs mission statement. 2. 4:11-13, and 1 Cor. xUn0{9KTCK2pEe>g3}D8A@WKa$7Y7x`hA#-o^+e$N@ kU@7Zr!`+%sfn.m7Q%oES+ wq k_tM??6HhSu;=(Q G4CFL All resolutions not part of Our Social Witness or church law shall remain in effect only until the next General Conference convenes when they may or may not be revised or reapproved. The profaning the day of the Lord, either by doing ordinary work therein or by buying or selling. A person deferred by the pastor may appeal that decision to the Pastor- Parish Relations Committee or its equivalent. c) The witness ministries of the church shall give attention to developing and strengthening evangelistic efforts of sharing personal and congregational stories of Christian experience, faith, and service; communications; certified lay ministers; and other means that give expressions of witness for Jesus Christ. The complaint shall contain specific allegations of misconduct, including at least approximate dates and times (if appropriate). Deacons may also consecrate or assist with the Sacraments in accordance with 313. Beginning on the effective date of affiliation, local churches shall forward connectional funding to the Global Methodist Church under processes established by the Transitional Leadership Council. The words deacon, deaconess, and diaconate all spring from a common Greek rootdiakonos, or servant, and diakonia, or service. This ministry exemplifies and leads the Church in the servanthood every Christian is called to live both in the church and in the world.