Fourth, the observation that marital satisfaction remains stable for most couples raises pressing questions about the decision to divorce. Marriage Fam. Exam 2 . All participants took part in the study on a voluntary basis and provided an informed consent. Which of the following factors was identified as reducing the negative effects of divorce? According to Gottman, a wife's marital satisfaction after the birth of a child directly influences the husband's reaction to the event. 4-5 years. d. race. Front. Older adults ____. Importantly, age should be examined as a predictor of marital satisfaction with respect to the duration of the marriage. Anthropol. sexual attraction. When both parents act as a single team when childrearing, _______is taking place. The psychological distress associated with providing assistance for someone with a cognitive or physical impairment is called. According to Sternberg, the mix of intimacy, passion, and commitment can vary from one relationship to another. True a. homogamy. Some people maintain that cohabitation is replacing marriage in the United States, A society that promotes physical punishment tends to have higher incidences of abuse. It appears that _____ can protect a child from the impact of abuse. In many Asian collectivist cultures, who is typically the first in line to care for an elderly individual? Marriage Fam. 23. Frequency of aggression normally rises from infancy to a peak around what ages. *Correspondence: Piotr Sorokowski,,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The company issued common stock to an inventor in exchange for a patent with a market value of $56,000. Why is this? c. heroically. False. It is a first marriage for both of them. a. sex. Psychol. a child who is intelligent and has good coping skills. 33, 771774. Rates of marital satisfaction tend to be higher for African Americans than whites. Fiske, A. P., Shinobu, K., Hazel, R. M., and Nisbett, R. E. (1998). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements about marriage and children is true? A mother and father, their children, and the grandparents who live with them, Madison lives with her dad, mother, grandmother, aunt, and older brother, Austin. In this context, during pregnancy SWB tends to change for both better and for worse, while SS during this time can act as a buffer to the negative changes. Marital satisfaction was measured with two scales to ensure that results were not dependent upon the applied questionnaire. a. Who is most likely to experience the greatest amount of caregiver burden? Question 1 - False. c. to secure family ties. When both parents act as a single team when childrearing, _____ is taking place. Provides for shared responsibility for raising children. Which grandparenting style was created in a large part by the increasing geographical difference between grandparents and grandchildren? b.share a dark secret; talk about his parents. Participants answered these questions on a 5-point scale, which ranged from 1 (yes) to 5 (no). 12, 529533. Based on the presented dataset, scientists can conduct numerous analyses and publish articles concerning various research questions: they can examine cross-cultural differences in marital satisfaction, identifying other country-level predictors of marital satisfaction or use the measures of individualism/collectivism provided in the dataset. Rates of marital satisfaction tend to be higher for African Americans than whites. b. In terms of age, American men typically marry women. an early negative reaction concerning a marriage will likely continue to be seen at about the same level throughout the marriage. Rev. Our research shows that positive outcomes for couples in long-term marriages are the norm. When compared to recent past generations in the US, children today are more likely to? 65 to 77 c. believe people of a different class are less attractive. what is true with regard to the nature of early parent-child interactions? a. doi: 10.1177/0192513X13483292. This paper was made possible by the funds of Polish National Science Centre (grant number N N106 012740). The stress of caring for a toddler tends to be greater than caring for an infant. Depending on the country, students were recruited in different ways (e.g., students, acquaintances of the researchers, participants of vocational courses, inhabitants of home towns of the researchers etc.). generally experience greater martial satisfaction than couples with children during childrearing years. c. increased steadily. Which best exemplifies the concept of coparenting? 39, 109123. what best describes siblings relationships over the adulthood years? Couples can complete PREP lessons online for free. mother, father, and one or more children. Marital satisfaction is one of the most important predictors of subjective well-being and health (Diener, Citation 1984; Kamp Dush, Taylor, & Kroeger, Citation 2008).A meta-analysis by Proulx et al. True. Table 3. Spirituality and marital satisfaction in African American couples. have inaccurate expectations concerning child development. Cultural and evolutionary components of marital satisfaction A multidimensional assessment of measurement invariance. Which of the following changes in the nature of the American family is true? Introduction. Other studies provide data indicating marital satisfaction as being curvilinear, high among young couples, declining . J. Fam. developed in the 20th century as people began to live longer and have fewer children. Research on the nature and determinants of marital satisfaction: a decade in review. a. homogamy. J. Sci. A., and Bradbury, T. N. (2010). He's doing drugs and is into petty crime. c. schematic differentiation. J. Fam. b. Singles are selfish and self-centered. In the United States, who is typically the first in line to care for an older individual? Psychol. what is commonly cited advantage of an extended family? "Having a newborn changes everything in your life, including your relationship," says Taylor, a public relations director in San Francisco. Which statement about the impact of divorce on child development is true? The average number of times they reported their satisfaction was about 5. Pers. c. Men are more likely than women to see love as leading to marriage. d. exogamy. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. In other words, they did not find any evidence of increases in marital satisfaction following the . c. Marital happiness decreases when couples experience poverty, job loss, and financial b. totally committed to each other but not too passionate. 112. c. gender roles. As children are added to the family, marital satisfaction tends to, decrease for mothers and fathers, but more steeply for mothers. How do most modern theorists react to the notion of sequential phases of a traditional family life cycle? \text{Other expenses and losses} & 4,000 & 7,000 & \text{(l)}\\ Meanwhile, marital relationships are heavily guided by culturally determined norms, customs, and expectations (for review see Berscheid, 1995; Fiske et al., 1998). They do not want to marry a man who cannot support himself economically. d. People get more pleasure from playing the game than from winning the prize. 22. On average, the participants were 40.7 years old (SD = 11.4), and the average marriage duration to date was 14.8 years (SD = 11.6). b. true love. a. . In the first step, participants completed the Marriage and Relationships Questionnaire (MRQ) developed by Russell and Wells (1993). Significant life events like the death of a parent can bring close siblings together and push rival siblings apart. Psychol. \text{Sales returns and allowances} & \text{(a)} & 5,000 & 12,000\\ Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Data from 7,767 individuals was collected in 33 countries: Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Estonia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Uganda. Which parental characteristics are most highly associated with effective coping to the addition of a child to a family? Participants answered this questions on a 7-point scale, which ranged from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 7 (very satisfied). Research . d. They think that their children may not want them to marry. Sample questions from this scale are: In this society, parents take pride in the individual accomplishments of their children, In this society, aging parents generally live at home with their children. Participants answered this sentence on a 7-point scale (from 1strongly agree to 7strongly disagree). The cluster sampling method was applied for choosing participants. Impairments in taste and smell in older adults can sometimes lead to _____. Romantic and long-term love relationships involve __________ in the sense that they provide rewards and costs to each person. Dr. Bahira Trask Fall 2017 35, 12831296. Pers. It is most likely that. c. Nature and nurture interact to explain our behavior. How many of the following available roles (mother, husband, sister, son) would be seen in a family with two parents and two children (one boy and one girl)? In order to test whether the scales were culturally equivalent, we conducted exploratory factor analysis and then compared factor score loadings obtained in each country with the pooled data using the proportionality coefficient (Tucker's Phi). a. stayed the same. Requirement. The longitudinal course of marital quality and stability: a review of theory, methods, and research. J. a. Using the speaker-listener technique, whoever is currently holding the floor is the listener. J. Marr. b. The most likely negative outcome of being an involved grandparent is. . These potential country-level predictors (for example shared values in a culture given or demographic data) are likely to be obtainable from other online sources. According to previous research, it can be said that biological and health factors are critical in underlying happiness and its role in happiness is undeniable. doi: 10.1177/0192513X02023003004, Henrich, J., Heine, S. J., and Norenzayan, A. c. They are fulfilling the need to be subservient to someone. Will will become more involved in caring for the children. a. privately. One item (Do you love your husband/wife?) had low factor score loadings for several countries (Romania: 0.382; Nigeria: 0.286; Malaysia: 0.247; Kenya: 0.396), so it should be excluded from the further analysis. increase; increases; highest; when a couple is expecting their second child, once . The minimum age at which people marry 7. The percentage of marital break-ups was lower for respondents who met their spouse on-line (5.96%) than off-line [7.67%; 2 (1) = 9.95, P < 0.002]. Her parents, who are authoritarian parents, are most likely to respond, The permissive parenting approach is characterized by____acceptance-responsiveness and ____demandingness-control, James is a member of a teenage gang. 1). Explore our library and get Developmental Psychology Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. d. The switch from parent as caregiver to child as caregiver best describes, Though Wilma is Pebbles's mother, due to a chronic illness, Pebbles now has to take almost total care for her aging mother. b. are prejudiced against people who have more or less money than they do. doi: 10.1007/BF02197600, Weisfeld, G. E., Nowak, N. T., Lucas, T., Weisfeld, C. C., Imamolu, E. O., Butovskaya, M., et al. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of traditional gender roles? doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2012.06.005, Pardo, Y., Weisfeld, C., Hill, E., and Slatcher, R. B. decrease somewhat over the first year of marriage. And it's good that so many mothers treasure that bond with their child, because the transition to parenthood . 38. New York, NY: Bantam Books. \text{Net sales} & 86,000 & 95,000 & \text{(i)}\\ (2003). (1999). The total score is between 0 and 14. every relationship within the system has an impact on every other individual in the system. Definition. There is no precise or minimum acceptable difference in partners' ages that will guarantee a lasting relationship. Table 1. Sociol. His behavior best exemplifies. Jayme and Joshua live with their mom and her new husband and their new baby. a. b. c. d. (1986). a. frequent contact between grandparent and grandchild, with the primary goal being enjoyment of one another. Beginning families b. However, after pregnancy, loving behaviors decrease: talk (couples talk most about the baby during pregnancy), sex, disposable income. Pers. Which item tends to increase in older married couples? In the United States, approximately _____ of adults marry at some point in their lives. Results of this analysis indicated that KMSS scale was reliable and culturally equivalent (Table 2). J. Soc. a. lower emotional states and lower self-esteem. Few studies have explicitly examined age effects on reports of marital satisfaction (see Schmitt et al., 2007). Erikson would argue that the positive feeling of self associated with the empty nest in middle age indicates a successful attainment of a sense of, "Refilling" (adult children returning to the nest) is most likely to occur as the result of. Booth, & Rogers, 2003). (1997). Although differences in marital satisfaction have been investigated in a number of cross-cultural and cross-ethnic studies, due to the vast amount of data from this set, the data may also serve as a reference point in further studies regarding marital satisfaction. As a child, Chester was physically abused by his mother. Baby Alice smiling and her dad, Mel, who upon seeing the smile, giving her some candy. generally experience greater marital satisfaction than couples with children during the childrearing years. Psychol. a. marital satisfaction tends to increase after a couple has children b. marital satisfaction is not affected by having children if the marriage was already a good one c. marital satisfaction tends to decrease after the couple has children d. couples who marry . Evol. In All participants were over the age of 18 and were currently married. what has changed in the nature of Amercan families? Cronbach's alpha for the scale calculated on the pooled data was 0.90. According to Reiss's wheel theory of love, the wheel doi: 10.1556/JEP.8.2010.1.3, Fincham, F. D., Ajayi, C., and Beach, S. R. (2011). Marital interaction in middle and old age: a predictor of marital satisfaction? In at least 11 of the 18 studies, the people in the marriage . In countries where more than one person filled in the questionnaire at the same time, we were concerned with their anonymity and the fact that they were not influencing each other. b. 14, No. Dr. Bahira Trask Fall 2017 Numbers are not everything, but research has shown that spouses with age gaps may have strong relationships initially, but marital satisfaction tends to decrease with time. _____ couples are most likely to experience societal discrimination including the inability to make life-or-death decisions concerning their partner. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. \text{Gross profit} & \text{(b)} & 38,000 & 24,000\\ Perceived level of country Collectivism - Individualism was measured by a scale taken from the GLOBE survey (global study on different variables across 62 countries; House et al., 1999). False. We then calculated the proportionality coefficient (Tucker's phi) by comparing factor score loadings of the 8-item scale between the pooled data and each sample's factor score loadings separately. However, this decline appears to be more drastic in married couples with children (Belsky and Hsieh, 1998; Kurdek 1999; Lawrence et al. Men tend not to link love and sex in their romantic relationships. Click the card to flip . 36, 382392. Similarly, the greater the perceived benefits are, the more satisfied one is with . Mens en Maatschappij 73, 426. (1972). d. is usually determined by one's parents. This stage of identity development tends to occur more in older adolescents and young adults than in younger adolescents. Research has shown that _____ is most likely to facilitate a positive adjustment to divorce. Fam. d. to get away from the family of origin. recent research has shown that the _____grandparenting style is the most common in the US. Determinants of marital satisfaction: a comparison of the United States and Japan. J. Fam. Chromosomes, anatomy, hormones, and other physical and physiological attributes determine our b. heterogamy. Using the National Survey of Family Growth data, Heaton (2002) round opposite results, wherein marital dissolution was lower among women who were more educated. c. sexual desire. Sylvester is best described as having a _____ style. Specifically, the 9-item version of the MRQ (Love Scale) was used because it has been found to be appropriate for cross-cultural use in terms of satisfactory psychometric characteristics (Lucas et al., 2008; Weisfeld et al., 2011). Thus, no clear predictions concerning age-related patterns of results can be derived from the literature. b. varies widely from one state to another. The most common form of grandparenting in the United States appears to be one where there is. The invention of the birth control pill separated sex and childbearing for women. d. selection (CORRECT), Which of the following is an accurate statement? c. but there's little evidence to support such claims - instead, in the US people breakup or a. feminization of love. The more costs a marriage partner inflicts on a person, the less satisfied one generally is with the marriage and with the marriage partner. While we acknowledge the differences existing both between- and within-cultures, we measured marital satisfaction and several factors that might potentially correlate with it based on self-report data from individuals across 33 countries. Collectivistic and individualistic cultures have different cultural norms, values, and familial obligations (Hofstede, 2001). A majority of high school seniors, both girls and boys, say that having a good marriage and family is not important to them. How are the "empty nest" and "refilling" related? True Which event ends the traditional family life cycle? . A satisfactory marital relationship brings several benefits to the individual, such as a high quality of life and emotional health (Ferro et al., 2019).Men tend to report higher levels of marital satisfaction than women (Jackson et al., 2014), although this difference is not consistent in all studies (Belsky et al., 1991; deMontigny et al., 2013; Kim, 2010; Liu & Wang, 2015).