c. Vehicles 1 and 3. (paras 16c(1)(a) and 26b(4))a. True.b. True. In the passenger compartment under the frontseat. b. What is the minimum distance to park cars from marked or unmarked junctions or pedestriancrosswalks? Vehicle 1. b. Get the CORRECT Answer You may only cross the line in order to avoid a hazard. 65. (para 30h(1)) a. Vehicles 1, 2, and 3. Vehicle 3. (para 18j)a. (para 30a(3)(d)) a. d. Vehicles 1, 2, and 3. (para 20b(6)(b)) a. Drivers must be especially careful when passing during twilight hours; they must be alert to vehicles without lights coming from the other direction. b. Watch traffic to the rear, give a directional signal, and move next to the center line. (para 19g, sign 205 with 1002-21, and sign 306 with 1002-12) Persons declared ineligible for a U.S. Vehicle 2. 3-1-2. True. When there is a broken center line Vehicles 2 and 3.c. 24) Drivers may exceed the posted speed limit while passing another vehicle. a. After vehicle 1. b. Vehicle 1.b. (para 19) a. Vehicle 3. A driver wants to leave a private driveway and turn right onto a public road. Clear the road immediately. A driver who disregards the safety of others is excused legally from responsibility when he or she. A person who is involved in a traffic accident and flees the scene may be prosecuted. When a streetcar has stopped at a pedestrian island, drivers must watch out for passengers getting on and off, but may proceed carefully on the right. Directional arrows on the pavement must be followed once the driver has entered a lane that is so, 33. b. (para 19g and sign 306 with 1002-12) a. The traffic light's. Vehicle 1. (para 19g and sign 306 with 1002-12) - a. (para 29b)a. Yield the right-of-way.b. (paras 21i (1) and 30d) - a. If there are no pedestrians waiting to cross.c. In what order may the vehicles proceed? (paras 19f and g, and signs 306 with 1002-12 and 205 with 1002-21)a. b. . The next gas station on the autobahn. (para 20a(5)(b))a. The next autobahn exit. At points where vision is restricted. (para 19c(2)), 51. When the flashing red light goes out.c. How close to a public transportation stop is stopping or parking allowed? (para 30f and fig 2). False. c. Wait until oncoming traffic is clear and then make the turn. In which order may the vehicles proceed? At what distance should the warning triangle be placed if a vehicle breaks down on any road other than an autobahn? (para 19b and signs 205 and 301) a. 100 meters (300 feet). Proceed without slowing down.c. False. After vehicle 2. Vehicle 2.c. Forces, what are drivers required to do when approaching a school bus that has come to a stop? What does the driver of vehicle 2 have to do? a. 63. b. b. (para 19b and signs 205 and 301) 1-2-3. b. On two-way streets. b. False. Persons declared ineligible for a U.S. Click here for the answer 6. c. Both of the above. Slow down and stop if necessary to allow thepedestrian to cross. 2-3-1.b. A driver in the passing lane of the autobahn must slow down if he or she sees a vehicle approaching from behind with flashing headlights. Vehicles 1 and 3. (para 17) a. Move on. In which order must the vehicles proceed? (para 19n)a. When there is a broken center line. If the vehicle starts skidding while braking, the driver should do which of the following? [Remediation Accessed :N] Before vehicles 1 and 2 After vehicle 1 Before vehicle 2 After vehicles 1 and 2. Motorists approaching the intersection at the same time must come to a complete stop and yield to the vehicles on their right before proceeding. When is the use of fog lights and low-beam headlights permitted in daylight? b. 133. (para 19g and signs 306 68. To the left.c. True. b. Vehicle 2. c. Vehicle 3. d. Vehicles 1 and 2. (para 19), When a driver is traveling in the direction of the white arrow, what must the driver do when faced with oncoming traffic? To school buses. False. Stop and proceed only after the streetcar doors are closed and the roadway is clear of pedestrians. (para 18d) a. b. Approach with caution and look both directionsfor approaching trains.b. 1-2-3 B. Vehicle 2. Drivers caught in a heavy downpour with limited visibility should pull off the road and wait for the rain to let up. (para 20b(5)(d)) a. True. b. Follow the direction of the arrow. When driving through fog.d. In what order must the vehicles proceed? 53. In what order must the vehicles proceed? Stop before the intersection until the intersectionis clear.c. (paras 19b and 20a(3))a. (para 18a(5)(a)) a. Bridges. (para 30f and figs 1 and 4), 136. (para 20b(5)(d)) a. (para 27a)a. Pass at a moderate speed and at such a distance that boarding and unboarding passengers are not. In what order may the vehicles proceed? Which vehicle has the right-of-way? True. (paras 13b(1)(b) and 27b) a. (para 20a(5)(c)). (para 18a(1))a. True.b. a. When vehicles are halted at railroad crossings at night waiting for a train to pass, drivers must turnon high-beam headlights. Approach at a moderate speed and observe thetracks to the right and left.b. b. Stop before the intersection until the intersection is clear. Inside city limits, drivers may indicate their intention to pass by flashing headlights or sounding the horn. 3-2-1. b. False. a. If the German police suspect drivers of driving while intoxicated, they may demand, using force if, necessary, that drivers submit to a urine or BAC test. (para 19i and sign 205)a. Vehicle 1.b. Drivers may not pass cars at a pedestrian crosswalk even if no pedestrian is in sight. (para, 116. Vehicle 2. Vehicle 2. Using one of the telephone boxes located atregular intervals along the autobahn. In what order may the vehicles proceed? extreme left from the left-hand lane to form a passageway in the middle. (para 19)a. (para 19g and signs 306and 306 with 1002-12)a. As long as there is no driver behind flashinglights to move ahead.d. a. 2-1-3. c. 3-1-2. b. (para 29b) a. 145. True. 53. In which order may the vehicles proceed? a. Two-wheeled vehicles are particularly dangerous to pass and should be passed only with side clearance of at least 1.5 meters. When a streetcar comes up behind a driver's vehicle while the driver is waiting to make a left turn, the driver must do which of the following? How many times greater is the force of collision if the driving speed is doubled? False. c. When passing can be accomplished without exceeding the speed limit. b. Vehicles 2 and 3.c. Stretches leading through forests.c. (para 21a) a. False. 133. b. b. Only on the front wheels of the POV. (para 20a(3)) a. When may vehicle 3 proceed? To the left. Vehicle 1.b. Does vehicle 2 have to wait? To do so, the driver must pull up to the middle of the intersection in front of vehicle 2 and then allow vehicle 3 to pass in front of her. b. Vehicle 1. Turn the steering wheel in the direction that the rear of the vehicle is skidding and pump the brakes lightly. (para 20a(5)(b)) a. Vehicle 2. b. Drivers who run out of gas on the autobahn may be fined for stopping on the autobahn. b. b. Vehicle 2. 24. (para 30a(4)(c)) a. True. When may vehicle 2 turn? (para 19b and sign 267) a. (para 20a(3)(d))a. Alex Bernstein. (para 19b)a. b. a. In the city where no priority signs are posted, the driver on the widest street has the right-of-way. The yellow light is flashing. c. Both of the above. The right-before-left rule applies at unmarked intersections. In which order may the vehicles proceed? a. Vehicle 1. Always stop. a. Which vehicle or vehicles must stop? If involved in a traffic accident that is investigated by only German officials, U.S. 2-3-1.b. At taxi stands. False. Stopping is prohibited at which of the following? (para 19d and signs 205 and 301) Both a and b above. c. Come to a complete stop, look to the left and right of the tracks, then continue to drive. (para 19b), 50. (para 23d)a. True. (para 19g and signs 306 and 306 with 1002-12) a. Which vehicle is allowed to proceed without stopping? When the traffic situation is unclear. In what order may the vehicles proceed? b. Best time to buy a used car. 19. When are drivers allowed to use only the parking lights while driving? What besides alcohol may impair a persons ability to drive safely? b. Proceed straight ahead or wait if turning left. b. c. At intersections and junctions. (para 20a(3)) In this situation, drivers may do what? b. b. b. What may cause danger to others in road traffic? Both of the above. b. (para 20a(4)) a. b. b. Automatic 7-day suspension of driving privileges. (para 30f and fig 2) (paras 19b and 20a(3))a. True.b. (paras 20a(3) and (4), and signs 206 and 306)a. (para 19n), 147. (para 23e and signs 229, 283, and 286)a. c. In the garage or storage area until needed. Vehicle 1. b. Approach cautiously and yield the right-of-way if c. Both of the above. b. For registration purposes, the insurance policy cannot substitute for the insurance confirmationcard as proof of automobile insurance under German law and U.S. (para 19n), b. False. Unlock the answer question A POV may not be rejected during mechanical inspection because of bent hoods, torn fenders, 13. True. a. Until the vehicle ahead completes its passing maneuver. c. When passing can be accomplished without exceeding the speed limit. 3-1-2. c. 2-1-3. (paras 24c and d) a. (para 19g and signs 306 and 306 with 1002-12) If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, the vehicle may be towed to the which of the following? Vehicle 2. Proceed. Approach with caution and look both directions for approaching trains. On what streets is parking on the left permitted? c. Vehicles 1 and 3. Listen for sounds that indicate an approachingtrain.c. POVs may be left unattended and unlocked if no property of value is left in plain view. c. Slow down and prepare to stop if this can bedone without endangering vehicles to the rear. Drunk driving is a felony in Germany and may result in imprisonment for up to 5 years. a. If the driver of a passenger vehicle wants to turn left and a streetcar traveling in the same direction left of the passenger vehicle is proceeding straight ahead, which vehicle has to wait? (para 30f and figs 1 through 5), 132. (para, 130. When traveling on multilane roads with dense traffic, it is illegal for vehicles in the right lane to go faster than those in the left lane. (para 23d) a. Observe the right-of-way False. If visibility is reduced by rain. (para 20a(3)(d))a. b. b. 1-3-2.c. Proceed without stopping. Clear the road immediately.b. At the same time, a cyclist is approaching from the left. (paras 19a and, 76. Under certain circumstances, the maximum speed posted may be too fast for road and traffic conditions. Vehicle 2. No. Vehicle 1.b. For registration purposes, the insurance policy cannot substitute for the insurance confirmation, 2. (paras 19b and 20a(3)) a. A driver who notices that an emergency vehicle (for example, ambulance, fire truck, police car) is approaching should do which of the following? Urge the pedestrians to hurry by honking the horn. True. What does the driver of vehicle 2 have to do? All of the above. Which vehicle must wait? c. Both of the above. False. Quiz questions are based on the Drive Safe handbook. A driver in the passing lane of the autobahn must slow down if he or she sees a vehicle approaching from behind with flashing headlights. Vehicle 1. Vehicle 2. Vehicle 2. b. 3-2-1. Observe the right-of-way of vehicle 3. (para 19b). Vehicle 1. Children under 12 years old are not allowed to sit in the front seat of a vehicle unless the rear seat is already occupied by children of that age group. Which vehicles have to stop? To do so, the, driver must pull up to the middle of the intersection in, front of vehicle 2 and then allow vehicle 3 to pass in front, 77. Georgia law establishes right-of-way in all situations. b. c. Vehicle 3. b. After vehicles 1 and 2. c. Before vehicle 2. d. Before vehicles 1 and 2. Drivers who run out of gas on the autobahn may be fined for stopping on the autobahn. (paras 19b and 20a(3))a. When either nighttime or daytime visibility is substantially reduced by fog, rain, or snowfall, use of low-beam headlights is required. When may vehicle 2 turn? c. 3-1-2. 1-2-3. b. Vehicles 2 and 3. c. Vehicles 1 and 3. Move to the next block or to some point where aleft turn can be made without holding up thestreetcar. Drivers may exceed the posted speed limit while passing another vehicle. Drivers are not always required to indicate their intention to pass by using directional signals. True. True. Which vehicles may proceed? In the trunk of the car.b. Observe the right-of-way of vehicle 1.b. Unless otherwise posted, a speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour (kph) (62 miles per hour (mph)) applies to all vehicles on all highways and roads in Germany. 138. When a streetcar comes up behind a driver's vehicle while the driver is waiting to make a left turn, the driver must do which of the following? In what order may the vehicles proceed? Give a directional signal, move to the center, andwatch traffic to the rear. True. (para 20a(3) and signs 205 and 306)a. c. Both of the above. b. (para 19n) a. c. When there is adequate street lighting. Vehicle 1. b. 19g(4) and 20a(3)) True. (para 30a(5))a. (para 12) a. USAREUR Practice Exam - AEP190-34 (Full Test). b. At dusk and dawn. (para 19i and sign 205) a. (para 19g and sign 306 with 1002-12) 68. c. Always stop. A paragraph is a related group of sentences that develops one main idea. How long may a driver remain in the passing lane while traveling at a high rate of speed? b. 61-8-380). (paras 13b(1)(b) and 27b), 100. b. b. (para 20b(3)) a. U.S. That's because not all brands offer factory orders and we typically see buyers take advantage of this option when it comes to luxury . c. Yield to vehicle 2. Two-wheeled vehicles are particularly dangerous to pass and should be passed only with side clearance of at least 1.5 meters. a. The law grants processions the right-of-way and allows a law enforcement officer leading a funeral procession to proceed through an intersection or direct traffic . Vehicle 2. The proper technique for driving around a curve is to slow down before the curve and accelerate toward the end of the curve.