And these insights can be a guiding force throughout the IEP meeting. Because the IEP is written in order to provide specialized services to help a student access their education, much of the conversation in IEP meetings is focused on what the student needs to work on, or what staff supports are needed/provided to help the student. IEP goals are built around what the student can do and how the team can use those abilities. Examples include being well-liked, cooperative, a problem solver, making friends easily, socializing at appropriate times during the day, having a friend pool to draw from for support, and communicating with others well. Always seek parental and general education teacher input before choosing which strengths to highlight the student. Joint attention is the ability to attend to what youre told, with another person. "YA$\)X$l3l`5`q` JDzH@Q9vIL^`Lf{ L`C!A = Task Avoidance IEP Goals: Special Education Strategies for Success, I Have Who Has: The Classroom Game for All Ages to Boost Learning and Engagement, Unlocking Potential: The Power of a Strength-Based Approach for Students with Disabilities, Chooses 3-4 student strengths from the student strength list, Writes a narrative about each student strength picked, Includes behavior(s) that student demonstrates when using student strength, Student's family member(s) or an other person involved in student's life can endorse student strengths to strengthen them, Student identifies his own student strengths, if appropriate to student's abilities, Shares student empowerment strategies with other professionals who work with the student, Student's team members choose student strengths to use in student success goals, If student is working on student transition goals, student's team may want to include student strengths with industry or university partnerships. Its interesting to me, that if you do an internet search, child strengths, and student strengths bring back two different lists. Being determined is a valuable strength for students because School can often be challenging both socially and academically., especially in classes that are not our favorite. The dictionary definition of weakness is: a quality or feature regarded as adisadvantageor fault; plural noun:weaknesses. Additionally, some students may struggle with low self-esteem or perfectionism that keeps them from taking risks or trying new things. And sometimes, during a meeting, were put on the spot. And, a childs weaknesses should be determined by IEP evaluations. Students bring with them different backgrounds, which express themselves as skills, abilities, knowledge, family and community characteristics, and experiences. These can include academic abilities, such as writing and mathematics; interpersonal skills like collaboration and communication; problem solving skills; creativity; resilience or persistence in difficult situations; and physical abilities. Sign in to save, rate, and comment on your favorite Greater Good in Education practices. A student's strength is a positive attribute that can be used to help students reach their goals and become more successful in life. A well-rounded statement includes several areas of strength with up to three options from each. This guide walks teachers through the process of writing clear and positive student strengths narratives. IDEA is pretty clear about a students strengths being considered as part of IEP development. This can be an issue because it can take away from learning opportunities for others. Critical Thinking: A child who is good at critical thinking is often able to see different sides of an issue and make logical decisions. You know that your child has strengths, or your student has strengths. I have another article about children who chronically lie or are liars. Involving students in IEP meetings can help the team think about ways to develop strengths and work on weaknesses. Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? Do you want to dive deeper into the science behind our GGIE practices? Remember so these are just examples, and your child's strong and weaknesses may be distinct. Do you consciously try to flip weakness statements into strengths and needs statements during IEP meetings? It is our duty as special education instructors to discover and publicize those assets in order to develop them further. Selective attention: A child with selective attention skills is able to filter out distractions and focus on one task. Being disorganized is a weakness that means you are easily overwhelmed and dont have a good system for managing your school work. A strengths-based IEP uses student abilities to help work on weaknesses. Maybe youre getting ready for an IEP meeting, and thinking, What are my childs strengths? or How do I know my childs strengths? Parents, you know your kids best! During an IEP meeting, focus on the strengths during the profile portion. Strengths-based IEP goals use a students abilities, interests and preferences to help chart a path to progress. Is she able to use a calculator? But by shifting the focus and putting a big emphasis on strengths, this new kind of IEP helps adultsand kidssee that theres more to these students than their weaknesses. Maybe you want to jot these down for the IEP meeting. A child with strong short-term memory skills is often able to remember things for a short period of time, such as a list of items or a set of instructions. A strengths-based IEP looks at abilities as well as weaknesses. Maybe they are a great helper in the classroom, a friend to all, or have a stand-out-talent in music class. In some sections, IDEA lists the strengths of the child as the first item. Now, he has perfect handwriting, and no longer needs specialized services for this skill area! To do so is infringement of copyright law. No image or information displayed on this site or related domains including social media may be reproduced, transmitted, or copied without the express permission of The OT Toolbox. What are some other ways to avoid getting stuck on what a student cant do yet? Sustained attention: A child who can sustain their attention is able to focus on a task for a long period of time. Both of these areas should always be shared with the student as well. Being aggressive refers to when students become loud and disruptive during class. Working Memory Skills: Working memory is for both long-term and short-term memory. Does she prefer to work in groups? When choosing student strengths, pick student strengths that are easily observable and measurable. Use this inventory to create a personal connection to learning and to create choice for students. Itll help them: Your email address will not be published. He cant follow the teachers directions. really? The student's team might include student weaknesses as a part of the student's iep, but they should not be included in the student strength list. Schools have been focused for many years on areas of need because thats what qualifies kids for IEPs. His positive work habits show that he follows rules and routines, can ignore distractions, and is a self starter in classroom activities. 511 0 obj <>stream Get the latest tools and resources Students learn to manage their emotions in a healthy way by identifying the people and places that influence changes in their emotions. The virtues are broader characteristics that have been valued in philosophical and spiritual traditions across time and place, while the character strengths function as components of or pathways to the virtues. Motivation/Work Ethic. sent right to your inbox! The common goals and the strengths-based goals set the same expectation for student progress. Apathy is a student weakness because if you cant see the value of study and learning you will struggle to apply the effort necessary to succeed. Character strengths are the positive qualities individuals haveas reflected in their thoughts, feelings, and actionsthat promote the well-being of themselves and others. And, we dont typically look for lists of weaknesses to put on an IEP. Sure, lots of kids struggle in this area, but many excel. Indiscipline 15. blog, website, Facebook); uses appropriately, Has several his/her own favorite movies or TV shows that he/she likes to talk about and can do so without manipulating the conversation, Loves learning new things; will seek out knowledge. And, its the concept of honesty. An IEP team can use student strengths to develop student success goals within the student's iep. ), Shows loyalty (I dont even know what this means, for students, loyal? Start a conversation about strengths-based IEPs in our Working With Schools online community group. This is the heart of a strengths-based IEP. Emphasizing strengths throughout this section as well as weaknesses not only sets a positive tone. This child may do well in school and remember content for tests easily. Inside: Learn how to use Student Strengths or Child Strengths on an IEP, and the importance of doing so. Includes strengths, weaknesses, interests & preferences. Self Criticism 3. What makes this student unique? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Starting with character strengths begins to paint a picture of how the student positively impacts the learning environment. Child Strengths and Weaknesses Examples, Social Skills and Social-Emotional Strengths, Executive Functioning and Processing Strengths, children who chronically lie or are liars, Advertise with Us | Newsletter Sponsorships, Understanding IDEA and Your Parental Rights, Disability Acceptance, Advocacy and Activism, Section 504 Plans and 504 Plan Accommodations. But IEP teams can reframe the strengths discussion so it focuses on abilities: What does Elana do well?. A: Common student weaknesses may include difficulty staying focused, procrastination, lack of confidence or motivation, poor communication skills, and difficulty managing stress. A Quick Guide to Roles and Responsibilities. Copyright 2023 Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. pursue an inclusive education for their child, from preschool to high school and beyond, collaborate with educators on their childs IEP, promote their childs access to the general curriculum, support their child as he or she develops friendships. This is when the team discusses a students strengths, interests and preferences. We know our kids are great kids, with a lot of assets and qualities to offer the planet. Word choice. Megan is a hard worker in the classroom. Make your narratives shine with a student strength lists guide! Easily Distracted 14. Or just swipe them for your IEP parent concerns letter. Student success is paramount in todays competitive academic landscape.