If I recall correctly someone tested the difference between the two a year ago (or something along those lines) and it took the same amount of Incinerates to fully strip a Krogan of his armor. I didn't really use it or level it on any of my characters during my first playthrough because it just seemed like a useless skill. One way around this is to take your shot immediately after activating the cloak - the damage bonus will still apply even though you basically were never invisible. Energy drain serves the same function as overload with the bonus that it restores her shields, and the drawback that it doesnt detonate flamethrowers. Try whatever comes to mind and see what you can do with the squadmates you have! Her only protection stripping ability is warp ammo which you wont have for a minute, but when you get it its great for dealing with armor and barriers. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Better to use Tali. I beat ME2, on Insanity Mode, with an Infiltrator. Due to its very short cooldown, it does not interfere with using other powers. Recharge Time: 6.00 seconds (Shepard . This power additionally grants temporary health regeneration when used against unprotected organic enemies. Heavy Incinerate Explosive Drone Mechanic (or whatever it's called.) The ammo limitation is the only real drawback of the weapon, however with different armors, or armor parts, then it can be offset a little, and if you are already effective using the Mantis despite its low ammo, with maximum upgrades, the Widow will have 13 shots to the 10 shots from the Mantis, so this shouldn't be an issue. Why lose so much additional power to give it a 25% wider range when it's already only used on solo or tightly packed enemies? In this post, I will go through Mordin build that utilizes Fire and Ice against enemies in Mass Effect 2 or Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition. Because Infiltrators normally deal with things at long range, shotguns might not be your first choice. Cryo Ammo is also invaluable for Infiltrators using the cloak for sneaking up on enemies and ambushing them. The first time I took the Viper sniper rifle (this was before the Mattock assault rifle was released, which would have been better suited), and the second time I took Scimitar shotgun as my bonus weapon of choice (happens mid-game). Exploding flame damages the health and armor of anyone nearby. So ME2 can be punishingly difficult on insanity for the inexperienced, so I thought Id pass on some of my knowledge from beating this game on insanity multiple times. Taking this evolution can also allow the power to land even on enemies attempting to dodge the projectile. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Discussion Besides, area throw won't do anything to 3 shielded Geth. It uses a 2.4 multiplier against armor, 1.2. Extremely effective at increasing survivability, though it has some issues with Tactical Cloak, as it has a relatively long cooldown. Use the Infiltrator's weapons to stay at a distance and drop enemies from afar. Note: I decided not to take Neural Shock. Attack Drone is a useful distraction when flanking an isolated enemy to shotgun the back of their head, and the Attack Drone variation can damage all three defense types (whereas Explosive only affects shields). Contrary to popular belief he has both reach and flexibility. Some abilities like incinerate and overload still have a slight AOE on closely grouped enemies. Weird datapad in gunnery control after Garrus recruitment, Mass Effect 2 Coalesced Compiler v1.0.0.zip, Lair of the Shadowbroker - Liaranot talking anymore. Unprotected organic targets hit by Neural Shock will initially stand up straight and are forced to pose for headshots. Cryo Ammo gives a chance for a player to freeze the enemy. Drains shields, drains Geths' health, and keeps Shepard out of cover and in the fight. It also can enable Incinerate to simultaneously both prime and/or detonate, Unlike in Mass Effect 2, Incinerate does not halt enemy health regeneration, though. and our Not only does it allow you to incapacitate enemies no matter their protection, it also provides a massive damage boost for a second after it wears off, allowing for a one-hit kill headshot on most enemies. The CID is bananas! But I used grunts a lot. What can it be used for? (1.50 m Multiplayer). The Tactical Cloak also has a lot of potential if it is upgraded. Area concussive shot slays unarmored husks. It is perfect for keeping exposed enemies ragdolled to be finished off with your weapons. If you are going up against a lot of synthetics, then grabbing the Arc Projector before leaving the Normandy might be a good idea, since this weapon is great at destroying synthetic enemies and shields. Sniper rifles are the single most damaging means of attack for an Infiltrator. At any rate, Full Cryo Blast is one of the best powers in ME2. The Infiltrators automatic sniper rifle time slowdown can be (ab)used to its fullest extent with the Viper. I played as an Engineer through ME2 on insanity twice. Heres some general tips before I get specifics Power evolutions- always, ALWAYS pick AOE over damage, doing a little more damage is negligible compared to larger biotic explosions or being able to remove shields from multiple enemies What weapons to use?- heavy pistols- squadmates with heavy pistols should always have the carnifex. 1: Always choose 'heavy' ability. Shotguns cover close range, which, for Infiltrators, is normally covered only by SMGs and Heavy Pistols. But it is also quite powerful against all other forms of protection, and can both damage and stun multiple unprotected opponentseven organicswith one shot. If you have the Aegis Pack, then you have access to the M-29 Incisor. Heavy Incineration is good, though Blast is also worth it for its AoE. I can't decide which one to get with Mordin. Its freeze-effect is also prevented on higher difficulties because it can only affect unprotected enemies. Dump points into that early and make sure to pick the squad ammo evolution. Infiltrators are deadly at any range with a wide variety of weapons, equipment and powers that can take down any enemy. If I'm fighting a lot of guys on insanity and I shot through an enemy's defenses, but I don't have time to waste on him because some annoying heavies keep launching rockets or a mob of guys are starting to rush, I knock him down with a concussive shot to temporarily disable him while I deal with the more immediate threatthough I usually use a squadmate's concussive shot for that. Incinerate; Cryo Blast (Unlocked at Incinerate 2) Salarian . Another important thing to note if considering using this power as a substitute for Incinerate is that it cannot be arced around cover, which can make it difficult to target certain enemies. Sniper Rifles, like the pistols, are very effective against armored enemies but weak against those with shields or barriers. Armor Piercing Ammo makes sniper rifles even more effective versus armor and health, and with Incinerate, it can help punch through the heavy armor of bosses and YMIR Mechs. I chose the Blast for ammo-saving opportunities. Must pick against synthetics and good against factions that use a lot of shielding and no barriers like the blue suns. Bring Mordin along and follow up with his quick cooldown (relatively speaking for squadmate abilities) Area Cyro Blast, while having his Heavy Incinerate in reserve for the few heavily armored foes. This includes even protected targets still possessing shields, barriers, or armor. But you've got Garrus, Zaeed and Grunt for that. Builds for all squadmates. Then switch to a pistol or an SMG for the remainder of the engagement. Mass Effect 2 Heavy Incinerate vs Incineration Blast masgaming 13 years ago #1 I can't decide which one to get with Mordin. Because the Infiltrator lacks any real crowd control abilities, the M-100's knockdown ability can help offset that, and provide some breathing room if needed. The Viper highly benefits from (ab)using the sniper rifle time slowdown and only peeking out of cover for 1 or 2 shots, each time renewing the time slowdown. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Another S tier pick, she can deal with two types of protection and prime combos. Both seem like they 'd have their own particular advantages. The damage of any Fire Explosions or other Power Combos caused by the Incinerate are. The damage bonus against frozen enemies will more than make up for not necessarily getting the cloak damage boost (the cloak damage bonus doesn't work particularly well with the Viper anyway). Has the highest base damage. Position him close to the enemy for maximum distraction and shotgun damage and increased likelihood of triggering his charge. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Another biotic choice is Samara, because she has Throw and Pull, can use an assault rifle, and once Reave is unlocked, is useful against barriers. Infiltrators who find that they are good at the "one shot, one kill" style with the Mantis, and are comfortable using SMGs or Pistols to cover anything that gets too close should strongly consider the Widow, as it only improves upon the Mantis. These were my favorites, the last build being the most well-rounded and one I ended up sticking with the most. Incisor is only good in Shepards hands and even then not very. The SMG works as your backup weapon when your primary is out of ammo or you are conserving it for a later fight, and can also be used to take down shields at close range. Spec into AI hacking for his loyalty mission and also geth shield boost to make him more of a tank sniper with his widow so he can be more survivable and do high damage, Liara- Trap squishies with singularity, use stasis on leader types. personally heavy incernate, i dont have alot of problems with husks. Because the DoT effect of the Rank 5 Burning Damage evolution is relatively long (8 seconds), in multiplayer especially, this evolution may only be useful against larger boss-type enemies (Atlases, Banshees, etc.) It also has a targeting laser when you zoom with it, which can be used to increase its accuracy. Ya dont waste a lot on your own concussive. Evolves Incinerate into one of the following options: Heavy Incinerate This advanced plasma round melts or burns nearly anything it hits. In 2, the cryo ammo has a chance to freeze targets solid for a small duration. Assassination Cloak is best used by one shot one kill snipers for its bonus to damage, while Enhanced Cloak is best used by Infiltrators who enjoy flanking their enemies, going from cover to cover, or just getting up close and personal. Wear down enemies like Thresher Maws and Geth Armatures and exit the Make for the final shots to get full exp. Dark Souls is a brand new dark fantasy RPG designed to completely embrace the concepts of tension in dungeon explorat A legend is born in this open-world adventure. Especially good at dealing with enemies like husks, because in ME2 once you strip their armor they die instantly to any power that gets them off their feet. Finally, you should never forget the power of the M-5 Phalanx as a long range weapon and even a targeting aid. Because of its high ammo capacity, if you are going on a long mission, then this might be a good weapon to grab as you leave the ship. It is the only way he can deal substantial damage to enemy barriers and shields. Her drone is a good distraction and can stagger enemies out of cover but rarely lasts long on insanity so get the explosive drone knowing this and use it like a grenade. Regardless, Assault Rifles are a good choice and wouldn't go to waste if chosen. If you are on higher difficulties, then leveling up Incinerate to level 4 couldn't go to waste as you need to blast through armor, and it can be very useful against organic enemies as well. You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Choose Agent if you want to be able to access Paragon or Renegade options earlier, want the extra health and faster cooldowns, or if you want a longer-lasting Tactical Cloak or AI Hacking. It is useless against organic enemies, and it cannot affect Mechs or geth unless their armor and shields are down. You definitely need to use your squad well in this game, so heres some tips for how to use every team member on insanity. It has great synergy with all weapon types but especially sniper rifles. Incinerate is a Power that belongs to Tech Powers and is available to the Engineer and Infiltrator Classes . Engineer Build - Unshackled Controller - Mass Effect 2 (ME2) By zanuffas Last updated: 9 November 2022 1 This post covers the Best Engineer builds in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 2 Legendary Edition. B-A-N-A-N-A-S! Neural Shockwave is instant-cast and instant effect, something Shepard's Full Cyro Blast would not be, and even has a lower cooldown. It also has a synergy with the Operative class power, allowing you to one hit kill difficult enemies. The Infiltrator's optimal approach to combat is more or less the opposite of the Vanguards. This matters. A good weapon for Infiltrators since it, like the Cain, does not disengage Tactical Cloak while charging it; so you could cloak first, then line up the perfect shot in relative safety, and return to cover after you fire and the cloak is deactivated. It's also worth noting that the Incineration Blast upgrade at level 4 makes this the only damage-dealing AOE ability that an Infiltrator can naturally get. I always do wide defense stripping powers (incinerate, overload, reave). The Rank 6 Freezing Damage gives a big payoff if the character has a method for reliably freezing or chilling enemies. This is the Infiltrator's bread and butter. For the most part, unless you're the close-encounters Infiltrator, it might be best to select another weapon. The Infiltrator can peek out of cover very frequently for one or two shots (the time slowdown is renewed each time), freeze enemies and finish them off once frozen. The Engineer class comes with a unique ability - Combat Drone and AI Hacking. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Engineer do not need additional active powers, he already has the strongest combos. Use them like free grenades, Grunt- the perfect krogan is the perfect tank, he draws a LOT of aggro and can take heavy punishment without going down. Stasis can be a very useful bonus power. However, attacking breaks the cloak, so other weapons only benefit briefly from the damage boost (at maximum fire rate 4 shots for the Viper, 3 shots for the Carnifex). You get access to the M-8 Avenger, the M-15 Vindicator, and on Hardcore and Insanity difficulties, the Geth Pulse Rifle. But once all the enemies are settled into cover and spread out, heavy is better, but not much, 170vs210 fire damage/3 seconds is just 40, or 20% stronger. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. However, used as Squad Cryo Ammo, it will still freeze enemies very frequently and significantly reduce enemy fire. Range is a problem, because you get less accurate the further away you are, so using the weapon at closer range is always a better idea. I see no point in taking another upgrade as Mordin already has low HP and should be supported with a good tank character. Sniper rifles provide opportunities to eliminate single targets at extreme range, presenting very little risk to the rest of the party. It's effective against barriers, armor and health, gaining an additional bonus to enemies already affected by biotic abilities. This includes any attempts to reapply a hack to enemies who still have shields from the last hack you performed. Besides, area throw won't do anything to 3 shielded Geth. Furthermore, note that your shields cannot be boosted beyond a certain level, i.e. Give him inferno ammo and his DPS is nothing to shake a stick at either. "~ Yasso. It strikes me that new players might not figure out how special the power usage is in ME2. Garrus Concussive Shot: 2 Overload: Area Overload Turian Rebel: Turian Renegade Armor-Piercing Ammo: 3 If your enemies get closer, then switch to your SMG or pistol to deal with that situation. Certainly though, the one ability that should always be the Heavy vs. Area is Vanguard's charge. Mordin already has Incinerate that obliterates armors, making this weapon choice redundant. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I mean I know I need to adjust member accordingly, but what I planned: You want to know the truth? On the downside, Warp Ammo, the other method of dealing with barriers, has better synergy with the class skill Tactical Cloak. It can also serve as a power to deal with Husks, as the knockback effect results in an instant kill. It's worth noting that all of the toughest enemies in the game, as well as virtually every boss including the final one, have armor as their primary defense which makes this the supreme boss-killing weapon once you get all the Sniper Rifle upgrades. If you are on lower difficulties, putting a few points all around wouldn't waste the Infiltrator's abilities. Incineration blast. not "over time") against protections (armor, barriers, and shields). The Vanguard benefits from first eliminating the lower-tier enemies in an encounter, so they can devote full attention to the heavy-hitters such as YMIR Mechs and krogan. Massive energy blasts overpower shields and synthetic enemies. I beat ME2, on Insanity Mode, with an Infiltrator. Mordin is one of the early companions that will join you. For a biotic squadmate, Thane adds another sniper rifle, but also has Warp and Throw, two powerful biotic abilities. That's useful. Incinerate is a damage over time power that is effective against enemies with armor, and can stop health rengeration, especially on the Krogan. Jacob- inferno ammo is great for armored targets, and pull field is a great combo primer. The AI Hacking is a very situational power, so it is better not to spend valuable points for few missions. Frozen enemies can't fight back. Because she can also deal with enemy shields, she complements the Infiltrator nicely. Because the Infiltrator has no special abilities to deal with biotic barriers, bringing along Miranda would be a solid choice. Instead use her flash bang often and shadow strike situationally. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. The M-98 is the most powerful sniper rifle in the game, and shares many features with the M-92 Mantis, mainly its lack of ammo and one (powerful) shot per thermal clip. See also: Engineer Guide, Engineer Guide (Mass Effect 3) Engineers can spawn combat drones to harass enemies or force them out of entrenched cover positions. The damage boost is in practice only a fraction of the listed value, since it's not multiplicative. Incineration Blast would be nice against armored husks but Heavy. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Available after completing Kasumi Goto's loyalty mission from the Kasumi - Stolen Memory DLC, Flashbang Grenade offers strong crowd control capability for the Infiltrator, with the ability to knock enemies out of cover and bypass multiple forms of protection. However if you like to keep your enemies at range and pick them off before they even get close, then this might be a bad option. This advanced plasma round melts or burns nearly anything it hits. While Armor Piercing Ammo does give a higher damage bonus than Warp Ammo when maxed, it only applies to armor and health. Mordin can use Submachine Guns and Heavy Pistols, and has Shields of 250 with 200 Health. Alternative to the tempest, however, has smaller multipliers against shields and barriers. Each of these weapons are good at keeping enemies at a distance, and still leaving your sniper rifle as a viable weapon. Because of this it would be a good idea for ALL of your potential squadmates that you choose the wide AoE version of their offensive skills and for those with Ammo powers to upgrade them to the Squad version. Disruptor Ammo is very effective against shields and synthetics (the geth and Mechs).