Skin irritation can occur as well. I get the really. Apr 28, 2015 at 3:23 PM. NGRiYjJlMzcyZGUzZjNhZjlmNWFlODA2OTVlNzBmMWVmMTZmZmUzMDIxYWE1 A blockage in the GI tract can lead to serious illness and even death. ZDg5ZWE3MjI2ZDM5YzNjZGU0MTM4ZjJlOGUxMDgxODc5M2UzM2ZlYjQxMWE4 ZGM1MDExOTQ1YzBlMGNiNzcwNzk0NzkxYzRlYjI2ODk4NGRjNDJlZTUxYzE0 These chemicals are in high concentrations that are released in the dryer. That stuff's pretty strong (we had hazmat suits at work that were made of it) and wouldn't break up in the cat's digestive tract. For more information, please see our NGQwMGViMjM1NjBjYWY1ZjZmZjJmMDA0ZDhhZDMyNzVhYzI2MDY2ZmVhYzkz Unused dryer sheets are definitely a greater threat since they still carry most of these chemicals, but even used ones are a problem. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. I'm really worried if he's going to get sick from this. (Photos were taken, ew). Armstrong grew up on a dairy farm in western Washington and wrote agricultural news while in college. Unfortunately, some of those ingredients are benzyl alcohol, camphor and even chloroform. Mjg0Y2E5M2UzZGI4NjY5MjA0MTkzMzQ0ZjZiZDM5ZjMxNTY5N2I3ODNkZTAz Curiosity. Boredom. Answer (1 of 8): I am pretty sure there are chemicals in that stuff, so you should not let them do it. Even though these pet owners do mean well, the dryer sheets, new or used, can cause your dog or cat to become ill or even die. Don't really know, this is funny this is exactly how the other posts were answered well so far noone had an answer. NDFhMmNhZDRiYmYwZGVhNTA5ZWY0NzYyYmQzMzg1NGVkOWEzYjczOWVlMjI2 However, the information found on Excited Cats should not be viewed as veterinary advice. NWI5ZDM5Yjk1ZTQzMzkzYWFkNmQxZTA3YjIxNDJlNTNjMDg3ZmMzYTkzMzdi OWFlYWZlNWIwNWJhZjU1NGZlZWY2ZDcxODc0OTFhOWQ0ZTllYTM2ZDc1YjNi NGI5MjQ1OTQ4YTgzZDUwNjczMjUwNDU5NDBhNTU5MjJkYTBkZmE5NTYyMjZj You might have heard of people using dryer sheets to remove dead hairs from their cats' coats and reduce shedding. That's why you should keep clean laundry out of reach and dispose of used dryer sheets in a place where your cat can't find them. Dryer Sheets and Pet Dander There is a well-meaning but dangerous tip on the internet about using dryer sheets to remove loose hair from cats or dogs and to reduce natural static when the humidity is low. I always dry my cat separately on high and never have issues like op. So be careful of not leaving used or unused sheets around the floor of your house or apartment. ZGMzNzYyZjdiYTM2N2QxODdiYzA3Yjc1NTI5YTRmNDI1NmQxZjIyNzg0Mjc3 I advise everyone to keep dryer sheets away from your pets. ZTFlMDYwMGQ2NTM0NDZhYTE4NWEyNmVhMTQ2ODI0ZjU0MmNlNjBlOWVlNDgx Certain cat breeds, such as the Siamese and other Oriental cats, will be more inclined to lick fabric. Ran to the store to buy hydrogen peroxide, asked the nice lady at the pharmacy for an oral syringe, came home and administered 12 mL (he's a big boy!) Better yet, fold and put away fabric items right after they come out of the dryer. How to Safely Use Fabric Softener Around Cats. A blockage in the GI tract can lead to serious illness and even death. NTkwNDJiODQ5ODg4N2RhZTU1OTYwNDk5ZjFkYTNmNWVkNThhMzg0N2FlMjE2 Put on gloves and found the bits that looked like they could be dryer sheets - they looked more like mucous. Finally, dryer sheets often contain enzymes. If your cat ate a dryer sheet, she may have an upset stomach or even intestinal blockages. First, the ingestion of the dryer sheet material may result in gastrointestinal obstruction. Try to bring the fabric softener packaging so your vet can determine exactly what your cat ate. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pets health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet. Put on gloves and found the bits that looked like they could be dryer sheets - they looked more like mucous. YmM1M2IyMzMxMWIwZTJlNTE3NjFkNGM3OWNjMmY3YjdlYzc3ODlmN2IwYzg0 It was torn to pieces, not sure if she did it with her teeth or with her claws. These chemicals are in high concentrations that are released in the dryer. This ingredient can cause vomiting and diarrhea in cats if ingested. This is because your blanket carries your scent, making her feel safe and secure. NDRmZWM1MmZkNWQzMjE3MDdiMmFiNGU0ZGM5ZGExYjg3MGExNjc4YTUyNzNj Whole dryer sheet retrieved! 6. Allow the pan to soak overnight. Finally, follow these tips to keep your cats safe in the laundry room: store laundry products out of reach, keep the door to the laundry room closed, and use pet-safe laundry products. ZTQxNjhhYWRiODVlZjNiN2MzZmM4NzIwNGZhNzQ5ODgyNDA4MGViYTZkNzNm 8 Reasons for This Behavior, Can Adult Cats Eat Kitten Food? YWYxNjZjN2I1MGYyZWZlN2JmZDc4ZWYwY2Y5ZmE2YWRmNDE5ZDk4N2ZkODRj ODViY2E1OTE4NjhiMjU5Y2U3ODU5MmFlMTdiZTFmOWJhNGUwNmMxMTA4ZTU0 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. MzQ1MDViYyJ9 By the time you put the clothes in the dryer, they all have clumps of fur sticking to them, but they are small due to the water. This may be due to the breed's longer weaning period. NTM0MGU4ZjY4N2FlNWM1MGU4NzY1Yzg2MGUyZjExNTNkOGZhZmQyZjdhNDI1 Aquarium Plants Get Dirty With Algae and Need to be Cleaned, 10 Best Driving Horse Breeds for Pulling a Carriage, Pixie-Bob Cat Full Profile, History, and Care. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Purraise. My cats love to play with hair ties. Threw one in the bathroom trash can without thinking about it and I'm pretty sure he has eaten the entire thing.we usually catch him in the act and are able to take it away from him. Remember that cats are fastidious groomers and may get the chemicals in their mouth. And, are dryer sheets a safer alternative? Follow these tips to keep your cats safe in the laundry room: Dryer sheets can be harmful to cats if they come into contact with the animals skin. Waiting on bowel movements but this just happened. Home & Forums | Secondly, the chemicals in fabric softeners can cause irritation to the skin, mucous membranes and stomach lining. In addition, some of these chemicals can lead to lung damage, central nervous system depression, and acute kidney disease. Trouble is, dangerous exposure can occur at this point, as the chemicals applied to the dryer sheet are highly active. OTVhMWIyYjkyODc3ODljOTFiY2RlMjBkMjAyOTBkOGY4YzVkYmJiOTk4NjE2 Gather all the details to share with the vet, such as the brand of the chemical, the time your cat ate it, approximately how much was eaten. Consider safer alternatives to chemical fabric softeners, such as dryer balls made of wool or plastic. Merck outlines the use of fluid therapy and activated charcoal to combat the toxic effects of cationics. I usually grab a clean damp rag and wipe the surface (sheet, sofa, etc) with it to get the cat fur off. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Your Cat Is Happy. OWU4YTZjZDIxYWVkNjFiM2M3NTQ0NjQ5ZTNhNTFkYTAwYjcyODFjNzRhMDZl We do our best to help you better understand your cats, but the information on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Has anyone else had this happen? She has received more than 40 awards for excellence in journalism and photography. NWY2MTMxOTg5NWJlMjQ1ZWEwOTU4YzEyOGE2ZGIxZjg5OTczNTUwZGQyODYx The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Also, a cat that eats a dryer sheet ingestion may develop gastrointestinal obstruction. Nov 13, 2010 #7 kailie Can Adult Cats Eat Kitten Food? MmJkODk4N2U5MjlkYTI3YWM5ZWQ4Yjc3ODAwM2I1NDg0MzRkMzMwN2VkYWU5 However, you can use pet-safe dryer sheets discussed next. Y2VlNTJkOWNjNzg1NTk0MWU5MmUzMmNhMTc4YjNiZGY3MTQ2N2U5ZWRlZDQ0 These procedures can increase the risks to your cat's health. You may think that something like a dryer sheet is safe, but it is actually a very dangerous thing for your cat to eat. The easiest and most common way in which a pet may come into contact with a dryer sheet is by, of course, trying to play with them. They should still be kept out of the reach of all pets in the home. Curious cats and kittens can get into all kinds of inappropriate items around the house. A forum community dedicated to breeds of cat owners and enthusiasts. Dryer sheets often contain several toxic chemicals, including fragrances, softeners, and enzymes. People are also using dryer sheets to repel pet fur on furniture. Eating paper is a form of pica in cats and there are some possible reasons for it. Is Pet-Safe Ice Melt Really Safe for Pets. NmExZjVmYWI5MDA4ZjU2ZmFmNzZhZjNlOGUxMzIyZDJlYTM2NTkxYzNiMmNm Kidney failure is also one of the problems that can occur after ingestion of dryer sheet chemicals. Archived post. @ethorn13, t behind not using dryer sheets is that your baby may be sensitive to the chemicals/scents used in the dryer sheet. Additionally, ingested used dryer sheets can still lead to intestinal blockage. The caustic chemicals can lead to irritation and ulceration in the mouth and GI tract. The chemicals in the dryer sheet can be transferred to your cats fur and skin, irritating. You can also try using a pet-safe dryer sheet when drying your cats bedding. First, its important to understand how a dryer sheet works. The danger is increased when pets are. 44. So he isnt going to be around them anymore that also mean my dog doesnt play in them either. Jenna Stregowski is the Pet Health and Behavior Editor for. Some people think that since the fabric softener in a dryer sheet is dry that it cant hurt their cats. You must log in or register to reply here. There are several reasons why a cat might eat liquid fabric softener. You can use a dryer sheet to remove loose fur from your furniture. MTU1YWNiNjdkOTliNTkyMTk4ODU2YmIzMjBjZjc1MzQ2NDkxOTg1ZjgwNzky you can do several things. M. Miss_Angel05. Both of us have only had cats our entire lives. Y2I5ZGE3MDI5MTk0N2I1YTJmMzljODU1MjAyMGY5MWFlOGFiMzUyNmEyOTY4 MDI1YzNmZjdkMjU0MzZmNTc2ODllZDg4YzlmMWMxYmFkZmFlM2FiYTAwMjNk There are many hazardous chemicals and dangerous items in the average household. NjUxZTIzZDM0Yzc3MzAwZTcwMzA4MTU5ZTFiMWJiNmQzNGYyMmRhMDRlM2Mw Im so sorry for your lossRIP SWEET PRECIOUS KITTYAnd try NOT to beat yourself up over thisYou didn't knowand accidents do happpen no matter how careful we are sometimes Im using wool drier balls and they do the job (although I have no comparison to drier sheets as Ive never used them). The same paws that play with the dryer sheet are the ones kitty licks and brushes across her fur when primping. All chemicals in the home should be stored out of reach and, if possible, behind closed doors. 2000-2023 Unravelled them, stretched them out and made the puzzle with the piece I had gotten earlier. What Chemicals in Dryer Sheets Could Be Harmful to Cats? But animals lick their fur and the areas on which they rest, so using dryer sheets to remove fur is dangerous. NjNmZjJjNGJiNTBiODUyZGRkN2JhZjgxY2U1YmZmOTIyMGY4ZjFkNmRjY2M1 Every conversation I read about digressed off topic or got hijacked and noone ever really answered the question. Pretty scary. You may think that something like a dryer sheet is safe, but it is actually a very dangerous thing for your cat to eat. If you think that your cat ate a dryer sheet or drank some liquid fabric softener, it is essential to contact your veterinarian immediately. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. MTY2NzJhOWFmNjVlMTFjMGVkM2JjNzcwNzc3OTg3YmQzMDMwZmEyNmIzMWYy Also, a cat that eats a dryer sheet ingestion may develop gastrointestinal obstruction. MDM0MjVjNDE4MTA3MmZlNmY2MTk5OGFlOTJhZThmNTk1YmQ2ZTllMWQ5MmI0 You may even find that adding clean tennis balls to the dryer works well to soften fabrics. In concentrated amounts, the damage may be serious and appear as burns or ulcers. NmEzYzE3OWVjOTViNjU3Y2IwOTJjODRiY2E3ZTRkYTZiNDBhNjM2YTEwMTAy I'm so, so, sorry for your loss, absolutely heart breaking. If your cat ate fabric softener, call your vet immediately. I mean its like he is getting high it worse than stuffing his head in my shoes after ive been in them awhile. How do pets come into contact with dryer sheets? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. MTM3NGYzYmFhNTFlYjJjOGRkOTc5MzBiOGY4MjQwMzhmZjJiMmJkZGViYzIy YTRjYmY0YWM0MDg2ODZhMWM5YWQ5N2U5OWFmMzI3NGYxYWRlMTNhNWIxOThk Dryer sheets can even be used to keep mosquitoes away! MzJiZjczZWRhMWY0NzY1ODk1NzJmNDY3NDA3MWU3YjI4ZGM5ODQ0MTQ1MzRk I checked online, and the internet says that dryer sheets can be toxic to cats, claiming effects from vomiting to kidney failure. Well fabric softener liquid even they like i spilled some and thought I cleaned it all up funny thing with black light what you see. The Merck Veterinary Manual warns against corrosive tissue injury it claims is caused by cationics -- particularly for cats due to their grooming habits. Whether in liquids or dryer sheets, fabric softeners contain chemicals called cationic surfactants. These procedures can increase the risks to your cat's health. Yes if you use a pet-friendly fabric softener. The most common chemicals they contain are benzalkonium chloride and cetrimonium bromide, which are known as cationic surfactants. I've known for a while now that dryer sheets are bad for cats, but I can't remember where I read about it originally. It looks like most of it is still there, so she didn't eat the whole thing. Accidents like this are hard to get over. either make sure they're never in the cat's reach, or you can buy vegan-approved sheets that are made with plant products. Learn more. A blockage in the GI tract can lead to serious illness and even death. My husband and I just adopted a new cat, and we're still figuring out the little habits he has. If you must use dryer sheets, be sure to keep them away from your cat.