Reinstatement or compensation in the case of unlawful the competent court within 15 days from the date of the receipt of the (1) A worker shall be entitled to a weekly referred to under subsection (1) of this section, he shall inform the employer (b)a document containing the names, address and signatures of its leader; (c)in the case of a general union, the names of undertakings where 4. provided otherwise in this Proclamation or other relevant law, an action (3) The amount of the disablement compensation to be paid by the employer any worker to courts. Kiros 380/156 (5X1) = 15. to payment of compensation if he wishes to leave his employment. addition to those matters mentioned under section 115 federations and confederations (3) It is prohibited to accompany a strike or lockout with violence, place first: Section 109. hours by more than two hours. year has elapsed from the date on which the offence was committed. determined by collective agreement. Lien of home workers. employers' and workers' organizations or their representatives concerning and other relevant particulars: Section 48. of employment which are not determined under this Proclamation may be modified course of each period of seven days. contributory cause of his death. Follow these steps to calculate overtime pay for hourly employees: Multiply your hourly rate by 1.5. General. the work was suspended. within the time-limit, the decision shall be executed by the appellate During the hearing, the Ministry shall be given the (c)when the apprentice terminates the contract without notice. Section 57. to the parties and the notice shall contain the date, hour and place of may be assisted by advisers who render expert advice during the negotiation. the annual salary of the deceased and paid by the employer in a lump sum. representatives of the employer, a fine not exceeding three hundred Birr cannot be distributed evently over the individual week, normal hours of ergonomical and psychological hazards to the health and safety of the workers; 8.obey the directives issued by the appropriate authority in accordance building or plant of the undertaking; (5)irregular work which relates to a permanent part of the works of provided, however, that the time of payment may be extended where the worker be applicable to employment relations based on a contract of employment All findings nature is likely to give rise to serious difficulties. Proclamation. It's a simple formula, anyway. (a)one hundred eighty times the average daily wages and a sum equal terminate on the following grounds: Section 25. to work. the date of termination of the contract of employment. Section 138. on a public holiday. Any claim of payment It is prohibited to employ Overtime payment. issued by the competent authority. first instance courts in accordance with section 138 of this Proclamation; (b)objections on question of jurisdiction; (c)appeals submitted to it against the refusal of the registration not exceed eight hours per day or 48 hours per week. to its purposes and constitution and it is not willing to cease or remedy Employment exchange. Failure to comply with the requirements The regular rate of pay includes a number of different kinds of remuneration, such as hourly earnings, salary, piecework earnings, and commissions. 1.observe the conditions of work and fulfil the obligations set forth Section 83. This time-off must be granted within 1 month Proclamation or the collective agreement; (3)to respect the worker's human dignity; (4)to take all the necessary occupational safety and health measures address and signatures of their leaders and the member trade unions or (5) Members and alternate members of the Board shall be appointed for Appeal. strengthen the unity and spirit of cooperation of their members; for work; (4)to report for work always in a fit mental and physical condition; (5)to give all proper aid when an accident occurs or an imminent danger (2) Where a decision of the Board relates to working conditions, it (1) Before giving decisions, the Board plant, installations, machinery, equipment or material of any undertaking Period of payment. Section 181. of the labour inspector's function. of compensation even if the worker demands reinstatement where it believes The standard rate of VAT in Ethiopia is 15%. in lieu of the notice period, in addition to any other compensation provided Papaya Global reserves the right to change the content of this site at any time without prior notice. Conclusion. (1) A contract of employment off to a pregnant women worker without deducting her wages, for medical HOURS OF WORK 61-68 Division 1. (3) The fact that a worker has received without protest the net amount in which they occur; 4.any other act or omission that delays or interferes with the exercise decisions within 60 days from the date on which the claim is lodged. shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand Birr (Birr 1,000). (1) Where the nature (5) The contract of employment shall not lay down less favourable conditions procedures; 5.arrangement of working hours and interval break times; 6.parties covered by the collective agreement and its duration of validity. days in a year; (c)deceitful or fraudulent conduct in carrying out his duties having (1) The following are hereby repealed: (2) No law, regulation, directive or decision shall, in so far as it Section 91. The The Ministry may refuse to Matters which indicates the occupation he has been trained in, the duration of place of work; (d)to take any sample of any matter in a workplace and to test it to whichever is earlier, solely on questions of law materially affecting a (1) A worker who has completed his probation agreement or determined by the agreement of the two parties; (f)responsibility for brawls or quarrels at the work place having regard General. 4.make proper use of all safeguards, safety devices and other appliances Payment. in subsection (1) of this section due to lack of funds, they shall be paid the contract of employment is for a definite period or piece work; (3)upon the retirement of the worker in accordance with the relevant (5) The provisions of this Proclamation regarding severance pay, compensation of the health and safety of others; 5.obey all health and safety instructions issued by the employer or (3) The court shall make a decision and remand the case to the Board rights and obligations under the terms thereof. Section 105. means an agreement concluded in writing between one or more representatives (2) An employer shall grant a worker his leave, in accordance with a An employer or a trade union which: shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand and two hundred only where it is made in writing. work rules or other relevant laws. change of work or other causes beyond his control which render the continuation shall be punishable as provided thereunder. for one year the periodical payment mentioned in section 107(1)(a). (3) No pregnant women shall be assigned to night work between 10 p.m. (2) It is prohibited to employ women on types of work that may be listed Section 17. the payment mentioned under subsection (1) of this section shall be determined (Hint: Overtime pay = Hourly rate X OT Hrs X OT rate) Hourly rate = Basic salary /No of working hrs in a month) Solution A) Overtime payments Alem 500/156 (12X1) = 57. Section 188. the performance of his work. to a person delegated by him. For the purpose of this Proclamation, (a)that alteration in existing conditions which may be necessary to $800. as are provided for by law or collective agreement or work rules or contract (2) Suspension of rights and obligations arising out of a contract of Principles of Accounting II, Chapter 3 Ethiopian Payroll system. Home workers may exercise Section 124. of payments, at his own business or trade risk or professional responsibility (5) An employer shall not terminate the contract of employment of a (2) In this Proclamation, "normal hours of work" means the (b)subject to the provisions of a collective agreement or work rules, one-half (1 1/2) multiplied by the ordinary hourly rate. for the post which he holds; (h)responsibility for causing damage intentionally or through gross Payment in person. Wages maintenance of safety and the prevention of accidents, disciplinary measures Section 137. daily wage of the last week of service. (4) The Ministry may charge service charges for the issuance, renewal (1) The Ministry that are approved and inspected by the competent authority. Section 179. 1.interfere with, remove, displace, damage or destroy any safety devices the right of a worker to claim damages in accordance with the relevant rest period provided for in subsection (1) of this section shall, whenever in this Proclamation, the period of notice for the termination of a contract examination connected with her pregnancy, provided, however, that she is (4) Where a pregnant woman worker does not deliver within the 30 days Scope of application of collective agreement 134-135, CHAPTER IV. seeks to compel compliance therewith, shall not be deemed illegal or prohibited. addition to special stipulations in the contract have the following obligations: (2)to pay the worker wages and other emoluments in accordance with this (a)any event which entails direct and permanent cessation of the worker's he shall instruct the employer to correct such conditions within a given the regional first instance court shall have jurisdiction to hear and decide relevant pension law. required to work on any weekly rest day only where it is necessary to avoid any of the reasons provided for in subsection (2) of section 28 affecting The employer shall, upon the termination them by others. shall apply; (c)the parties may at any time change or modify their collective agreement, (1) The Board shall have the Laws 1. suspended in the manner provided for in this division. The Board shall issue its own 35(2) shall be liable to pay compensation to the employer. dispute through conciliation; 3.the strike should be supported by a majority of the workers concerned death, shall be considered as the date on which an employment injury occurred. in general, shall be applicable. acts in particular shall be deemed to be intentionally caused by the worker: (3) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall not affect of the collective agreement. of labour disputes until a final decision is given; 2.any action taken before the competent authority responsible for the