#annabethchase "Actually, I couldn't sleep before either. She let out a small, unsuspecting gasp as his hands lingered at the hem of her dress. Percy's followed her faint outline as she headed into the bathroom. Percy's hands were on her waist now, clinging onto her, flesh on flesh. Eventually Aphrodite over heard them. As friends. Then I semi-recovered and asked, "Why do you think that? He felt her kiss the side of his temple, and cheeks as she his naked chest. It'll get better. She shook herself. ', Athena strode forward and planted her hand on Annabeth's shoulder. He could almost feel her ignite herself in his arms, as his mouth continued to follow unexplored trails in her body. She was three months pregnant, and in tears. How was he supposed to do this, when he was too embarrassed to even look at her? Just a bunch of random Percabeth! She wasn't angry or hateful. "She mailed it to me, there was a note and everything". "You know I'm terrified of spiders." "Are you alright?" She shoved me, "No, of course not, you dimwit! "Who said anything about sex? I'll bet anything it's Percy. Percy felt a small whimper escape his throat. At the beach? Percy nods again. Maybe, if you're a space alien. "Well always be best friends. Percy wrapped an arm around her. In what movie did Percy team up with the diesels? I am not home right now and its been a very stressful sad day. I just don't know how' Finally, he pulled out a golden drachma, made a rainbow with the water and a lamp. She held her head high, and said: "I am a daughter of Athena. Aphrodite put as much magic into her voice as she could "Oh that?" He asked horrified, which earned him a small laugh from Annabeth. I turn slightly and see Percy peeking out through one of the aisles. He says and I lean forward to kiss him again. Kissing Annabeth was the best feeling in the world. 'Poor Percy' she thought, 'He deserves a nice marriage, A thought went in her head. "I" Percy burst into tears. Tonight Annabeth Chase was determined to lose her virginity once and for all. They'd never talked about their sexual experiences (or lack of, in his case) but he's always thought she'd assumed he was a virgin, nevertheless, he wanted to impress her, no he felt like he needed to. But she couldn't shake off the thought that Percy hadn't denied. O. You'll be wonderful! I had never broken up with Annabeth. Really though, they're making out. Percy wanted to tell her, keep going, keep going, but she knew, and her hands traveled down to work on the button on his jeans, and he yearned for her even as he was already flush against her and their mouths worked frantically together in a sloppy mess that was barely even a kiss anymore. For the next several hours, the Son of Poseidon and Daughter of Athena laid in near silence. She said quietly against him, almost in a whisper. All by my lonesome. Maybe just because they were alone. It's cool!" #percyjacksonandtheolympians He'd had more than enough for one day. Percy, she gasped. Can I get asks for fun? His lips move to my jaw and he leaves little kisses along my jawline and I let out a shudder. What river did Percy and Annabeth land in? The blonde rolled her grey eyes in the dark. We must make measures without destroying our children', After some intense arguing Athena agreed to not blast Percy off the face of the earth, (for now) -she turned to Annabeth-'Come with me, my daughter. She remembered how warm he had felt against her, how he smelt of the sea when she breathed in his scent. Layers, there were too many between them. HE smiled at her weakly. You're a total babe." Percy and Annabeth belong to Rick Riordan, I take no ownership over them. WHAT KIND OF STORY IS THIS!!!!!! I'm almost finished." yeah I had to put percico sorry. Ba-dum. And rolled over to face his girlfriend. "I love you." "See SeaWeed Brain?" Although he felt relieved, he also felt hollow. A smile briefly flickered over her lips as she recalled the night's events. They battled each other endlessly, to see who could over power who. It wasn't long before Annabeth and Percy were the only ones left. Shaking off the feeling as paranoia, she crept back to her bed although she still felt on edge. Percy Percy sat very close to Annabeth on their bed once she sat up. ", "Right. Percy and Annabeth turned so they could face each other. "and do you, Annabeth Chase, take Percy Jackson as your husband?" She sighed. Rated: Fiction M - English - Annabeth C., Percy J. Percy shot her a confused look "I do, but I thought that only worked on mortals and half-bloods." "Who's there?" You look like a supermodel. She could feel it's evil eyes boring down on her, glinting menacingly. Strange, he mentally noted. Annabeth nodded. Annabeth didnt bother trying not to cry. ", She smiled and practically threw herself at me. Piper says, starting to walk back towards the rest of the library. I said something really intelligent, like "What?" Percy says quietly while running his hands down my arms. Way to go, Jackson, Come on, Wise Girl." Percy gave her a sleepy grin and put his arm round her shoulders as they walked into the room where Percy slept. He squirmed in his seat. #interrupted Smutty and nasty. She glanced away and chanted to herself, I have a boyfriend. Someone needs a hug.. 'How are you?' We're having a baby." Enjoy :) This may or may not sprout into a series of Percabeth imagines but we'll see Annabeth lay in her bed in the Athena cabin, staring at the wooden ceiling. He muttered sleepily. The fact that she stood in front of him expectantly in only her underwear made Percy's hear beat that much faster. She held his face in her hands and pulled him as close as possible, their mouths couldn't get enough. He, on the other hand, was like the sea. I dont think shed be a bitch and I think Percy would be conflicted. Percy hurried out of the room. Her mind yelled 'intruder'. He imagined her, with her dress hiked up, and her legs wrapped around his waist, rasping out his name. Probably just because they were alone. He lay for a moment, wait to hear Annabeth lie down. Percy just shrugs, not offering up any apologies. Not that he needs to, it's not like I'm complaining. He noted her moving around, assuming she was doing what he had suggested until he felt something settle on top of his bed. We don't have to do anything, I won't push you to do anything" The words fell out of his mouth like a jumbled mess.He wanted her desperately, that much was true, but he wanted her to want him too. "We never finished". Annabeth frowned, allowing Percy to pull her into his lap. Guys its a long awkward day for me right now, so if yu could distract me by sending questions and stuff Id be super grateful. Percabeth cuddles on a cold winter morning when it is raining! Ethan had meant to strike him, but she had gotten in the way. Percy laughed lightly, closing his laptop and moving it to the side table. God, I need a break. "I'm not stupid, Seaweed Brain. So" Percy pulled Annabeth back on the bed . Percy she said just above a whisper. She was hurt and sad. Of his incessant fidgeting, and the uneven tapping of his foot, and the fact that he probably needed deodorant or a shot of vodka, or something to calm down his nerves. Annabeth crawled onto the bed, sitting crossed leg in front of him. Because Percy is (usually) a gentleman, he eats her out before her face can get anywhere near his dick. ", She ran her hand over the slight bump. Its just, Hazels mind went blank, Annabeth wants to see you, She spit out. Poseidon sighed, 'Please, Perseus. Thank you, he said. I know you, and I know whats coming. Percy yawned as he said the words, flopping down into his own bed. Its like, part of me wants to end this, its stopped feeling right, and seems to have become just. Annabeth flung herself at him, locking her arms round his waist and burying her face in his uncovered chest, the door being slammed shut behind her. Percy finished for her. How fitting, he thought. Really, this momentous event in her womanhood should have happened ages ago. She'd taken a sword for him, and by doing so, she had saved Percy's life, that was just one of the many times she had done that. Summary: Percy and Annabeth comfort each other after experiencing nightmares. They talked about school, and Annabeth's projects, and then they walked into his room. O my fucking gods. u r going to do this with the gods?!?!??!?!?!! All the cabins were darkened, the large paved area empty and illuminated by the full moon that hung high in the sky above the earth. Campers poured from their cabins to see what all the fuss was about. I love holding her, so I continued to do so while rising to the surface. He fumbled to unlock the door. I cant expect you to be chained to me forever. GONE! 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., all rights reserved. "Shhh, come with me." Bye.". #percabethfanfiction im gonna like slowly lower the content because of the little kids on here. I just dont think its fair to lead you on. Annabeth smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek. Rick Riordan's going to sue u for this LOL! "You are such an idiot, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth turned then her eyes widened. He rested his head on hers and they just shared breaths. She giggled, pointing. What color did both Alison and Jenna use. "But just one more kiss. Annabeth asked what they were doing there, and Percy and Aphrodite explained the plan, Annabeth listened, wide-eyed, while holding hands with Percy. They fell asleep that way, cuddled into each other and holding one another in their arms with small smiles on both their faces. Her fingers closed on it, she then shone it up into the small crevice. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types. "Percy! We ran to my cabin, me carrying her in my arms. Like what your father had done a day ago. The expression on his face looked like wanted to dig a whole, lay down in it, and die. Malcolm could see four feet sticking out at the bottom of the duvet together. Tap. Just a second, replied Hazel, Ill go and get him.. You and your cuddly self. She peeked out from under the duvet to squint at him in the dark. Guys Im six followers away from having 100 followers and that makes me happy ^.^. 'Hi, Annabeth! "No, Annabeth! Ba-dum. "Gods Annabeth, you have no idea how in love I am with you, or how beautiful you are" He whispered into her ear, and pressed his forehead against hers.She didn't speak, but her breaths became softer and less jagged. XD. She looked at Percy, and saw that he was dressed in pitch black, except for a dark blue twinkling tie. She thought for a few moments. #percabeth He called softly, pushing the door open slowly and peering inside. I knew she was right. "With eachother," Leo concluded in a mumble. WTF!!!!!!!! Fountains exploded with water, and torches blew to life. I laid down next to her. He lets out a low moan at my touch and I revel in the fact that I affect him so much. One of her bra straps had fallen down and he could see the places he had left kisses in her body. It's you, you're here!" Pat. Her skin twinkled, as if someone had sprinkled glitter on it. He pushed his own body upwards, letting his hair fall in his dark green eyes, and she moved with him. "God, you've already been caught in the library? The instant he left, Percy collapsed on the bed laid out for him. I still have the scar." They stumbled back onto the bed and now Annabeth pulled back just a tiny bit and laughed against his lips. Not that I minded, being her husband and the son of the sea god. "Remember when Mrs. White caught us in the library during the last football game of the season our senior year?" Her legs shaking, Annabeth began to make her way across the cabin. They didn't remember how they had gotten to where they had, or how many things they had stumbled upon or pushed to the ground in their manic frenzy, but the truth was, it didn't really matter. Something to say? Without turning on any of the lights, she reached down into the cabinet under the sink and took something out. Said Percy, staring, open-mouthed, at the church. I close my eyes for a second and he takes the opportunity to start kissing my neck. It felt good to touch her, to have her touch him, not necessarily in a sexual way, although he thought (or more accordingly hoped) that was where they were rapidly heading. "What? ButI don't know who I am these days!". He could feel his own heart, pounding violently against his chest. Aphrodite laughed with delight, "do you guys like it? But before Athena could blast Percy to porkchop, Poseidon emerged from the sea and said, 'Athena, do not harm my son. That she was with him. AHHHHHHH!!!!!! He brushed his lips against hers, slowly, breathing in her air. She sighed. And he heard something, and he thought it was nothing cause he was busy, but it was something, because then he heard a gasp and saw that the door was flung open. "We are not having sex in the library!" She moved quickly over his body, trailing over his lean torso, sending shocks all over his body. I drag my hand through my curly hair, staring at the screen. Though the sheets covered her, Sally could tell she wasn't wearing a shirt. A small smile still lingering on her damp, pink lips. #leovaldez But as your bestfriend, Id tell you to do what makes you happy. Zeus and Artemis looked very confused, as if they were struggling to remember something important. His hands moved up her waist, through the side of her torso, until he felt the hem of her bra underneath the fabric. WTF! Hey, Nico, let me help you with that, he said smiling truly for the first time in weeks. So annoying.. Annabeth was on his bed as well, pressed up against the wall in the corner and clutching the sheets to her body. Percy looked down and stared at his bare feet, leaning back against the counter, his hands grasping the edge on either side. ", "Oh, all right!" I gasp and smile. I ask when I reach where he's hiding. Request box is open. To know that she wasn't just a ghost in his memory, that she was there, living, breathing, concrete. How can we do it without the other gods finding out," he shivered " I don't even think about what Athena might do if she found out" Aphrodite frowned, "I thought after all these years, you've learned what the Mist can do." #hazelleveque And you dont want to let it go because it was nice. Sally sighed and turned around to leave. For fucks sake Percy, you can't let her study in peace?" She whispered in the dark. After a momen of shock, Sally straightened up and put a stern look on her face. #pjohoo. Lol!!!!! "Don't worry about it. She asked trying to get a better look at the expression on his face. This is for the-word-weaver-of-the-faeries from tumblr. "Annabeth!" I yelled in a panic, "Grab that rock!" Not the reaction I usually get. Percy mused. When I was in fourth grade my friends and I would pretend to be people from PJO a(of course I couldn't be Nico because I 'was a GIRL and only GUYS could be Nico and of course I couldn't just PRETEND even though we were pretending to command oceans Yeah) and I would always be Thalia because she's awesome. He flipped the switch on his bedside lamp and the room plunged into darkness. They sat like that for a long time in companionable silence, clutching at each other's hands. Someone was tugging at the corner of Percys mind, he just couldnt bring himself to realize who. His lips had found their way to her neck, again. A shudder racked her frame as she once again looked up to see the grotesque monster was still there. Then, he traced the soft outline of her jaw with his mouth. "'Course your not! Will you be mine?'. Percy sat himself on the corner of Annabeths bed and turned to her. I am 12 and my childhood is gone!!! Ba-dum. "What?" And then her shirt was off and her fingers worked on the buttons of his flannel shirt and he pressed against her and he felt her bare skin against his own and it burned. "Annabeth, are you back here? What did erin use as a room in the foster home? A low cry of pure fear left her throat, causing a few of the other Athena kids to stir in their sleep. My veil flew off, and I saw Luke's face in front of me as Percy was knocked to the floor, unconscious. At first I was afraid. He decided to take advantage of the situation, and turned them around, pressing her back gently against the wall. Percy and Annabeth started out as two demigods who are forced to work . They found Annabeth weeping on her bed, and talking to herself "Can't musthave to be together" She was crying so hard, she didn't seem to notice her door creak open. I hiss at him and he looks amused. "Perce?" Malcolm appointed himself to this task. "Make a wish then." Okay. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News, Readers discretion may be advised. He couldn't hadle more right now. His ego was the one taking charge of the situation now. "I'll never understand what you see in me, Wise Girl.". He fumbled around with the clasp, until he finally managed to undo it after a couple of seconds. I joked. "Okay," said Annabeth slowly, "how do we do it?" "Percy, are you having sex with Annabeth?". Percy groaned and buried his face in his hands. She giggled, "that's nothing, it all look the same to me!" #pipermclean A clear, white gash ran all the way from the side of her right breast, to her back. Three one-shots about Percabeth getting walked in on. I'm just asking, I don't want you to do something you're not ready for. left kudos on this work! They both stumbled, and crashed unto the wall behind them. "Yeah well, who can blame me? But she had a point. Saltine kisses collapsing with searing embraces. I mean, yeah, I do too you know, um, have sex. He shifted uneasily on his feet, a million thoughts swirling around his head. She turned pink. No answer. Im continuing this forum ermmmmmm made as a little gift.