(ELY). Hidden DiablerieThe tell-tale black streaks of diablerie do not manifest in your aura. Even those who cannot see auras are immediately drawn to your presence. "Fangless" and "Clan Weakness" are in Onyx Path's Lore of the Clans. You are easily seduced and often exhibit very poor judgment when dealing with sexually attractive people. fullscreen. You like to lie around and, by vampiric standards, you are certainly a coffin potato. If this is the case, then the Storyteller may well want to increase the cost of this merit. The Storyteller will determine why your domitor is so despised; you are welcome to offer suggestions, but the Storyteller is under no obligation to tell you the cause of such antipathy. Legendary AttributeYour character has a superhuman Attribute, something in which he has the potential to be greater than human. Closer than Blood (3 or 5 Merit)You have an affinity with another Cainite (most likely a Toreador, but possibly one of another clan) not brought about Blood Oath other artificed means. (INQ), Domintor Pariah (Ghoul) You are Bound to a vampire who, for whatever reason, is unwelcome among or even hated by the other Kindred of the chronicle area. The campus also has lots of computer equipment, along with those who know how to use it. For instance, a player may determine the actual breed of wolf which her character may become. Design your Samadji with the Storyteller, who will assign a final value to it. You must have a Humanity of 8 or higher to have this Merit (ELY), Fist of GodWith this Merit, sometimes called the "Witch-Hammer," you can cause aggravated damage to a Kindred or other supernatural creature by simply striking her. Indeed, your Mentors contacts may actually approach you at some point offering aid. You may purchase as many modifications as you can afford, but your social abilities are probably doomed. Not only does your childe not aid you in your dealings with other Kindred, he actively works toward your detriment. The V5 Core Rulebook, the latest edition of the game, defines merits in the following way: "advantages and gifts inherent to the character." You can generally only get merits during character creation. These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. ), Paranoia, Limited You know that there are many vampires, hunters, Garou, and the like who would love to destroy you. The player is trusted, even if they are not trustworthy. (INQ), Kinfolk (Ghouls/Independent) Whether you know it or not, you are kin to a werewolf tribe. You have been known to go to extremes to best this individual, and he has been known to do the same to you. Every effort is being made to recruit you, willing or no, and the press gangs usually show up at the worst possible time. (PGS), Student The character serves as a mentor to a younger, more inexperienced vampire. (NOS), Offensive to AnimalsFor some reason, animals cringe from your touch and are uneasy in your presence. If it is lost, the anxiety this causes you interferes with your nightly existence. Perhaps your service has been exemplary, or perhaps you simply remind him of someone in his past - given the alien nature of the vampire mind, you may never know for sure. Unfortunately, both of your kind would consider you threats if they knew of your relationship. magic) is in use or has been used recently within a 10' radius of yourself. Thus, your character might have the Strength of Hercules or the Intelligence of Occam. (PGS), Stench Few Nosferatu smell good, but you reach a new nadir of odiferousness. Maybe you're a tough bastard. Once the sign has been seen, it must be interpreted. This secretion is not sufficient to create a ghoul or sire progeny, although you may surreptitiously administer the blood oath if you kiss on the mouth or touch your lips to an open cut. Even other Nosferatu are repulsed by your stink, and your Stealth Dice Pools are reduced by two against any creature that can smell, unless you are upwind. More difficult geasa are worth more points. Gift of Proteus This merit allows the vampire to "fine-tune" the shapes achieved by the Protean Discipline. Enchanting Voice, even if its benefits dont work for . Your enemy has been blackening your name, and as a result you find that all dealings with the Unconquered are at +1 difficulty. You are expected to carry this powerful draba until you sire your own progeny, then pass the gift to her. Unfortunately, vampires find your blood particularly strong and tasty - twice as potent as that of other mortals, in fact. 1 Merits and Flaws 1.1 Linguistics 1.2 Looks 1.3 Substance Abuse 1.4 Archaic Flaws 1.5 Bonding 1.6 Feeding 1.7 Mythic 1.8 Psychological 1.9 Contagion 1.10 Other 1.11 Thin-blood 1.12 Ghouls 1.13 Cults 1.13.1 Ashfinders 1.13.2 Bahari Both download and print editions of such books should be high quality. I took the Merits and Flaws from Vampire Revised, added in the Merits and Flaws from Guide to the Camarilla and Guide to the Sabbat, and revised them as much as possible to be more universally applicable where it made sense (as well as reorganizing them). (INQ). (DSBH), Blunt Teeth Your teeth are huge and square, not shark like those of most other vampires. Even the most cold-hearted are not immune to your power. (PGS), Pack Enemy You have made an enemy within your pack. She can be of any Tradition, Craft, or Convention but most likely is a member of the Euthanatos or Verbena. The ghoul has six points to put into any Discipline other than Thaumaturgy, although at least one point must be out into Potence. The character has full access to the school, and he can hunt the campus freely. This is a generic list: no merit or flaw specific only to one character type is listed, although some originally intended for one type of character have been expanded for more general use. (PGS). You rarely pay attention to those around you, assuming you know all there is to know of them once you have determined what part they play on the world stage (+1 difficulty to Perception rolls involving people you know). You must never reveal this secret or you will be in deep trouble (PGS), Special Responsibility You have some sort of duty that you are required to perform for the entire pack. (PGS), Poor Taste You can never have the Art Appreciation, Expression, or Crafts skill. Ability Aptitude You are particularly gifted with one Ability. The difficulty for reading a target's aura is reduced to five. (PGS), Foul Blood Your blood tastes truly awful. The number of points spent determines the scope of the variation, which must be specific, approved by the Storyteller, and defined when the merit is chosen. Characters may purchase this Merit only once and gain no benefit when using Discipline techniques. In game terms, this Merit lowers the difficulties of rolls involving Subterfuge or Manipulation by two. You will never rise in Clan Prestige, and you are the equivalent of an anarch. (ELY), Powerful Childe (1 - 5 Merit) You have a childe in a position of power within vampiric society. Sexy You are one sexy mutha. However, he may also call upon you for aid some day. Because your abilities may not be enough, such overconfidence can be very dangerous. When disturbed in your manse by an uninvited guest, you must make a Self-Control or Instincts roll (difficulty 7) to avoid a frenzy. With but a touch, you can achieve the same effect. For whatever reason, animals are jittery around you, including any hounds used to guard your Cenaculum. Many will believe you to possess great power (regardless of the truth), and will be appropriately respectful of you. This student will assist the character as he commands, but he also considers this Kindred his ward. In any case, this pack member tries to get others to side against you, and he tries to ruin every positive thing you accomplish for yourself or for the pack. Most treat you respectfully as a result, while some have only contempt for you, believing you to be nothing compared to them. This volume contains 100+ Merits and Flaws, including those described in V20 - Classical Age Corebook, V20 Classical Age - Fall of Carthage, and V20 Classical Age - Kindred Mythology; A complete review of every Merit and Flaw such as Physical, Mental, Social and Supernatural; All effects have been revised to work on any V20 system, although some rules will have to be found in V20 - Classic Era, Corebook; This book adds over +50 new unique Merits and Flaws to the Kindred and other creatures, not available in other Classical Age books. (ELY). Prodigies of Koldunic Sorcery or other forms of blood sorcery reduce the difficulty of all paths and rituals. Basically, on average, 2d10 trends to 1 success. (DSBH). Inbred (1 - 5 Flaw) A common occurrence among the incestuous Giovanni clan, inbreeding can take many forms, and this Flaw is best discussed with the Storyteller before a player takes it for her character. The Guide contains completely revised rules for each Merit and Flaw and new Characteristic effects created for your Vampire games (any V20 scenario). Only mortal with a Humanity of seven or higher may purchase (or keep) this Merit. 3-pt is more severe: a congenital health condition (for mortals), or a crippling physical deformity. Generally speaking, you're a szlachta, and most modifications necessitate the purchase of the Flow: Monstrous (The Vampire Players Guide, p.19). (CB:R1), Pack Enemy You have made an enemy of your pack leader. (CB:G1), Haven Affinity Your territoriality rivals that of a Lupine. Scales (1 - 3 Flaw) During your Embrace, a portion of your skin became scales. You have an entire limb affected, such as an arm, forcing you to wear long gloves at all times. Likewise, your Marijava friend may call upon you for help occasionally. Even better, you heal more quickly. (CB:S), Dual Nature You have two distinct Natures, both of which have an influence on your personality and behavior. (TE), Romantic Notions (Ghoul) You believe your entire existence as a ghoul to be head and shoulders above your previous life. You may ask for her help in times of need, but she may not always be able to help. (INQ), Demon Plagued Either at one time the character practiced Infernal Diablerie and then broke it off or ran a foul of Baali, or another Infernalist and her cultists. All dealings with other Assamites (Banu Haqim) are at +1 difficulty, though the Storyteller has the discretion to vary this penalty for individuals who know you well or whom you have served well or badly in the past. You may consider this two points that can be added to Pack Recognition. (PGS), Prophetic AbilityGod speaks to you in signs and portents, visions and images. You must learn to feed in other ways, perhaps drawing the blood you need with a syringe or razor, if you do not wish to kill every time you feed. (CB:Tor1), Mystic Ability For some reason, you have visions. Instead, your aura reflects some deeper aspect of your Nature or personality. Revenants cannot be Kinfolk, either as a Merit or as a Flaw. Pack Distinction You have a certain degree of fame within your pack. Failure means the Shadows attach the wielder. Download in Google Docs. Although the relationship proved useful and pleasant white it lasted, you grew weary of your former paramour and ended the long-term tryst. Whenever you are in a non-Society setting, you have a 1-die penalty to all social skills. As a result, you draw attention from members of the opposite sex, or your own sex, with raw animal magnetism. (ELY), Unbondable (Ghoul) You cannot be Blood Bound to a vampire, no matter how often you drink from his veins. Additional DisciplineYou can take one additional Discipline (Storyteller discretion) as if it were a clan Discipline. Due to your belief in the predictability of others, you also receive +1 to the difficulty level of the first action taken following a surprise (such as an ambush). Should the wind blow while you are moving, there is no way to hear you. You may also home in on your haven by making an unmodified Perception roll (difficulty variable; 6 if across town, 8 if in another state or country, 9 if across the Globe). They will not offer any assistance to you, and may even alert your enemies to your presence in a city. White Wolf Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This group provides him with assistance, and possibly even agents to handle his dirty work. The Merits from Prime 5.1 have been included for convenience. This ability is not under your control. It's VDA Merits, but the Setite in Conspiracy leans heavily on having Sweet Blood and Sanctifying Kiss, so her blood has a wine-like taste and she can put people a step toward blood bond with a Kiss. Your skin is pink, you never really stopped breathing (even though you dont need to), and even sneezing comes naturally. If you are Bruised, you will heal in a matter of hours. Emotional Isolation You have seen too many friends and family, Kindred and kine alike, swept away on the river of time and cast into oblivion. Characters with the seven-point version can fly at speeds of 20 miles per hour and perform aerial maneuvers with their Athletics, although they cannot carry objects heavier than half their own weight. (CB:L1), Family Member A member of your mortal family is also a vampire. In the case of sidhe kinain, this Flaw is the same as the Sidhe's Curse from the Player's Guide. Although dangerous, any weaponry causes normal damage only; despite its horrid appearance, your arsenal is still only mortal flesh and bone. This also includes all supernatural Disciplines and Gifts. You will likely find yourself given additional responsibilities, which may present opportunities for you to further ingratiate yourself with the master. This is essentially a "Baby Face" merit for altered forms, and may include other lifelike symptoms at the Storyteller's discretion, as well as a defense against the werewolf gift Sense Wyrm.