He took me out to a small house on the outskirts of town for a visit with the wife and baby. He was the founder of our unit and it became F Company 75th. Closing with sincere wishes for everyone to have a glorious Christmas and that 2018 will be your best ever. maxhightForP2 = 5786; I was there from May 69 to April 70. Sadness is the word. John F. Schlatter, Las Vegas, NV. Since I my branch was Artillery, I went with COL Steele when he visited War Zone D. Seems a lot of our Artillery was dispersed to those old fire bases along the Cambodia border. One in Gia Ray in that firefight and the other in An Loc. Set. Didnt get to the compound much except when they showed Patton. We had ARVN ARTY there. General Nazzaro shakes hands with group of Vietnamese Air Force airmen of the 41st Vietnamese Air Force Wing. I think she was even wearing the Special Forces Tab. Joe. Arnold Apple. Sir- Do you have any pictures of the Gia Ray Base Camp? Never went back and really dont want to. Forgotten the Deputys name. The 2d Howitzer Battalion, 35th Artillery remains assigned to the 54th Artillery Group with the mission of General Support, II Field Force. Not many like him. Location: Xuan Loc Vietnam Date: 1969, May 23 Duration: 4 min 25 sec Sound: No Color: Color Clip Type: Unedited Language: None Clip: 65675067357 USAF General Joseph J Nazzaro shakes hands with group of Vietnamese Air Force airmen at Da Nang Air Base in Vietnam. Got on the post, but w/in 5 minutes the political officer white shirt and black trousers showed up and threw me out. This was at the MACV compound across the street from the airfield. 1,487 views. The new SA was Colonel Plummer and he though the Vietnamese Artillery didnt need much advise and used the two of us as Infantry advisers with a seasoned Infantry Sergeant. Took an R&R, then got back to 52nd Regimental compound at Gia Ra. John, I kept a diary while there and this is what I wrote on 7 and 8 May, 1969. Was the Capt. My father has the same problem of finding his records after the so called "Big Fire" they had housing military records. This article is a list of known military operations of the Vietnam War in 1969, conducted by the armed forces of the Republic of Vietnam, the United States and their allies. Very seldom went to town, Xuan Loc. I tended to the radio equipment in the communications building. Some memories of Xuan Loc MARS station AB8AO. Im at slandry164@gmail.com if anyone wants to connect with me (Im his eldest son).Thanks and ALLONS! Got a fewe rides in the back seat with Pappy, Aloft 34. Terms & Conditions | Grass in the foreground. I was there with you under Ferguson and Patton. (including National Guard) Hide, Fire Support Base "Husky", home of Headquarters Battery, 2nd Battalion, 35th Artillery Regiment (155, SP) Xuan Loc,Vietnam. I am trying to place you. knew him well at xuan loc area he was kia may 1969 east of nui chua chan, Sorry to heard about your bout with cancer. Wounded outside of Fire Base Bastogne. Bill Candelore. LtCol Patton with Team 87 43rd RCAT was David Patton nephew of George S. He wasnt a bad guy. Alvin, Hope that Ive got the right man for you. We had to travel over there to see it. Unfortunately, she was killed in a car accident about 30 days after leaving Train Compound. As the action continued a unit of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment arrived and engaged the VC. Rodney Nauman was Capt. The Sultan left on Aug. 19th, Upshur on 20th and Barrett on the 23rd. Any help appreciated. Would have liked to have talked to him. I was Bn Senior Advisor Nov 68 Oct 69. She deals with everything.VA has been pretty good. Thank God for SFC Winland. Two companies of the Army's 199th Light Infantry Brigade are slogging along a trail leading out of the forest where they have just had a bloody encounter . He was due to rotate back to The US in a few weeks. SSG Maauel Barrera was KIA in September 1967. Sometime earlier a NVA Maj.(?) I was shipped to Walter Reed in DC in May. He ended up being the SA for TF 52 with Marv and the Sergeant that were wounded. According to the notes I found he was also in: MACV Delta; MATT Adv Team #55 at Rach Gia; then Military Advisory Team #87. Ha. Patton and rest of 43 Regt fought a break through operation to relieve us and beat back the NVA. Strong as hell as he carried his deputy out of harms way after he got shot in the hip. Might go back poking around again Spring 2018 (if Im still kicking). That is why I always think of the song No Where To Hide! 10-4 Dai Hui, Sorry I screwed up and wasnt there. Around 1969 in xuan Loc message me if you did supercooldad2006@yahoo.com, For Harold Caldwell. When I came to 4/48 in late June of 1968 there was a Captain who was Senior Battalion Advisor, who had been with 4/48 during Tet 1968 and left the Battalion about the 3rd week of July. I sold my Colt Cobra to a Philippine Captain on my way home. Our house looks at the 10th green of one of 8 courses here and 9 lakes. A Major Whiteside and I were the only Artillery Majors that I remember. Hey Barry I remember when you and Lance had a cookout that night I was on my back to fire support base I still have that telescope and 3 more I am very sick but still around. Great memories OVER! Glad to hear you are still kicking. They built the cinder bhlock commo center when I was there. I was a Spc 5 as well. I was there from Aug. 1969 to May 1970 but dont remember this. Lucky. Brings back memories. This Maj. Turner was an older fellow. I always remember in operation with adviser in 52nd rigement when I was there. would love to chat so get ahold of me if you read this. When I arrived at the TOC the duty sergeant asked if I had just arrived at the chopper pad. Is there anyone here Team 87 Xuan Loc, from august 1965 to April 1966? All these years it bothered me somewhat to think that he was in the field because he got on the wrong side of someone. Sad news today-LT Carroll Walker died of his wounds he received last week.. There was also a golf course next to the runway. One of the units of the 18th ARVN took the village back. I cant be of much help since I didnt have more than minimal contact with the 11th. Started as DSA to 1/52. Give me a bit of time. Mountains in the background. During 1969 he told me he was a STRAK Man in 1969 (and taught quick fire with rifles), which I cannot locate on any abbreviation site. Depicting Operations near Xuan Loc . The compound was on the other side of the road a block or two West of the field. Does anyone remember sometime in late 69 early 70 when they were playing WILD BUNCH at the open air theater. Sent to Nui Chui Chan, Hill 837, in March 70. Great to see your still kicking! Sr Adv Col Tuberty may be the only one. It hit all of us very hard-he was very well liked by all of us. Interior and pilot are shown. Richard. Not much rain. Mine is lucasholt99@icloud.com. I will never forget him have had a stroke, but have good memories of Xuan Loc and AB8AO He pilled up a lot of NVA that night with his M 16 that kept jamming. After I left Vietnam, I did not any longer have contact with your dad. I was only 14 at the time of his passing. Built Cu chi Base and worked HObo, Iron triangle, War zone 3, Friliho?? Can you send me an e-mail at naa588@msn.com so I can reply to you and ask a few questions. I was there 71-72 left April or so. Living in rain soaked OR.. I did come across vague action report(s). Mountains in the background. I lived with the 54th Arty but went to the MACV compound sometimes as half of our unit was billeted there. Went into TOC, G-3, then iut and about with Major, then later S Lt scarborough. One of our platoons was billeted there so I visited them occasionally. Their family needs to have them. LOL. The team surgeons last name was Bagwell, He was from Fort Worth, TX, as I remember. Are there any photos of Carroll in uniform? Does anyone know or has worked with a then Capt. John. I was caughtup there one time when the cong the fuel dump on the air field. The surgeon I worked with was a red-cross volunteer from Canada, I dont know if his name was Bagwell . The Upshur had 2nd Sqdn, 28th Military History The Barrett carried 3rd Sqdn. God bless you and all the other Vietnam Veterans for your dedication and service. Went there frequently. He loved his wife- he talked about her. We used to have bbq cookouts near the patio. I would be thankful for any info at all about this incident. Xun Lc Base Camp (also known as Xun Lc Airfield or Firebase Husky) is a former U.S. Army and Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) base in the town of Xun Lc in ng Nai Province in southern Vietnam . Please message me if you feel like it sir. Chou Dai Hui. I was there 66-67 hammer switch board operator in comm building with Jeff Brown. Anyway, I am so glad you survived. South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu and Vietnamese Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky visit Plei Me High School and review Montagnard troops in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. DAIUY HALL, thank you for your reply he did not want to talk much about the ambush or the search & destroy missions. Stay safe, Do you remember Smitty the co.vlerk at Xuan Loc or Sgt Apple? Thanks so much for this helpful information. He had a big boil or lump on the back of his neck Arnold Apple occasionally. in 1968, but it was down in the southern half of the country(???). Some had blue and grey uniforms and some just in brown and grey. If so I met you at the funeral home. Houses burned. Please contact me if you have into on this matter. I dont remember attending the funeral as I had to attend school. Any info from yourself of anyone who worked with the EMUs would be appreciated and acknowledged. Living the dream!! Infected the bone so lost my big toe, little toe and the bones on the side of my foot. Always thought it was a MACV camp at xuan loc. Per the official records, he was KIA, body recovered May 8, 1969, in Long Khanh. Anyway Take Care Stay Safe. any one else.. please write gary. Wish I still had it. They ended up in an awful battle and all three were wounded and evacuated. Take Care, nice to hear from you. This was in the Lang Gha river bridge general area-stretching 5-10 clicks east/west and north/south. Vietnam War, 1961-1975. Several LTs including me who had disputes with higher ups found out he took our side.. A marine with an M-16 rifle at the ready seated on the ground. Hope you are recovering OK from the stroke. I came to Team 87 camp about August or Sept 1965. They adjusted all my meds and I am doing well again. All of my pictures, records and notes were destroyed at Gia Ra, so if anyone on this thread has memories of that time period or contacts, I would sure like to hear from you via this site or directly at wdneal@sdrnet.com. The RVN monsoon season was like boot camp for OR. He was my uncle that was KIA 28FEB1966, Gia Ray was the thorn. HQ WAS IN XUAN LOC , THIRD REGIONAL CORP. Arrived team 87 late September 67. CH-54 Skycrane in flight in Vietnam,1969. License Agreement | Left in April 66. +, Thanks for the reply on Pappy. (Google the famous Xmas card incident.) Were you there when Col Patton was there. I just found this site His call sign was aloft 21. I left country in late March 68. When our name comes up on the waiting list, we move back into the other county and do all the registrations over again. I made it down from there in record making time. Last year we visited with one of the Signal Officers I met on our trip to Australia. Even had a few drinks in the EM club. After several months in Tay Ninh I was brought back to Xuan Loc and assigned to The Hill hill 837 radio relay site, 15 clicks east of Xuan Loc, where I spent the next 6 months. Slow healing so I go to a wound clinic every Friday. Have had a stroke and memory shot to hell. I retired from the Border Patrol and now regret I didnt take more pictures of the Old Patrol. Thinking back about the name Advanced Search | I remember a ARVN Sgt Vo Van Vu with 18th Div also Major Xa who was KIA in Phouc Tuy. I had Advisory Training and Vietnamese school at Fort Bragg and Fort Bliss then upon arrival assigned to Team 87 at Xuan Loc. They built a little hut for a bar after i was there for a while. I can remember one time we had a night time mortar attack and puff the magic dragon came and took care of that real quick! I would love to find out more both of his Vietnam tours! ROUTE 332 LEAVES 20 AND HEADS SE.THE LA NGA RIVER FLOWS SOUTH AND A TRIBUTARY FLOWS ACROSS 332 AND JOINS THE RIVER.. YOU WILL NOTICE NOW THAT THERE IS A SECTION OF LAND THAT HAS HWY 20 AS A WESTERN BORDER AND THE LA NGA RIVER AND ITS TRIBUTARIE FORMS THE EASTERN AND SOUTHERN BODER. More than 1,500 communist troops attack U.S. and South Vietnamese camps near Xuan Loc, located 38 miles east of Saigon. Part of 71-72 LTC Ferguson was the 43rd RCAT Senior Advisor replaced in 72, (I think) by LTC David W. Patton. About the third person there. Let me know when and what you were there for. He said, didnt they tell you, You are in charge. To get to Xuan Loc one would drive or fly from Can Tho. Was shot up then transported to a Japan where he died. Army of Republic of Vietnam Lieutenant General Xuan Lam, Colonel Roberts and staff. Some said he did it to himself because of personal problems. I guess I spent too many days and nights in the woods, enough to last a lifetime, so camping out is not my cup of tea. [1], The 11th ACR had its headquarters at Blackhorse from March 1967 until January 1969.[2]. That evening we were able to reject a strong VC probe that began about midnight and lasted until about 3 am. Do you know if there was a report on the engagement? Lt col Ferguson and later with Lt Col David W Patton Capts Parabela ?? 1969: Page Count: 16: Abstract: The 2d Battalion, 35th Artillery remained assigned to the 54th Artillery Group with the mission of General Support, II Field Force. Maybe Evans.) Two week of bombing by both sides left it a pile of burning rubble. Stay in touch, enjoy communicating with you. well Sir y0u beat me to retirement. Oh well, keeps us alert and young. I remember Doc very well. Incense burning. Mike Hope was killed 8 Jun 1970 at 1300 hours. About SSG Green: I had crossed paths with him occasionally while I was in 3/52, then saw him more frequently when I was in Xuan Loc. My recollection: Sometime in 1969 myself and a E7 or 8 Tom Canfield and one other medic were sent to retrieve the body of Maj Turner from a designated area where the remains of a battle were accumulated. The traffic was backed up all the way to Bien Hoa CITY. He had a large birth mark on his face and ran the PX? 4 LeMoyne Watkins . Dave went on to LtGen as Chief of Army Signal Corps, Pentagon. Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. I HAVE A JACKET WITH THAT DECAL. Worked many times with Yourself, Captain Hope and Pappy. I already care, Curious if you have any info on SFC William H. Hubbard Jr.s loss from March of 1966. Bob Morse,, When were you with the 52nd? We were childhood friends in East Tennessee, and I would like to know more about his tour in the Nam. Not sure why my name is on this post. Then led (advised) an ARVN rifle company to reinforce other parts of the perimeter. Got some ulcers on my left foot. I have some contact info if you would like it. There was an old SF Site just South of it. The defenders were supported by helicopter gunships, air strikes and AC-47 Spooky gunships. lol I spent a night in the hospital due to low blood pressure and low O2 %. I am interested in your recollections of working with the 11th Cav. Will remember Xuan Loc and the great bunch of guys forever. I was with Team 87 in 1965-1966 (74th Aviation). One of them is SP5 Rudolf Micka who died February 20, 1972, of an accidental weapon discharge. I rotated in December and in late March the 52nd became a Task Force and was sent to Loch Ninh/ An Loc for an operation involving the 5th and 18th Divisions. Then he moved to Quy Nhon air base. Glad to here that you are to be in Arizona. My Account | I DID NOT MEET YOU DAD..HOPE THIS IS HELPFUL. Group of marines with M-16 rifles ride atop an M67A3 flame-thrower tank moving across the bushy area. My last 6 months was spent as an Arty advisor to the arty with the 48th and 52d Regs. Their unit was just probably assigned an AO to check out. Anyway, they will keep me busy for awhile. After when ever we met he was a nice guy. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America's honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. Mid-air on way to hot LZ, Mekong Delta, 1969. Don Snedeker here, historian for the 11th Armored Cavalry Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia. He was replaced by LTC Boone, an ass hole. I am not on FB or twitter, I too flew a few times with Pappy [call sign Aloft 34 if i recall correctly] ]to see how the Army did it as I was the spook [call sign Kenny Zero One Alpha] with the Air Force FAC team that supported the 18th ARVN from July 67-Sep 69. Second mass grave uncovered. IT SAYS SAT CONG. Ruined many a good officers career. I check this site periodically to stay in touch with a few including you. However Have you heard of a Major Putnam who was also at Xuan Loc in 68. Much appreciated, Im with you Dai Hui (Robert Morse). In September 71, I was taken to Blackhorse and worked with the 52nd during the Vietnamese Presidential Election. Ill stay in touch. Assembly point for hundreds of coffins. Dick Wolfe, Dick I even visited the deputy in the hospital and cannot remember his name. I had an RTO named GROUT from Sparks, NV. I was an Advisor with the 4th/43rd/18thDivision and we went into the same area as the 1st on the 8th.