There are links to the appropriate policies and procedures and these can be found in the Sources of Further Information section. 2.6 Students may undertake an approved initial period of study, consisting of 120 credits at level 3 or higher, leading to progression to 1 or more specified Programmes. The Senate is our chief academic authority and is responsible, on behalf of the Council, for determining educational policy (Ordinance 5). 4.8 Reasonable AdjustmentPolicy and Procedure. If students do not pass a required module they will not be able to progress to the next stage of the programme, nor graduate from the programme with the intended award. this will be considered as a late appeal as it should have been appealed within 28 days of receiving There may be programme-specific attendance requirements, confirmed to students at enrolment, which students should adhere to. The procedure is used where students do not complete enrolment, including collecting a Student Card, or if taught students are not engaging with their programme for 5 consecutive engagement points, as defined in the procedure, and have not submitted an application for an interruption of study. 1.4 The language of tuition, supervision, and assessment will be English and/or in Welsh, except in programmes that are designed to include the acquisition of language skills. 5.2.2 The Head of School will establish a School Postgraduate Research Committee, the Chair being the Director of Postgraduate Research Studies, which shall report to the School Board and PGR Strategy Group. Examples of such changes may include: Examples of circumstances in which the University may need to make such changes include: 2.3 In making any such changes, the University will aim to keep the changes to the minimum necessary to achieve the required quality of experience and will notify and consult affected students in advance about any changes that are required. Upon assessing the work, they shall make one of the following recommendations: 1.1 The candidate is approved for the award. 1136855. The Appeals Procedure Writing your Appeal Appeal Generator Appeal Complaints Frequently Asked Questions Registered charity no. Please note, all appeals need to be submitted in English collect their student card (except distance learning students); pay their tuition fees or confirm the details of their sponsor; confirm their programme of study (including confirmation of module selection). Copyright Cardiff University. For students who have not yet enrolled this academic year, the 2021/22 Academic Regulations will apply. 9.2 The Head of School will put in place procedures and processes that ensure equity, consistency, and transparency of marking. Presenting original documentation at enrolment: details the procedure for providing hard copy documentation to the University upon request. Characteristics, Absent from assessment without good cause, Accepted extenuating circumstances that have not been remedied against the assessment, Accepted extenuating circumstances relating to a, Academic Misconduct upheld against the assessment, Academic Misconduct upheld against the module. and Funding Advice Team, Writing 11.6 Where a member of staff informs a Head of School of a personal interest relating to a student, the Head of School, having consulted the Academic Registrar, shall as they deem appropriate: 11.7 Thequorum for Examining Boards will be when the Chair is satisfied that an appropriate spokesperson(s) for each module/unit of study is/are present. 15.2 On completion of a students studies, the Academic Registrar will issue each student with a full transcript, in an approved form, and where appropriate a degree certificate. Fitness to Practise policy: details the policy and procedure for the entry of applicants to regulated programmes relating to their conduct and wellbeing. Pass mark for mathematics at cardiff university? 1.4 The candidate is not approved for a doctoral award but is approved for MPhil or the subsidiary award specified for the programme. Where information is provided to the University in relation to (or potentially in relation to) a safeguarding matter, the University will discharge its duties to record and report as appropriate any concerns to applicable parties within the University, and to relevant external organisations such as the Police (including the Counter Terrorism Agency), Childrens Services, or Social Services. Recognition of Prior Learning and Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning policy: details the policy and procedure for the recognition of prior learning and prior experiential learning to permit entry with advanced standing or exemption. characteristics, protected If, as a result of your appeal, you are given the opportunity to resit an assessment in the next academic acts of God, flood, earthquake, windstorm or other natural disaster or severe weather condition; pandemics, epidemics of infectious diseases and other threats to public health; collapse of building structures, failure of machinery, computers or vehicles; damage, interruption or lack of access to buildings, facilities or equipment; labour disputes, including strikes and industrial and other action; interruption or failure of utility service, including but not limited to electric power, gas or water; the acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restriction of any government; the unexpected absence or departure of a key member of staff; where the numbers recruited to a programme and/or module are so low that it is not possible to deliver an appropriate quality of education to students enrolled on it; in response to the requirements of an accrediting body or professional regulator; the acts or delays of any governmental or local authority; and/or. If you do not pass, you simply do not get a degree. if you have failed an module at the first attempt, the resit attempt number will remain email and made available on the Transcripts section of your SIMS account. in the case of a module where a qualifying mark is required for one or more assessment components, the qualifying mark(s) has been achieved. 4.3 The requirement to hold a second viva for a resubmitted thesis may be waived by the examiners, but only where they are unanimously of the view that the resubmitted thesis meets the requirement of the intended award. This procedure is used where taught students do not fully engage with their programme of study and where concerns are raised with the Head of School about a students engagement. This procedure specifies the requirement for students on taught programmes to inform the University of any absence, whether it be short- or long-term. Doctor of Music/Doethur mewn Cerddoriaeth, Doctor of Divinity/Doethur mewn Diwinyddiaeth, Doctor of Science/Doethur mewn Gwyddoniaeth, Doctor of Dental Science/Doethur mewn Gwyddoniaeth Ddeintyddol, Doctor of Economic and Social Studies/Doethur mewn Astudiaethau Economaidd a Chymdeithasol, Doctor of Medicine/Doethur mewn Meddygaeth, Doctor of Philosophy/Doethur mewn Athroniaeth, Doctor of Clinical Psychology/Doethur mewn Seicoleg Glinigol, Doctor of Educational Psychology/Doethur mewn Seicoleg Addysg, Doctor of Engineering/Doethur mewn Peirianneg, Doctor of Social Work/Doethur mewn Gwaith Cymdeithasol, Doctor of Advanced Healthcare Practice/Doethur mewn Ymarfer Gofal Iechyd Uwch, Doctor of Health Studies/Doethur mewn Astudiaethau Iechyd, Doctor of Social and Public Policy/Doethur mewn Polisi Cymdeithasol a Chyhoeddus, Master of Philosophy/Athro mewn Athroniaeth, Master of Science/Athro mewn Gwyddoniaeth, Master of Dental Science/Athro mewn Gwyddoniaeth Ddeintyddol, Master of Economic and Social Studies/Athro mewn Astudiaethau Economaidd a Chymdeithasol, Master of Business Administration/Athro mewn Gweinyddiaeth Fusnes, Master of Design Administration/Athro mewn Gweinyddu Dylunio, Master of Public Administration/Athro mewn Gweinyddiaeth Gyhoeddus, Master of Theology/Athro mewn Diwinyddiaeth, Master of Public Health/Athro mewn Iechyd Cyhoeddus, Master of Clinical Dentistry/Athro mewn Deintyddiaeth Glinigol, Master of Architecture/Athro mewn Pensaernaeth, Master in Biochemistry/Athro mewn Biocemeg, Master in Biological Sciences/Athro mewn Gwyddorau Biolegol, Master in Biomedical Sciences/Athro mewn Gwyddorau Biofeddygol, Master of Engineering/Athro mewn Peirianneg, Master in Earth Science/Athro mewn Gwyddor Daear, Master in Mathematics/Athro mewn Mathemateg, Master in Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics/Athro ym Mathemateg, Ymchwil Weithredol ac Ystadegaeth, Master in Neuroscience/Athro mewn Niwrowyddorau, Master of Pharmacy/Athro mewn Fferylliaeth, Bachelor of Dental Surgery/Baglor mewn Llawfeddygaeth Ddeintyddol, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery/Baglor mewn Meddygaeth a Baglor mewn Llawfeddygaeth, Postgraduate Certificate/Tystysgrif l-raddedig, Bachelor of Science/Baglor mewn Gwyddoniaeth, Bachelor of Economic and Social Studies/Baglor mewn Astudiaethau Economaidd a Chymdeithasol, Bachelor of Engineering/Baglor mewn Peirianneg, Bachelor of Music/Baglor mewn Cerddoriaeth, Bachelor of Architecture/Baglor mewn Pensaernaeth, Bachelor of Midwifery/Baglor mewn Bydwreigiaeth, Bachelor of Science in Dentistry/Baglor mewn Gwyddoniaeth mewn Deintyddiaeth, Bachelor of Medical Science/Baglor mewn Gwyddor Feddygol, Diploma of Higher Education/Diploma Addysg Uwch, Certificate of Higher Education/Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch, Certificate of Foundation Studies/Tystysgrif Astudiaethau Sylfaen, Doctor of Dental Surgery/Doethur mewn Llawfeddygaeth Ddeintyddol, Doctor in Nursing Science/Doethur mewn Gwyddor Nyrsio, Doctor of Advanced Healthcare Science and Practice/Doethur Gwyddoniaeth ac Ymarfer Gofal Iechyd Uwch, Master of Educational Practice/Athro mewn Ymarfer Addysgol, Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PCET)/Tystysgrif Raddedig Broffesiynol mewn Addysg (Addysg a Hyfforddiant l-orfodol) (PCET), Bachelor of Divinity/Baglor mewn Diwinyddiaeth, National Qualification for Tutors of Welsh for Adults/Cymhwyster Cenedlaethol Tiwtoriaid Cymraeg i Oedolion, Diploma in Legal Studies (for exchange students)/Diploma mewn Astudiaethau Cyfreithiol (ar gyfer myfyrwyr cyfnewid). Evidence should ideally 9.1 An interruption and/or extension approved by the University will result in an adjustment to the latest date by which the student may submit their thesis. 3.3.The public may have concerns regarding the conduct of a student and may raise such concerns by writing to the Academic Registrar, outlining their concerns, and providing any evidence. Precursor module: A module a student must have completed in order to proceed to a subsequent specified module, but for which credit may not yet have been awarded prior to the commencement of the subsequent module. Continued registration on a research degree programme is conditional on the student maintaining adequate progress, demonstrated through the Research Student Progress Monitoring Procedure. Part-time PhD - Change to maximum period of study from 7 to 8 years. The Academic Registrar may refer the case for an independent investigation. 1.4 These regulations do not apply to the PhD by Published Works, to Higher Doctorates, or to MRes (Master of Research) programmes. Students who achieve a final Mark of 68% or 69% will be awarded a classification of Distinction provided that they have achieved a module mark of 70% or more in modules at level 7 to the value of at least 50% of credits. the allocation and monitoring of resources to taught Programmes; receiving and considering recommendations from Boards of Studies for new programmes and major changes to existing programmes. made need to seek professional, legal support. 4.3 Your offer will be either conditional or unconditional: Conditional means that there are academic, non-academic, or English/Welsh language requirements that will need to be met before a place can be confirmed. under grounds two or three, it is likely that you will still have to resit the assessment in question 6.1 The University recognises that students will on occasion have personal circumstances which may impact on their studies. at least one academic staff representative of each Module under the oversight of the Board of Studies; at least one student representative, normally drawn from the Student/Staff Panels administered by the Board of Studies and elected by and from the student members of the Staff/Student Panels. Your student ID card is valid for the duration of your study, and you must carry it on university premises. In cases where coursework is submitted late, and where there are no extenuating circumstances: 8.1 All Examinations for modular programmes will be held during the designated examination periods or in the resit examination period. A candidate is assessed on the basis of work undertaken and published prior to their registration, as opposed to work undertaken as a student of Cardiff University. final mark, how can I do this? 8.7 The University considers requests from individual students to undertake assessments, including examinations, outside Cardiff in the summer resit examination period, and in exceptional circumstances, requests from individual students to undertake assessments, including examinations, outside Cardiff at other times. What remedies can I get from the Appeals Procedure? 11.14 In exceptional circumstances a Head of School may make a request to Awards and Progress Committee to permit the Exam Board to discount further credits from the award classification. We would advise you to make a late appeal at your . 10.1 The Dissertation Stage of a taught Master's degree Programme shall take the form of a Dissertation. 2.4 Sometimes circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the University which could not have been prevented even if the University had taken reasonable care (Events Outside our Control) mean that the University is prevented from, hindered or delayed in providing or otherwise cannot provide the programmes and/ or research opportunities leading to its awards and related educational and other services and facilities as described. Students will receive feedback as outlined in the Academic Feedback of Taught Student Policy. The Admissions Regulations and associated policies and procedures have been approved by Senate. . Cardiff University offers a range of accommodation to suit individual preferences and budgets. If a Board of Studies decides to remove any free-standing modules, it must inform the Heads of Schools of all programmes which offer free-standing modules. 4.4 The candidate is not approved for the award and no further submission is permitted. Continuing Professional Development: 1 stage, At the end of year 2 (i.e. Please refer to the 6.5 Should there be concerns about a students progress, these will be addressed through the Unsatisfactory Progress or Engagement Policy and Procedure (Research Students). 2.9 The Head of School is responsible for: 2.10 University officers may nominate alternates to act on their behalf. 4.5 Research Monitoring Regulations Policy and Procedure (Research Students). 4.4.2. The expectations and practices noted in the supporting advice and guidance on Concerns, Complaints and Appeals, being particularly relevant: 1.1 The University aims to provide you with high-quality opportunities to help you pursue your programme and study towards your degree. However, you can only submit an The submission may include a full draft thesis, a partial thesis, draft chapters, and/or any related material that would have been incorporated into the thesis. 2.3 The candidate is invited to revise and resubmit their thesis or research portfolio. This provides a framework for the effective implementation of reasonable adjustments for all disabled students at Cardiff University. How long does the Academic Appeals Procedure take? because of this. your official transcript in that academic year. Students who achieve a final mark of 68% or 69% will be awarded a degree classification of First Class Honours provided that they have achieved a module mark of 70% or more in modules at Level 6 to the value of at least 60 credits. Table of Procedures - The table at 4.8 mapping student events to the relevant procedure has been removed, and will be placed in the Student Handbook instead. Lovecraft and Hazel Heald. Tuition fees may vary depending on whether you sit the year as an be independent and support all elements of your argument. 4.1.1. Most people aim to get a' first class', or 'first' (formally called first class honours) in their degree which means their average of all their assessments in university is 70% or above. Too early to appeal: If you receive a result in the January assessment period, or indeed any time before 12.2 External examiners will have sufficient standing, credibility, and breadth of experience within the discipline to be able to command the respect of academic peers, and where appropriate, professional peers. English language requirements: details the requirements for undergraduate and postgraduate studies for both academic and to meet UKVI sponsor licence requirements. 13.3 The Chair of the Examining Board must require the student to confirm in writing that they are willing to accept an Aegrotat award. undergraduate and postgraduate taught. The regulations have been presented using the following structure: Associated policies and procedures have been aligned with this structure. The provider actively engages students, individually and collectively, in the quality of their education experience. The extended registration period will allow access to University IT resources (email, intranet and electronic library resources). This procedure specifies the requirement for students to apply to the University for an absence from their research studies if they are absent for more than a short period in order that the University can support their absence and plan for their return to study. Students who achieve a final mark of 58% or 59% will be awarded a degree classification of Second Class Honours, Division I (2:1) provided that they have achieved a module mark of 60% or more in modules at level 6 to the value of at least 60 credits. may reject your circumstances but, the longer you wait to submit, the longer you will need to provide The grading system at UK universities differs from those in other countries and can cause confusion if you're used to high achieving. The candidate is required to pay a resubmission fee. successful appeal. 5.2 Before submitting an application, applicants may apply for any available intake, which may include deferred entry. 1.5 Where there are specific regulations for individual awards, these are defined below. If a module has substantially changed or has been replaced with a new module, internal repeating students will undertake all of the assessment elements specified for the new module. confirmed results should be confirmed to you in an official results transcript, usually by email and Process webpage for how to submit a late appeal. However, all students must within the first two weeks of the academic year: In addition to the requirements for all students, taught students must engage with their programme and absences of 5 consecutive engagements will result in the appropriate procedure being applied. Students who achieve a final mark of 68% or 69% will be awarded a degree classification of First Class Honours provided that. Removal of option for Interruption of Study, as is not relevant to the nature of the programme. 16th March 2020, the resit number will remain at attempt two and the mark will remain capped at the pass The regulations will be kept under regular review to ensure they continue both to support internal processes to function efficiently and effectively, and to fully meet the requirements of the revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education. 5.1.1 The Postgraduate Research (PGR) Strategy Group provides strategic oversight of postgraduate research across the University, reporting into the governance structures of the thematic Pro Vice-Chancellors. 3.4 Students will have opportunities to participate in making decisions about academic matters through their membership of relevant committees. You will not get a failed degree, but you will fail to achieve a degree. 5.1.3 The Group shall provide strategic direction for addressing gaps and maximising opportunities. 5.2 The candidate's adviser(s) will possess an appropriate understanding of the topic and be experienced in PhD supervision and examination. 4.4 For students pursuing Masters programmes, the exit award must not include credits awarded for a dissertation or equivalent project. All results are provisional until they have been confirmed by an Examining Board. If a student is eligible for an award which is not classified it will be designated as Pass. important that you provide evidence of this too. If this is your second attempt at the module, the resit attempt number will remain at attempt two but the evidence and circumstances of your appeal, you may be able to appeal through the OIA (Office of the 3. Consideration of an aegrotat award after the thesis has been submitted. The Research Degree Assessment Regulations have been approved by Senate. 1.5 Section 4 lists the formal procedures that may be followed if there are concerns that expectations of behaviour are not being met and/or there is a risk of harm or offence to you or other members of the community or their property. You do not need to pay to submit an academic appeal. confirmation of module selection (where appropriate); attendance at examinations and class tests; contact with personal tutors at least once per semester; engagement with University IT systems monitoring reports will indicate an absence of use of 14 days. 5.1.7 The Group may establish, as appropriate, such Sub-Committees or other task-oriented groups as required in order to fulfil its role. If you are too early or too late to appeal and need further advice on this point, please contact Student Advice. Their core functions will include the following: .1 responsible for the Annual Review and Enhancement (ARE) of programmes/ part programmes; .2 to consider, and where appropriate advise the School Education and Student Experience Committee on, matters such as: .3to approve, and where appropriate advise the School Education and Student Experience Committee on, changes to programmes as permitted by the Programme Development Policy; .4 to advise the School Education and Student Experience Committee on proposals for new programmes or major changes to programmes; .5to advise the Head of School on applications for entry with advanced standing in line with the provisions set out in the Recognition of Prior Learning and Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning Policy.
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