Scales of fares 385. 29. (1)A person who contravenes or fails to comply with section 24 is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100 and in default of payment to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 3 months or to both a fine and imprisonment. (2) (1)A person shall not within the city limits place or leave mortar, lime, sand, bricks, timber or other material for building or sift and screen lime, in a street, without a permit from the city engineer, who may grant the permit on the conditions that he or she thinks appropriate for securing the safety and convenience of the public. (3) (2) regulate and prescribe the width of tires on the wheels of vehicles used in the city, and the maximum weight of a load to be drawn over streets, and to direct upon what streets laden vehicles may be drawn and from what streets the vehicles shall be excluded; (d) If your require an official version of a by-law, or to ensure that there have been no subsequent amendments, consult the paper version of the document which is held in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on regular business days. Plumbing system Dumping into harbour Catch-basins required 146. Sidewalk traffic (1)In the interval between appraisements, it shall be the duty of the appraisers to make special appraisement of the annual value of a house or building newly constructed or extended; or where because of change of rent or for another reason the appraisers in their discretion consider it necessary or desirable or where the council directs, that a special appraisement of land or a building be made, the appraisers shall do so. 63. refuses to permit the appraisers to enter and inspect the premises occupied by him or her for the purpose of assessing the value of the premises. ; (b) a council of a town constituted or continued under the Municipalities Act; (b) 402. Powers of clerk Purchase of land for stated purposes, 340.1 24. (1)The council may impose a tax to be known as the entertainment tax, upon all theatrical, musical, cinematograph, dancing, pantomime, athletic, circus or other kind of public performances, exhibitions or entertainments, including indoor skating and hockey, conducted within the city limits. (d) Transfer after annexation The council may make appropriations and expenditures out of the funds of the city for the measures that it may consider expedient or desirable for the prevention of disease and the improvement of the general standard of health of children and of the public generally within the area. Before February 1 of each year the council shall prepare and provide to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council a statement of all expenditures on account of a special loan or grant during the previous year, and shall provide a detailed account of the loan or grant, where so required. Penalty The board appointed under subsection (6), after notice and hearing and upon the terms and conditions that it shall fix, may, by order, cancel, or vary in whole or in part, the restriction on land. 76. judge within 2 days of his or her intention to appeal; and. 219. 171. prescribing standards for the maintenance and occupancy of residential property within the city and prohibiting use of the residential property that does not conform to the prescribed standards; (b) (14) (1)Where a person who has received a violation notice under section 403.1 does not voluntarily make a payment to the city within the time frame stated on that notice, the city may charge that person by way of a summons, including a summons that is issued by means of a ticket under the Provincial Offences Act (1)The owner of a horse kept within the city limits, or within 1.6 kilometres outside of the city limits in any direction, and used within the city limits for private purposes, but not for hire, and the owner of a horse used within the city limits for hire, shall register the horse at the City Hall before July 2 in each year, and pay to the city clerk at the time of registration a fee to be prescribed by the council in respect of the period of 12 months beginning on July 1. (Where an oath is taken, add "So help me God".). generally, to give effect to the purpose of sections 340.1 to 340.24. (5) A levy imposed and collected under subsection (9) is subject to the City of St. John's Municipal Taxation Act (1)A person entitled to notice under section 397 may within 10 days of the service on him of the notice, or, where the notice is mailed, within 14 days of the date appearing on that notice appeal. (a) (b) 214. 371. Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), in the case of repairs where no structural alteration is contemplated, it shall be sufficient to submit a full description and specification of the repairs without plans. (c) 265. to the development appeal board established by the council; or. 393. divulge a matter or thing that it is his or her duty to keep secret; (h) Non-working meter and upon delivery to the Minister of Environment and Lands by the council or its lessees of plans and specifications showing to his or her satisfaction that any of the lands are reasonably necessary for that use and issue of his or her certificate accordingly, those lands shall vest in the council, and in respect of those waters and lands vested in the council under this subsection, the council shall have the following powers: (a) to oversee the carrying out of this Act, and all rules, regulations, and by-laws having reference to the scavenging of the city, or the abatement of nuisance in connection with the scavenging of the city, and to prosecute, subject to the permission of the council, all persons who have committed offences against the city; (b) Additional penalty 7.1 "ground landlord" means the owner of the freehold of land, whether built upon or not, or who receives rent for land exclusive of the buildings which may be erected upon it; (j.1) Public nuisances 54. The council may enter into a contract with a person, firm or company for the supply or installation of the water meters referred to in paragraph (1)(c) and to secure the payment of the cost of the meters or the installation of them by a first charge upon all water taxes received in respect of premises in which the meters are installed and to issue debentures of the city securing payment of the cost of the meters. A person who is guilty of an offence under the regulations is liable to the penalty prescribed by the regulations. RSN1970 c40 s313; 1975-76 No. 35. a written notice of motion, signed by the members of council who intend to propose and second it, has been deposited with the city clerk; (b) (2) (3) to issue permits for all persons or corporations requiring to dig in, or upon, or otherwise obstruct the public streets for a lawful purpose, and to see that the streets are restored to their original condition, in accordance with this Act, or by-laws made under this Act; (k) to fix and establish a scale of fares, rates and charges to be paid to licensees and provide a summary method of recovery of them; (i) (1)The control and management of the affairs of the city shall be vested in a board to be known as "The St. John's Municipal Council". (3) 287. Dog tags Sign up to receive information from the City of St. John's directly to your inbox. 262. The council may, by resolution, grant, sell, exchange, rent, assign or lease any lands and buildings owned by the city and acquired by it by gift, expropriation or otherwise, upon the terms and for the consideration that it may decide. Appeal to Trial Division 140. to enter into an agreement with the government of the province for, (i) River Where, as a result of an inspection made under subsection (1), the council is of the opinion that because of weak and insufficient structure, age, decay, damage, lack of repair, insufficient ventilation or light, bad or insufficient drainage, or the existence of insanitary conditions in or in the vicinity of the house or building, or where the council is of the opinion that it is not desirable in the interest of the public health and safety that the house or building should be restored or repaired or continued to be used or occupied as a dwelling house, the council may declare the house or building a nuisance, and to direct that it be destroyed or removed. The development appeal board or the council shall hold a hearing of each appeal referred to in subsection (1), and, in determining the appeal, it may, by order, (a) The members of a bargaining committee referred to in subsection (2) shall be members of the fire department, but, where subsection (3) applies, (a) state the period of time within which the repairs are to be made or the clearing is to be done, which period of time will be the period of time that the building inspector considers appropriate. an action taken by the medical officer in respect to the building, (v) 333. (1)A dwelling shall be kept clean, and shall be kept free from accumulation of dirt, garbage or other matter. Regulations made under this section shall not apply to land or a building which at the date of the passing of the regulations is used or erected for a purpose prohibited by the regulations so long as it continues to be used for that purpose. 195. Where a state of emergency is declared under subsection (1) the order declaring the emergency may order the following: (a) 340.2 (8) prohibit or regulate or prevent the ringing of bells and chimes, blowing of horns, beating of drums and other noises calculated to disturb or be an annoyance to persons; (j) (3) 1. judge under section 395 shall be considered to be a judgment of the Provincial Court They can sometimes be issued right away but could take two to five days. The council is empowered to lease to the Newfoundland Amateur Athletic Association a portion of the eastern section of the lands referred to in subsection (1) on the north side of Quidi (1)All vehicles used on the streets of the city for commercial purposes, shall have the owner's name printed in full on some conspicuous part, in letters of not less than 5.08 centimetres, and painted in white on a black ground or in black on a white ground, under a penalty not exceeding $10. 402.1 VII respecting matters necessary or advisable to carry out effectively the intent and purpose of this section. (5) 165. . In addition to a completedapplication, you will need to include the right checklist: The checklist includes all the documents you must submit with your application. The council may immediately after April 1 and October 1 in each year take proceedings to recover all amounts due for taxes, assessments, rents and licence fees then unpaid, including those due for the current half-year, and shall take proceedings to recover the amounts which have been unpaid for 12 months. Subsection 6(2) to (6) of the Urban and Rural Planning Act 205. A directory of information for residents and visitors to St. Johns County and surrounding areas. The council may make regulations restricting or prohibiting the use of water in the city for conservation purposes. (2) a regional solid waste disposal site or facility. 261. It shall be the duty of the solicitor. (7) The council is empowered to construct a dam on the Broad The driver or other person in charge of a carriage provided with lamps, in accordance with subsection (2), who drives the carriage, or allows the carriage to be driven or to be upon a street, shall, where the lamps are not placed, lighted and kept lighted in the manner and during the period prescribed by this section, be liable to a penalty not exceeding $10 for every offence.
Nc High School Wrestling Weight Classes, Articles C