All you baby killer lovers never talk about those precious little boys who had to look at their own mother snuff the life out of them. Spot on..seems very far fetched that someone would do all of that to themselves, she was only 2 millimetres from her jugular vein in her neck that would have very likely have killed her. Your daughter murdered her children and no anti death penalty advocates are going to save her. There was a missing part to the jigsaw or a chapter missing in a book. I can only pray to god to get her the redemption she deserves. Police were called to the Routier home on Eagle Drive around 2:30 a.m. on June 6, 1996. Darlie is innocent. Why the hell do they refuse to investigate Darin Routier? He had a 200k target on his back with life insurance and he was the cause of her frustration. That in itself is a crime, IMO!! He failed three poly tests because he was grieving? Darlie is 100% a victim and needs justice. This piece of shit stands up there and preaches to jurors not to convict on emotion or because the defendant isnt likable yet that is exactly the same tactic that this hypocrite used in 1997 to convict Darlie. Those people have a very delusional sense of their image. Sick motherfuckers. To a camera!) The dopiest and most malicious group of Texans ever assembled. I have now idea if she is innocent or not but it is their duty to exhaust every possible scenario. They are not self inflicted and anyone who believes they are need to take a look at superficial vs deep wounds. It remains to be seen whether those recent issues and the reports to review referenced by Cooper involve the DNA testing that has been ongoing since 2008, though Cooper has said there is little chance of a meaningful finding in that regard. Did they ever do a dna test on the flesh they discovered under her fingernails? They both ended up on the floor by the couch and the guy just stabbed blindly in the dark. I think her supporters either do not like to be wrong or they havent opened their eyes and read factual information, not just a book or 1 leaning documentary. A deal was in fact made, and Darin was not implicated in the crime. Now Texas is stalling, waited 9 years to get the fingerprint tested. They never investigated Darin and he should have been their first and only suspect. She never confessed. Shes white trash. Long time, no comment. And if your going to put my name in your type at least spell it right! I hate to see a innocent woman in jail and vice versa, I wouldnt want to see a child killer walking the streets. Her team have known this for years. Actually, the Innocence Project helped to free Steven Avery for the rape he did not commit. My second question is what she had to gain by murdering her 2 boys? They just ignored it!! Well golly gee my auto correct works because I probably typed Damians name in recently and he is a supporter so Ill correct myself just for you DAMON hope you booty feels better now . No motive, unless you want to grasp at enough straws to make a broom. My brother was murdered in our house and we (my mom, dad and myself) were investigates HARD before they even looked at anyone else. But all of a sudden she just up and snaps one night, making a God-awful bloody mess of her white carpet? Youll be convicted before they even deliberate. Her wounds were superficial & she didnt know what/where carotid was. One of his specialties was Criminal Law. I figured nothing was the evidence. She knows her daughter killed her grandsons but her reputation, like Darlies, is more important to her than her grandsons ever were. For the heart she dont have. Every cop that heard that come out of my mouth IMMEDIATELY said ok wheres the proof? Not one of them said we know and well prove it! So please explain what forensic evidence they didnt have dna evidence back then but they do now. Know this. The silly string thing. All of you. That is not spatter and they say it shows she was already stabbed by the time the kids blood was on it. They made me get in car and took me to my own house didnt believe I lived there my husband at the time was bewildered. Those boys lives mattered. Two unidentified fingerprints left in blood at the crime scene. You lied about that. Darlie was clearly made out to be a sinning, money grubbing, tramp. How the hell do you figure that? Justice is not blind. I cant think of a crime more vile and repulsive and add to it both sides of Devon and Damons families lie for the psycho bitch that murdered their grandchildren. Thats why she had to get it out of the house. I am so sorryfor the loss of the Routier children. He divorced his wife so he could move on. The reason they didnt find anyone else who committed the murder is because the murderer is Darlie. Just a reminder to everyoneShe failed a lie detector test! Just because some prosecutor can tell a story with a tear heres the deal and the reason the police pleaded the fifth amendment the police recorded that footage with im assuming what turned out to be an illegal wiretap. It is because they are keyboard warriors. Until learning about this case I thought as women wed come much further in gaining equality. For 5,000.00. So explain how it was Darin who had left the house right when Waddell arrived leaving through the sliding doors to get to the back alley. Lastly, she claims to have chased the intruder through the house to the garage; no physical evidence was found to substantiate that claim. There is absolutely no And yes Im referring to English, not the incorrect butchering of the language you call American English. Well said but long term hate makes people lose that reasoning. 3. Darlie murdered Devon and Damon. Abby, that is proof that the people who believe Darlie is guilty are barely literate and not too bright. You tried to insinuate yourself into the Routier family as a Darlie supporter so you could get some glory and inflate your ego. Wow thanks for the common sense comment. Had been following with books and trial transcripts. Wow, with a description like that they should have tracked down that car within hours! Tunnel vision, power, and poor investigating equals innocent people getting convicted of crimes. Ah, a rational voice of reason! They found Darlie with wounds on her neck, arms, and shoulder, but her sons - Devon, 6, and Damon, 5 - were already dying due to their stab injuries. No love, YOU will be the one eating crowwith a face full of egg, to boot. Her son Drake had leukemia and Darlie could do nothing to help him. With entry into the case by the Innocence Project and with the DNA and fingerprint testing, Kee is more hopeful now than ever that Routier will get a new trial or be exonerated of the murders of Devon and Damon. The results will determine whether or not to continue. So she killed them for money that she never got and in fact ended up costing her more money putting them even more into a financial hole than they were to begin with. After having 11 defendants found not guilty in death penalty cases together they decided to walk away rather than accept the huge responsibly of having a persons life ended due to a decision either might make.They believed they had served their profession well. Were just looking for a new trial.. Doing what he did to those kids and what he tried to do to their mom tells you this is a depraved and tortured soul. Matt and Christine. Many of us who mourn children do these things to cope, to at least hold on to that piece of our babies. She was found guilty of murdering 5-year-old Damon but never tried in the death of her 6-year-old son Devon. Darlie used that sock on the handle of the knife thats why her DNA is inside the toe. You have been stalking this case for years. Marlene did her research. Darlie is now finally starting to admit that it was very possible Darin was involved, but it is going to take a hell of a lot more than that. That means that Darlie had about a minute and a half at most to run 75 yards down the alley to plant the sock, run 75 yards back, quickly slice her own throat while miraculously missing her carotid artery by 2 mm, attempt to clean up blood from the kitchen area, move the vacuum cleaner to the kitchen area, and break a wine glass. She was also holding her hands up to defend herself with defensive injuries shown in pictures. The reason Darin was never investigated was because Darlie said Darin was not the intruder, but the evidence proves that Darlie could not have known if Darin was that intruder or not. Her fans say necklace was embedded, had to be surgically removed but it simply fell off when bandage removed. You know whenever DNA evidence clears someone, I never hear you people talk about how wrong that is.Instead you bitch when they expect compensation. What forensic degree do you have. I thought the same thing Barbara. If and when those appeals are exhausted, Darlie Lynn Routier will be executed. I saw him! And a neighbor of the Rutiers said she saw a vehicle parked outside the Routiers home 7 or 8 days before the murders, didnt recognize it, & a man left when he saw the neighbor approaching the car. June 2008: Court of Criminal Appeals approves defense request for new DNA testing. Oh and for whoever called her white trash, I would rather be white trash than human trash. Sometimes I feel sorry for you with all the stupid ass claims you make but cant back up but then I snap my ass right out of that feeling. Criminal lawyers are all scum and you pretend they are some saints. I remember seeing something on tv several years ago that said the jury was never allowed to see the photographs of Darlies injuries and supposedly years later the jury foreman was shown the photographs and said that had they seen those pictures, they would have never voted to convict. I agree with you. I have tried to reply more than once and it does not show up. All rights reserved, was found guilty of murdering 5-year-old Damon, Texas Man Kills 5 Neighbors After They Complained of Gunfire, Fallen Officers Remembered at 2023 Texas Peace Officers' Memorial Ceremony and Candlelight Vigil, This 28-Year-Old Ignored Warnings About Job-Hopping and Doubled Her Salary to $186K in 5 Years, Authorities Announce $80,000 Reward for Texas Mass Shooting Suspect, Dallas Retailer Tuesday Morning is Going Out of Business; Liquidation Sales Coming Soon, Killings of Four Men in Mexican Resort of Cancun Tied to Drug Gang Rivalries, Officials Say. Really??? Raven Skyfeather.well my my my arent you just the delusional twat. There is so much that Id like to say about this case, but those cops, detectives and prosecutors screwed up so badly that theres not enough space here for me to say everything that I have to say about this case. Perhaps he didnt finalize it and called it off. November 1998: One of Routier's attorneys notes errors in the trial transcript. So DOES media prosecution. Said she didnt go in utility room, yet her blood found there. How could Routier, a purported light sleeper, not wake up while her sons were brutally attacked and her own throat was slashed? My opinion? Just pointing out errors during the trial isnt enough. Ready for this? They could then take that money from those fines and put it into community programs for kids but why do that when we can keep packing people like cattle into overcrowded jails. She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? TCU Press published my book re-examining the case in April of 2015 (A Tragedy of Errors, July 1, 2015). Its completely possible that the possible intruder simply didnt drop any blood on the way out? I believe in reasonable doubt and just following her case she shouldnt have been convicted. Darin accused her immediately. He lied when he said he had an alibi in Darlie standing at the stairs when he came out of his room. With That much blood there is no way an intruder would not have been noticed. When someone tries to harm themselves to make it look like someone else did it, its usually just superficial wounds. As Ive retired, I have decided to attempt to try to improve the lives of our friends, neighbors and fellow citizens by continuing to write about issues such as the Routier Case. I am going to write to you . June 6, 1996: Routier brothers Damon, 5, and Devon, 6, are found stabbed to death in the family's Rowlett home. Your comments are an indication of how misguided and ignorant of the reality of our justice system really is- better hope you dont get ensnarled in it! He had no use for those boys, he stated many times those boys just got in the way of his naked mommy, daddy time. If there is a match, it could be the break in the case the defense needs to either obtain a new trial or exonerate Kees daughter, Darlie Routier, now 49. How is that even possible? Darlie Routier is right where she belongs. Cron died at his home in Sachse on April 24 at the age of 79, cheating Cooper of the chance to interrogate him on the witness stand if Routiers conviction is ever overturned and she is tried again by the Dallas County District Attorneys office. When hell freezes over you better get yourself prepared for her execution because thats where shes going. I remember when this happened and imo she was guilty from the beginning. Their pride is more important to them than someones life!!! I hope she has Freedom sooner more so than later. I hear Dallas TX has had a lot of mistakes made with theyre screw UPS in just trying to get someone named to be the perpiture.. She is innocent!! Sad all the way around. Reasonable doubt! So sad this mess she got herself in is unbelievable. A Dallas County judge has admitted two lawyers from the national office of the Innocence Project to the case. RIP Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Greg Davis knew this and with held that information from the jury. Shes a psychopathic bitch who killed her own children for attention. If that would have been cut she would have been dead. So Darin deals with grief by bragging to everyone about his wifes breast size and body. I completely agree with you and I also believe she is innocent I dont understand why anyone should have to fight to get a fingerprint check!! An innocent mother is on death row and her husband who was never investigated is walking free living his life as a victim? That Miss Paris is an idiot or a fool but probably both. The Innocence Project fingerprint consultant, Matthew Marvin, stated in a letter concerning the issue that 85-J is suitable for comparison and searching through all available automated fingerprint systems. If she gets a new trial the outcome will be completely different. Idiot,youd ignore facts such as someone slit her throat and bruised her arm and threw a bloody sock out a football field away from her house where u say she ran with her throat slit because your stupid thinks two spots of blood on the back of her shirt is more telling!!!! I remember this on the news years ago, perhaps ignorance, but i thought back then i cant believe that a girl like that killed her children. I completely agree with you, she was railroaded. The fingerprint is their one string. How was it possible for her to have planted that sock? Hey supporters, Darlie isnt coming out of prison alive. You know why some people believe Darlie is guilty? 20 years later, I strongly believe there is more than enough reasonable doubt. Someone knocked her out and stabbed her thinking she was dead. It is bad enough you lose them, but one way of coping is to at least NOT lose those moments. On January 19, 2014, both the prosecution and defence teams were permitted to perform further DNA tests on a smudged fingerprint found in the house, a bloody sock found outside, and her nightshirt . She must be a strong person. How anyone can think for a second she is innocent is just dumbfounding. There is nothing about the prosecutions case that was honest or accurate. She is guilty but shouldnt be executed because i dont believe in death penalty. Just because she is a little ditzy and because she didnt react like you would in her situation,(I mean shit you guys judge her if she is or isnt crying.) Yes, folks this does happen. I dont think Darlie knew about it and as a result is taking the fall. What new development was there? The 1st round of DNA testing DID reveal *unknown* DNA from the crime scene. Poor misunderstood murderer. If the jury had been told the truth about Darin and shown all the evidence against him she would not be sitting on death row today. For 23 years the same hateful deceptive people have followed this case spewing their lies. What forensics? Please, do try to keep up , They didnt test the sock at first, not till later. Even though I think shes guilty, I also think she didnt get a great defense. All we had to go on was what the media was reporting. 5. There is over whelming evidence against him, yet the jury never saw any of it. It was June 6, 1996, and the call was made at 2:31 a.m., with the police arriving merely three minutes later.
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