From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. We are experiencing technical difficulties. What scientific discoveries were made possible as a result of fused hybrid cells? Deborah says that she's amazed that all those cells are her mother. WebElsie Lacks -Henrietta's second born -institutionalized for epilepsy -treated poorly in hospital -died at fifteen Loretta Pleasent Henrietta's birth name Chester Southam -Mixed saline You'll be billed after your free trial ends. What important information did Henriettas doctor fail to give her before starting her cancer treatment? Photo courtesy: GettyImages. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Why, specifically, did the Jewish doctors at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital object to Southams cancer study? Chapter Thirty-Two: All Thats My Mother 1. 2017 African American Review Why do you think Henrietta initially chose not to tell people about her cancer diagnosis? 3. What do the names of the creek and the river suggest about life in Lacks Town? How did Southam justify his decision to inject HeLa cells into patients without their knowledge or consent? Plant-Based Diet and Weight Loss: Do Veggies Work? 8. Guided Reading and Discussion Questions are provided for each chapter. --Tom Nissley, (Retrieved July 11, 2011). How was Cootie related to Henrietta? She was a black woman, who had cervical cancer growing in her cervix. She was trained as a surgical nurse.Mary KubicekGeorge Geys lab assistant who cultured HeLa cells for the first timeRichard Wesley TeLinde one of the top cervical cancer experts in the country at the time of Henriettas diagnosis.His research involved taking tissue samples from Henrietta and other cervical cancerpatients at Johns Hopkins.Roland Pattillo professor of gynecology at Morehouse School of Medicine who was one of George Geys only AfricanAmerican students. 3. David Explain the contribution that HeLa made to the emerging field of genetics. 3. Chapter Fourteen: Helen Lane 1. Her autopsy report reveals that she spent five years at the hospital and died from internal bleeding from self-induced vomiting. Rebecca nervously explains a bit about the HeLa line, and Pullum says that someday the whole world will know who Henrietta was and what she did. Discuss the historical and contemporary influence that journalists writing about science have had on public perception and understanding of the subject. He was the first journalist to contact the Lackses. While the hospital has closed, it too was surrounded by supernatural rumors. Instead, she focuses on getting her grandchildren educated. Describe the relationship between Deborah and her grandson Davon. These included procedures that involved drilling holes or inserting metal rods in the skull. Deborah shifts between joy at finding out new information about her mother and panic at each new fact. Why would HeLa contamination be a problem for researchers? Her favorite genres are memoirs, public health, and locked room mysteries. What did Henriettas first doctor assume the source of the lump on Henriettas cervix was? Roland Pattillo professor of gynecology at Morehouse School of Medicine who was one of George Geys only African American students. This section became known as Lacks Town.Alfred Cheetah CarterDeborahs first husband. What made Day change his mind and allow the autopsy? Why do you think Deborah tells Skloot that she just witnessed a miracle? Struggling with distance learning? What were the results of his actions? His casual remark sparked Skloots interest, and led to a research project that would take over a decade to complete. What does this finding suggest about Henriettas cancer? Describe conditions at the hospital during the time period when Elsie was a patient there. Contrast the rhetorical structure and narrative strategies used in the television episode with those in Skloots book. Exhausted from staying up with the records. What objective details suggest that Henrietta was in extreme pain at this point in her illness? Zakariyya Bari Abdul Rahman (born Joe Lacks) Henrietta and Days fifth child. 6. Deborah's case of hives worsens as she and Rebecca get closer to Clover. 2. 6. 4. (including. According to Ethels cousins, why did she dislike Henrietta? 11. Chapter Seventeen: Illegal, Immoral, and Deplorable 1. Chapter 34. Analyze the consent statement that Henrietta signed on page 31. Analyze the ways in which Skloots style exemplifies the writers rule of show, dont tell as she develops the characters of Henrietta, Deborah, George Gey, or other key figures in the book. What did Gey hope to accomplish with HeLa cells? Her autopsy report reveals that she spent five years at 5. Based on this statement, do you believe TeLinde and Guy had the right to obtain a sample from her cervix to use in their research? Between 1967 and 1976, the journal appeared under the and culture. Describe the lawsuit that set a legal precedent for patenting biological products such as cell lines. 7. Teachers: If youd like a printable version of this guide, download the PDF attachment at the bottom of this page.About the Book In 1950, Henrietta Lacks, a young mother of five children, entered the colored ward of The Johns Hopkins Hospital to begin treatment for an extremely aggressive strain of cervical cancer. 4. Henrietta Lacks was a mother of five in Baltimore, a poor African American migrant from the tobacco farms of Virginia, who died from a cruelly aggressive cancer at the age of 30 in 1951. Lengauer says he thinks Hopkins really screwed up the HeLa situation, and Deborah is surprised to hear a white person finally acknowledge this. Based on these results, did his hypothesis appear to be correct? Eliza Lacks Not affiliated with Harvard College. This is known as the Hayflick limit.Margaret GeyGeorge Geys wife and research assistant. Craft and Structure Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 910 texts and topics. WebHowever, only a few weeks later, her medical records indicate that Henrietta was in agonizing pain and unable to urinate. What do you think Cofield did? Paraphrase the paragraph in Rogerss article that the Lacks family found extremely upsetting. 6. In classic and contemporary literature, what does it mean to be immortal? The narrative structure of the book is quite complex, as the author weaves together numerous narratives. A few months after, Rebecca attends the baptism of Sonny's granddaughter LaBrea. What do these similes suggest about biology? 6. 2. Chapter Thirty-Three: The Hospital for the Negro Insane 1. Chapter Twenty-Eight: After London 1. At the end of the day, when they had checked into their hotel rooms, Deborah brought Skloot Henriettas medical records. Do Geys attitude and actions after his own diagnosis of terminal cancer change your opinion of him? And from that same life, and those cells, Rebecca Skloot has fashioned in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks a fascinating and moving story of medicine and family, of how life is sustained in laboratories and in memory. This section is known as Lacks Town. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Discuss the ethical implications of, and inherent irony in, the way the television episode presented the story, in light of the fact that neither Skloot nor any member of the Lacks family was consulted about or credited by the producers of the episode. If Henrietta Lacks could know how important her cells have been to science, do you think she would approve of the fact that they were taken from her without her knowledge or consent? Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them. Explain the theories that Henriettas family have about why her cells are so powerful. 3. 8. Summarize Dr. TeLindes position in the debate over the treatment of cervical cancer. 2. How did Day, Sonny, and Lawrence respond to Joes crime? The symbolism of the fingernails is unmistakable. Craft and Structure Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze how an author uses and refines the meaning of a key term or terms over the course of a text (e.g., how Madison defines faction in Federalist No. Regardless of the truth of these hauntings, the stories of patient abuse and neglect, including that of Elsie Lacks, are even more horrifying to consider. Even more miraculously, there was a record for Elsie Lacks. And from that same life, and those cells, Rebecca Skloot has fashioned in. He and his wife, Ethel, moved in with Day after Henriettas death to help take care of the children. Books Describe your first impression of Zakariyya. What did Pullum ask Skloot to preach about at JaBreas baptism? He left his ten children when their mother died. Explain the meaning of the idiomatic expression to drop a bomb. 2. She organized an effort to build a Henrietta Lacks museum. The two women drive to Crownsville, which was formerly known as the Hospital for the Negro Insane. 3. Compare and contrast the medical research likely performed on Elsie with Geys research and Southams research. Skloot uses vivid imagery and details to describe Henriettas childhood in Clover. 10. What reason does Deborah give for not wanting Skloot to type out Henriettas records word-for-word? 10. Examine the often contradictory forces of altruism and profit as they influenced research related to HeLa. 4. Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Secret to Immortality 1. 6. 4. As Skloot and Deborah walked the halls, the place appeared to be abandoned; and when they came across a room labeled Medical Records, they found that the room was empty. What constitutes ethical journalism? What does this gift tell you about Deborahs feelings about her family? Michael Rogers Rolling Stone reporter who wrote an article about the Lacks family in 1976. Chapter Fifteen: Too Young to Remember 1. The suit claims that the practice of gene patenting violates patent law and has inhibited scientific research. Why did Deborah begin researching her mothers cells? Summarize the events in Deborahs life leading up to her initial contact with Rebecca Skloot. Why did doctors stop giving Henrietta blood transfusions? What important misunderstanding about HeLa does Lengauer clarify for Deborah? Soon, a simple urine test, with examination of collected cells, may be the new standard for bladder cancer testing, replacing the invasive and often painful tests currently used. She was institutionalized due to epilepsy and died at age 15.Eliza Lacks PleasantHenriettas mother. Chapter Thirty: Zakariyya 1. The hospital was grossly understaffed, and often housed abusive adults in with children. Skloot would later learn that doctors had performed experiments on Crownsville patients without their consent. She helped raise Lawrences siblings after Henriettas death, and advocated for them when she discovered they were being abused.Cliff GarretHenriettas cousin. Does some medical research seem more wrong? At what point could compensation become coercive? How does Deborah demonstrate that she is in control when her right to view Elsies records is questioned? Why did scientists want to fuse human and animal cells? "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Chapters 32-37 Summary and Analysis". Describe how Deborah found out about her mothers painful death. 4. Mary Kubicek George Geys lab assistant who cultured HeLa cells for the first time. What was Henriettas final request? Describe the relationship between Crazy Joe and Henrietta. 5. 9. 2. Explain how Davons heroic actions saved Deborahs life. You can view our. 3. Who were the test subjects in Southams first study? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis. Deborah presented documents proving she was a relative of Elsies and had a right to view Elsie Lacks medical records. 5. 5. Skloot tells her that the blood McKusick took from her family wasn't for a cancer test. MUSE delivers outstanding results to the scholarly community by maximizing revenues for publishers, providing value to libraries, and enabling access for scholars worldwide. One UW professor has studied the connection between patient abuse and a seemingly unrelated topic: haunted hospitals. 5. Members of the Medical and Scientific CommunityAlexis CarrelFrench surgeon and Nobel Prize recipient who claimed to have cultured immortal chicken-heart cellsChester Southamcancer researcher who conducted unethical experiments to see whether or not HeLa could infect people with cancerChristoph Lengauercancer researcher at Johns Hopkins who helped develop FISH, a technique used to detect and identify DNA sequences, and who reached out to members of the Lacks familyEmanuel Mandeldirector of medicine at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital (JCDH) who partnered with Southam in unethical experimentsDr. Emanuel Mandel director of medicine at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital (JCDH) who partnered with Southam in unethical experiments. Now she worried that perhaps Elsie had been used for medical After her diagnosis and treatment, how did Henrietta behave? SOCIAL STUDIES 1. The majority of the samples were taken without consent.2005 Members of the Native American Havasupai tribe sue Arizona State University after scientists take tissue samples the tribe donated for diabetes research and use them without consent to study schizophrenia and inbreeding.2005 Six thousand patients join a lawsuit against Washington University, demanding that the university remove their tissue samples from its prostate cancer bank. Where did the name HeLa come from? My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Like this article? Henrietta's death was an enormous tragedy for Elsie Lacks, because Henrietta was the only one who visited her and tried to take care of her. Explain how HeLa cells were used in each situation. Do you agree that Henrietta should have been correctly identified in order to give her the fame she so richly deserves, or do you think her anonymity should have been protected? Explain how Henriettas real name became public knowledge. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. 7. Sign up for a free trial here . From a single, abbreviated life grew a seemingly immortal line of cells that made some of the most crucial innovations in modern science possible. 2. Meanwhile, Henrietta's family continued to live in poverty and frequently poor health, and their discovery decades later of her unknowing contribution--and her cells' strange survival--left them full of pride, anger, and suspicion. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. Why does Sadie think Henrietta hesitated before seeing a doctor? Thirty-seven years after Henriettas death, sixteen-year-old Rebecca Skloot was a high school student sitting in a biology class when her instructor mentioned that HeLa, the first immortal human cell line ever grown in culture, had been taken from an African American woman named Henrietta Lacks. 3. Albert Lacks Henriettas white great-grandfather. quarterly journal African American Review promotes a lively exchange What type of cancer was George Gey diagnosed with? Bobette Lacks Lawrences wife. She points out that the HeLa cells did a lot of good for science, but she just wishes she knew more about who her mother was. What causes the confrontation between Deborah and Skloot? Explain how the sale of HeLa evolved into a business. WebSkloot and Deborah spent days together just talking about Henrietta and getting used to each other. What does the use of the term a miserable specimen by Henriettas doctors reveal about their attitude toward her? While most accounts suggest that Henrietta never met George Gey or knew about HeLa, Laure Aurelian says that Gey recounted meeting with Henrietta before her death. American Review changed its name for a third time and expanded its Analyze the authors purpose in providing an explanation, describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text, defining the question the author seeks to address. was titled Black American Literature Forum. Directly after rebuking Deborah for her paranoia, Rebecca begins to learn more about its origins. 11. Since every human being is made up of cells, Deborah and other members of the Lacks family treat Henrietta's cells as though she was a person. Explain how TeLinde and Geys relationship led to Gey obtaining a tissue sample from Henriettas tumor. Any BILLING QUESTIONS should be The next day, Skloot and Deborah went to Crownsville to see if they could find any record of what happened to Elsie. Culture . Chapter Twenty-Five: Who Told You You Could Sell My Spleen? 1. 5. 6. Determine an authors point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of the text. Analyze the note that Joe wrote to the judge. Gary, who performed the exorcism, dies of a heart attack. She supported Henrietta during her illness. This is where youll see your current point status and your earned rewards. According to State Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz, what do people have an inalienable right to? Chapter Eight: A Miserable Specimen 1. Before her death, she received treatment in a segregated colored ward at Johns Hopkins, the only hospital in Baltimore that would treat black patients. Why did Ted Slavin start Essential Biologicals? 4. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Elsie Lacks: Henriettas Daughter, Committed to a Hospital. How did Deborahs death change the lives of her brothers? 4. How did the media react to Carrels announcement that he had grown immortal chicken heart cells? WebIn Elsie's medical record is a photo of her looking unkempt and crying, which a white woman's hand around her throat. In addition to struggling with the legacy of her mother's cells, in Chapter 33 Deborah also must face the fact that she had a sister she never knew who died young and alone in a hospital for the insane. Do you feel that it is an appropriate response? Why do you think Deborah breaks out in hives after visiting Crownsville and giving Skloot access to the medical records? 2. As the official publication of the Division on Black American Explain your answer. What do you think caused this difference? What does Skloot realize after watching the BBC documentary about HeLa? Describe the way that Deborah and Zakariyya interact with their mothers cells. Evaluate whether or not you think this is an appropriate way to interpret the story. She was institutionalized due to epilepsy and died at age fifteen. Johnny Pleasant Henriettas father. 4. Elsie Lacks (born Lucille Elsie Pleasant) Henriettas second born and eldest daughter. Describe Keenan Kester Cofield. 5. What unusual characteristics of HeLa cells made them ideal for use in the polio vaccine trials? Chapter Thirty-Seven: Nothing to Be Scared About 1. By Laurie Fickman 713-743-8454. Rebecca tells Gary that she has a song from the previous night stuck in her head, and Gary says that this is God trying to tell her something. Teachers are strongly encouraged to share the Radiolab episode with their students, as it includes audio recordings that the author taped while researching the book, and illuminates several key scenes from the book. Project MUSE is a leading provider of digital humanities and social sciences content, providing access to journal and book content from nearly 300 publishers. What is the purpose of the Nuremberg Code? What are the connotations of the two sets of terms? The questions in the final section, Topics for Further Discussion, require students to expand their thinking and engage in significant research activities related to subjects or issues raised in the book. What is Lengauers attitude toward the HeLa contamination problem? Contrast the experience Henriettas great-grandchildren, Alfred and Davon, have at the Maryland Science Center with the experience Deborah, Sonny, and Lawrence had growing up. Less than a year after her initial diagnosis, Henrietta succumbed to the ravages of cancer and was buried in an unmarked grave on her familys land. Henrietta was diagnosed with cervical cancer shortly after his birth. What simile does she use to describe the way a cell looks? 8. Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Grades 11-12 Key Ideas and Details Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. During her surgery to remove the cancer, they took a sample of a tumor in her cervix to have it examined in the lab. Using the history of Turner Station as a model, discuss the role that the oil, automotive, steel, and coal industries have played, and continue to play, in shaping the landscape of the United States. What attempts (e.g. What information about her mother was Deborah unwilling to share with Skloot? 4. She only has about $742 in income per month, and tries to work more but her health continues to suffer. Chapter Nine: Turner Station 1. 8. College and Career Success/Interdisciplinary. How does Deborah Lacks initially respond to Skloots request for information? 3. Born on August 1, 1920 in Roanoke, Virginia, Lacks lived 31 years filled with joy, laughter, and dancing around the kitchen table with her children. 4. What burden does he ask to be lifted from Deborah? Click here for a photograph exibit featuring Crownsville Hospital Center. Deborah paces and talks rapidly about the things that have been done to her mother's cells - they've been shot into space, injected into prisoners, infected with HIV. In the morning, Rebecca is exhausted and Deborah has broken out in massive hives and welts. Why do you think Pattillo agreed to help Skloot contact Henriettas family? Why do you think they were willing to sacrifice to help her? Deborah begins to grow increasingly erratic, insisting on keeping the photo of Elsie in the front seat of her car and showing it to everyone she meets. 4. Her work has been anthologized in several collections, including The Best Creative Nonfiction. This section depicts the central injustice faced by the Lacks family: their foremother's cells were taken without their consent and enabled many of the medical miracles of the 21st century, but they cannot afford health insurance. What are the intended and unintended consequences of a profitdriven health care system? on 50-99 accounts. 5. Do you agree or disagree with their reasoning? Deborah must deal with the difficult revelation that she had a sister, and that this sister probably died horribly when Deborah was only a baby. Known as HeLa cells, their stunning potency gave scientists a building block for countless breakthroughs, beginning with the cure for polio. According to Stevenson, why did scientists develop the argument that HeLa cells are no longer human? What obstacle kept Deborah from realizing her dream of returning to school? She helped raise Lawrences siblings after Henriettas death and advocated for them when she discovered they were being abused. Why did the Tuskegee Institute become involved in the mass production of HeLa cells? Richard Wesley TeLinde one of the top cervical cancer experts in the country at the time of Henriettas diagnosis. 7. 7. What did Deborah hope would happen as a result of the BBC documentary? After Deborah told him about Elsiethat people thought she was disabled but that Deborah suspected she was just deafLurz rose and went to a storage cabinet. Compare the differences between irresponsible and responsible reporting on HeLa and the Lacks family. Suduiko, Aaron ed. Why Different Societies Have Different Moral Codes | Shortform Books WebSir Lord Keenan Kester Cofield. What reasons did Berg give for wanting information about the woman whose cells were used to grow HeLa? Common Core Standards English Language Arts 11-12:Key Ideas and Details Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. 4. Alfred Cheetah Carter Deborahs first husband. When Deborah finally decides to give Skloot access to Henrietta's medical records it is a significant moments. The hospital conducted pneumoencephalography on epileptic children, and Elsie likely would have been included. The reason for Deborah's erratic behavior during her trip with Rebeccca becomes clear when her doctor diagnoses her with extremely high blood pressure and high blood sugar. What is the implication of the authors decision to use the term birth to describe the initial growth of HeLa cells?
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