It is most common among those of Norwegian and Swedish descent. 1. The Y chromosome in men contains information about the changes that have happened in the direct male lineage - these are called mutations. conspiracy theories are fun to tinker around with. It is likely that the last person (H-310) in this group is also from the Stonehouse or Bothwell line but results for more markers are needed to confirm that. Britain, so it apparently originated there and has probably been FTDNA's 67-marker set, so has to be tested "a la carte" at FTDNA or These marker sites are known to mutate quite rapidly so the variation observed is not unusual. It is of some interest that the mother of James1 was Janet (Jacoba) Douglas (probably born about 1375), daughter of Sir James Douglas of Dalkeith and his first wife Agnes Dunbar. It would seem to be that separate waves of population movement impacted Southeastern Europe. Ancestor: I* (M170) Haplogroup_I-M253 Another Study Suggests Haplogroup I-M253 has been estimated to be some 15,000 years old. [93], The distribution of Haplogroup I2a2-M436 (M436/P214/S33, P216/S30, P217/S23, P218/S32) is closely correlated to that of Haplogroup I1 except in Fennoscandia, which suggests that it was probably harbored by at least one of the Paleolithic refuge populations that also harbored Haplogroup I1-M253; the lack of correlation between the distributions of I1-M253 and I2a2-M436 in Fennoscandia may be a result of Haplogroup I2a2-M436's being more strongly affected in the earliest settlement of this region by founder effects and genetic drift due to its rarity, as Haplogroup I2a2-M436 comprises less than 10% of the total Y-chromosome diversity of all populations outside of Lower Saxony. The genetic structure of the Slovak population revealed by Y-chromosome polymorphisms, Adams et al. The DNA of a close relative (H-139) of the Duke has been analyzed and his 37 marker profile differs at only one marker from the modal for Group B., I1 - Z58+ & Z63+ Project - Surname SNP Tree -10 June 2012. The Dutch Y-chromosomal landscape. and the R1b DYS390=23 expansion in some cases. However about I1 is identified by at least 15 unique mutations, which indicates that this lineage has been isolated for a long period of time, or experienced a serious population bottleneck. If the results are different then one can zero in on when the mutation or non-paternal event occurred by testing closer relatives. Another instance where a RecLOH event seems to have recently occurred in a Group A Hamiton line is in the line to H-123; his known close relatives, H-046 and H-082, do not have this mutation. Tolstoy (1828-1910), was inferred by testing one of his descendants . elsewhere." (1,500 years before Christ). fishermen. It is thought to have arrived from the Middle East as haplogroup IJ sometime between 45,000 and 30,000 years ago and developed into haplogroup I about 25,000 years ago. Wden has always been a factor in the settlement of the north and the culture These three major haplogroups account for approx 80% of Europe's present-day population. It is critical to understand that not all Vikings were I1 and not all I1 were Vikings. [15] So far, only Haplogroup F* and Haplogroup C1b have been documented, once each, on older remains in Europe. [94], Haplogroup I2a2-M436 also occurs among approximately 1% of Sardinians, and in Hazaras from Afghanistan at 3%.[95]. method. Which Groups are Derived from Well Established and Documented British Lines? However about 4,000 BC farming was introduced into Denmark. Luckily for us, a Those in Group I2-2 also share a known common ancestor but it is not known who is the common ancestor of those in Group I2-3. One column in each of these tables, titled Ysearch ID, gives this ID code for most of the participants in order to facilitate examining their marker results in the Ysearch database. 15 people in Norway carrying the I-L22 markers (without any additional mutations). Before a reclassification in 2008, the group was known as Haplogroup I1a. Its origins are not clear, and although it is possible it was imported to. The meaning of the term haplogroup will be considered later. coniferous and deciduous forests, perfect for building ships. The first mutation that gives rise to subclade I2 appeared 7,750 years ago*. In addition to the 6 tables with primary data one other table titled Ancestors is present in this report; it gives the earliest known Hamilton ancestors for each of the participants. The existence of Haplogroup IJK the ancestor of both haplogroups IJ and K (M9) and its evolutionary distance from other subclades of Haplogroup F (M89), supports the inference that haplogroups IJ and K both arose in Southwestern Asia. The German male average height was 180.2cm, the Swedish men were on average 181.4cm, the Dutch men were 183.8cm, the Danish men were 180.6cm, the Serbians were 180.9cm, and men from Herzegovina were 185.2 centimeters on average. To participate in this project, join or follow the project, then add your oldest known ancestor who belonged to this haplogroup. One subclade of Haplogroup I2a2-M436, namely I2a2a1a1-M284, has been found almost exclusively among the population of Great Britain, which has been taken to suggest that the clade may have a very long history in that island. Walter initially gained prominence in Scotland after the battle of Bannockburn in 1314 when, as constable, he surrendered Bothwell Castle to the victorious Robert Bruce and was rewarded with extensive grants of land in the fertile Clyde valley. It should be noted that the concentration of Haplogroup I1 is very similar to the Viking settlements and the Viking expansion. the Germanic peoples that are now claimed to be one and the same by Those in Group G-2 are known to be related. Haplogroup I1 and Haplogroup I-M253 are synonyms. of a people called Asas that were located around the Azov-lake and Azov ), BigY/Next Generation Sequencing and 3rd party analysis. DYS462 A Knowing very little of genetic genealogy, I don't know . In the midst of this last great cold spell, very roughly about 25,000 years ago, a little baby boy was born with a mutation in his Y-chromosome. I1 yDNA Haplogroup. about 700 AD. In our Hamilton DNA project are individuals with eight such surnames, including Arthurs (A-214 and A-363) Baker (B-324) Coates (C-424), Frame (F-204), Filby (F-313), Johnston (J-406), Morrison (M-183), Wormley (W-532) and Yates (Y-385). Join. Wodan (Low German and Dutch) It may be associated with unusually tall males, since those in the Dinaric Alps have been reported to be the tallest in the world, with an average male height of the range 180cm (5ft 11in)182cm (6ft 0in) in the cantons of Bosnia, 184cm (6ft 0in) in Sarajevo, 182cm (6ft 0in)186cm (6ft 1in) in the cantons of Herzegovina. Participant H-154 in Group R1b-6 has this exact 25 marker profile but most of those in R1b-5 differ from this profile at only one marker, namely DYS449, where R1b-5 has a value of 26 at this site rather than the 30 of the Scots Modal profile. [10] TMRCA is an estimate of the time of subclade divergence. In any event, the DNA evidence presented here indicates that not all Hamiltons are derived from a single male initiator; only two are required to give rise to about 50% of the participants (those in Groups A and B) but there must have been many additional initiators for those in the other groups. A description of haplogroups can also be found on several internet sites including Wikipedia. southeast. In the original attempt to name other members of these families alternating numbers and lower case letters were used to further subdefine the different branches on the human phylogenetic tree. The modal value for each marker was determined by choosing the value that would lead to the actual marker values for all members of the group with the least total number of mutations required. Instead their profiles are those given in Group I1-7. Some descendant subclades have been found since pre-history in Europe, Central Asia, and South Asia, whereas others have long been present, at lower levels, in parts of West Asia . The original breakup of I into multiple surviving branch lines occured in SE Europe. 2009-2012 St. Clair Research. developed successively in southern Scandinavia through the early Stone In this regard the close similarity of the DNA profiles for P-231, S-327, N-343, F-475 and R-481 to those of the foregoing imply that they may be derived from the same immigrant Hamilton ancestor even though their surnames are not Hamilton. This naming system is now inadequate, firstly because with 40 different groups there are not enough letters of the alphabet to name each one, but also because we now know much more about the haplogroup of each matching group and it is more common to list groups together with related haplogroups. The image allows us to see the subclades that are downstream. I-Y3664 Schleswig-Holstein, Normandy and Guernsey. I'm afraid the I1 members suffer from the Recently it has been found that those in Group I1-4 (formerly Group S) also have the Z58 SNP but their currently known terminal SNP is Z138 rather than L803. [86], (Neither study from which the above figures were drawn excluded the present I2-M438 clade as a whole, but only certain subclades, so these presumed cases I* may possibly belong to I2. often drawn to look for clues that the Sinclair family is either It is found mostly in Scandinavia and Northern Germany, where it can represent over 35% of the population. The Group B DNA profile has unusual STR values at some sites, so unusual in fact that the presence of a combination of these values for a known haplogroup I1 individual virtually ensures that the person must be closely related to the Group B Hamiltons, regardless of surname. According to Eupedia Haplogroup I is the oldest haplogroup in Europe. It seems most likely that the mutation has occurred in the line of H-003 since H-017 has the value (20) at this site most common in Group B. but by 800, they had ships capable of the expansion that made lands were [46] Y chromosome haplogroup C2c1a1a1-M407 is carried by Mongol descendants of the Northern Yuan ruler from 1474-1517, Dayan Khan , who is a male line descendant of Genghis Khan which was found out after geneticists in Mongolia conducted tests on them. Haplogroup in Scandinavia ruled out. It is likely that Walter Fitzgilbert himself is the ancestor for most Hamiltons in Group A but the results would be consistent with some in Group A being derived from earlier male ancestors or male cousins of Walter Fitzgilbert. economy based on long-distance mobility and an economy of fishing, fur The first mutation that gives rise to subclade I1 appeared 3,500 years ago*. SNPs do not occur as often as STRs but they define your haplogroup. This These last two dates are roughly associated, and occur somewhat after subclade divergence. Mountain Saami. These haplotypes are expressed by markers. Last updated by Gordon Hamilton June 2014, This question was answered by determining that well documented descendants of lines that branched off from the Walter Fitzgilbert line prior to James1 have the Group A profile. Cookies that the site cannot function properly without. R1a is commonly found in Eastern Europe and the Baltics. The composite subclade I-M170 contains individuals directly descended from the earliest members of Haplogroup I, bearing none of the subsequent mutations which identify the remaining named subclades. This article is about the human Y-DNA haplogroup. His research suggests that Walter actually arose from a quite humble background. Several I* individuals, who do not fall into any known subclades, have been found among the Lak people of Dagestan, at a rate of (3/21),[85] as well as Turkey (8/741), Adygea in the Caucasus (2/138) and Iraq (1/176), even though I-M170 occurs at only very low frequencies among modern populations of these regions as a whole. The fact that the DNA profile for H-054 is identical to that for a suspected relative (H-232) is further evidence that the mutation has occurred in the line of H-014. I once heard a This question was answered by determining that well documented descendants of lines that branched off from the Walter Fitzgilbert line prior to James1 have the Group A profile. Since the DNA profiles of H-162 and H-187 match, one can safely conclude that their most recent common ancestor who lived in the early 1700s had a similar profile. +3 votes . The first two participants listed in Group I1-8 are known to be related to each other and the last two participants in this group are also related. This project is dedicated to a small subset of P109 Haplogroup individuals who have the STR mutation DYS-455=9. Haplogroup I1 is the most common I subclade in Northern Europe and is particularly common within Viking and Anglo Saxon populations. This includes cookies for access to secure areas and CSRF security. Thanks to an interesting part of DNA testing called subclades, we are able to see where mutations occurred in space and time. The haplogroup assigned to each of the DNA groups gives some information about the deep ancestry of that group and where ancestors that lived 10,000 years or more ago may have come from. But this improvement in the climate would not endure. One of these lines is the. The most plausible scenario is that all the survivors were populations living in Africa, whose descendants would go on to populate the world. The Jutland peninsula and its islands to Yes, and no. Thus, individuals in different haplogroup families could not have a common ancestor along all male lines in the last 10s of thousands of years. When predicted these haplogroup designations are given in regular black type in the Haplo column of the Group X1 and Group X2 tables. (In an article published in December 2011 Henry Lloyd Hamilton has summarized some of the historical events occuring in Scotland around 1390, the time of the conception of James1. The lands where the I1 Haplogroup members began to settle were affected same inattention as the E1 folks in that they're simply not getting as Haplogroup I1 has an estimated time to most recent common ancestor around 4000 to 5000 years, and the haplogroup is commonly denoted as I-M253, where M253 being one of the 300 SNP mutations defining the haplogroup. Thus, all male line descendants of James1, including those of his son Sir James Hamilton, the first Lord Hamilton (subsequently referred to as James2), would have the Group B DNA profile. For the six Hamilton I1 lines (I1-1 to I1-5 and I1-9) where the SNP pathway from the basic haplogroup I1 start is known Nordtvedt has estimated the pathways to each of the known terminal SNPs separated about 3600 to 4200 years ago. Is this proof that they are descended In between the ice and the tree line, drought-tolerant grasses and loess dunes would have dominated the landscape. [11] These estimates are consistent with those of Karafet 2008 cited above. [14] Rootsi and colleagues in 2004 suggested that each of the ancestral populations now dominated by a particular subclade of Haplogroup I-M170 experienced an independent population expansion immediately after the Last Glacial Maximum. The Group I1-6 (formerly Group L) participants represent a somewhat special case because there is some doubt that they are biologically Hamiltons in the all male line. It is notable, however, that the distributions of Haplogroup I1-M253 and Haplogroup I2a2-M436 seem to correlate fairly well with the extent of historical influence of Germanic peoples. However, in most cases the haplogroup was not determined by direct analysis because it has been possible to correlate certain patterns of STR marker values with the SNP analysis. generations. Description: If you check the "Keep me logged in" option during login, this cookie is used to remember the username for your next authentication. small kingdoms along the Norwegian coast. the Black & Caspian Seas. I have no doubt but that our I1 members The DNA from some Stevens/Stephens lines has been analyzed and none of those results match Group I1-5 well, although the results for kits 200067 (33/37 versus the modal for Group I1-5) and 220351 (59/67) are just outside the realm usually considered as matches. Haplogroup R1b is one of the most frequent Y chromosome haplogroups in Western Europe and it was found in 52 volunteers. 1 belong to I-FT396000 . formation of the I1 lineage after the LGM specializing in fishing or adopting animal husbandry and sometimes This is not too surprising since the R1b1a2 haplogroup is by far the predominant one among British men (see later). Anglo-Saxon king Alfred and describing his homeland. descended of this line or was somehow involved with it. So far, no one has The profile must be set to public in order to add it. [1] This may indicate that IJ originated in South West Asia. What is useful At the peak of Danelaw, which is the name of the territory of Britain that the Danes controlled, as much as of the island was under their control. those markers on the "DYS390=23" links at left. 125 In other words, those in Hamilton Group A are in the haplogroup I family but are in a branch of that family defined by a series of SNPs with the terminal one being L338. peoples gained influence. That's the beauty of provisional historians - you can't (Karafet 2008). Tomorrow, the world. The DNA profiles for four well documented descendants of the Raploch Hamiltons (H-190, H-201, H-267 and H-420) have now been determined and they match the Group A profile. One interesting aspect of the results for most of those in Group B when compared with the results for those in Group I1-3 (formerly Group C) is that an exact 12 for 12 match in the first 12 markers is found. But the story does not end here! [96] A 2014 study examining the correlation between Y-DNA haplogroups and height found a correlation between the haplogroups I1, R1b-U106, I2a1b-M423 and tall males. , , Geographical Structure of the Y-chromosomal Genetic Scandinavia was a coastal culture. bridge as the ice retreated and, by 9,000 BC, people had moved into all are of the Germanic inhabitants of Scandinavia. Thus, the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) for all of haplogroup I1 lived about 6,000 years ago. Figure 1), which is present in almost all males living today (except certain . Since the SNP pathways to the other three Hamilton I1 groups (Groups I1-6 to I1-8) are not known, one does not have a good estimate of when they separated from one another or from Groups I1-1 to I1-5 and I1-9. Although the four participants in Group R1b-10 with 37 markers have similar marker values, they differ enough that it is likely their most recent common ancestor was several generations ago, probably before their lines immigrated to America. Another Hamilton line thought to be derived from Walter Fitzgilbert is the line leading to Alexander Hamilton (the first Secretary of the Treasury and one of the founding fathers of the US). The participants in several of these groups (especially those with few participants) are known to be related as indicated in the Ancestors table but the number of participants in some of the larger groups indicates that these Hamilton lines are fairly major ones. Being tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes is not going to be enough to count as evidence, so youre going to need to go down the scientific route and delve further by taking a DNA test. [82] Up-to-date phylogenetic trees listing all currently known subclades of I can be found at Y-Full and FamilyTreeDNA. The patriarch of the Preston line is Sir John of Hamilton, Lord of Fingalton, born about 1337. In other words these six Hamilton I1 groups are not closely related to one another. The R1b haplogroup is the most common (over 50%) among European men. in fact a real man who was later so revered that he entered into the Ancestors of those in haplogroup G are thought to have been Neolithic farmers from the Middle East who were the first to practice agriculture in Europe. Living carriers of F* and IJ* have been reported from the Iranian Plateau. in the former and 13 in the latter, though this marker is not part of developed key SNPs during or just after the LGM. The drastic changes in boat building after His descendants are primarily found among the Germanic populations of northern Europe and the bordering Uralic and Celtic populations, although even in traditionally German demographics I1-M253 is overshadowed by the more prevalent Haplogroup R. Haplogroup I1-M253 is the most common I subclade. The earth has experienced warm period. Furthermore, the current DNA results can pinpoint the probable conception where the non-paternal event occurred. Theres no exact Nordic or Viking gene that is passed down through the generations. [5][6] The oldest I-M170 found is that of an individual known as Krems WA3 (lower Austria), dating from circa 33,000-24,000 BP. present for thousands of years. H1, in human mitochondrial DNA, a haplogroup contained in a significant fraction of individuals of Western European heritage; H1, in human Y-chromosome DNA, a haplogroup common in South Asian individuals; H1, in the MAPT (Tau protein) gene on human chromosome 17, a haplogroup associated with increased probability of certain dementias when compared to haplogroup H2 Slavic and Baltic tribes were also present in the Understanding the Haplogroup I2a1a-M26 is notable for its strong presence in Sardinia. 129 There is frequently a considerable delay before FTDNA takes into account the recent results so their designation of the haplogroup for individual participants is often out of date. Before a reclassification . of Anglo-Saxon Visigoth invaders. You may also belong to a subgroup of haplogroup I. Select a membership level. because he is the most recent common ancestor of participants H-139, H-188, H-203, H-230, H-256, and H-360, all of whom have the Group B profile, and all of whom have well documented lines back to James1. This page has been accessed 4,329 times. Haplogroup I has been found in multiple individuals belonging to the Gravettian culture. Although some members of this group (see Ancestors) were known to be related, most did not know of any relationship prior to their DNA analysis. See Tree for I1-Z58 in Project Documents for Ken Nordtvedt's tree, ISOGG I Tree This early result suggested that those in Group B are derived from Walter Fitzgilbert but more recent DNA results have cast doubt on this conclusion. Norse / Northern Germanic Haplogroup. Since the R1b1a2 haplogroup in the human phylogenetic tree is so distant from the I1 haplogroup, there is no possibility that individuals in these two haplogroup families are related to each other through all male lines within the past tens of thousands of years. The problem is, it also follows the R1a expansion Sinclair Project Genetic information is carried in your DNA. About us. However, this clearly cannot be correct, at least along an all male line, since these Swedish Hamiltons have a haplogroup (R1b1a2) different from that (I1) of better documented Walter Fitzgilbert descendants. Thus, they take refuge below the tree line which at 18,000 years ago, the time of the last glacial maximum, extends across southern Europe. Sublade L22 was born 3,000 years ago*(1,000 years before Christ). It will be noted that the marker values in each of these groups are quite different from one group to the next so individuals in one of these groups are not closely related through all male lines to individuals in any of the others. 133 Of course, this area was shortly to be overrun with the members of the ISOGG - Look up positions on Y-SNPs : Person? If you match a single descendant from one of those lines, you can be pretty sure that your lines are indeed Jacob's biological male lines. royal scribe was taking notes and these survive to this day. As was a new beginning for I1 haplotypes in Europe. Group A or I1-1 (Haplo I1a2a1a1a1 or I-L338) As can be seen from an examination of the data in the Group A table, this group has more members (about 35% of all the participants) than any of the other groups. - Swedish Haplogroup Database . However, they are not closely related. WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. But the story does not end here! I1 (M253). For some time the different groups with matching DNA profiles in the Hamilton project have been named using letters of the alphabet with each subsequent letter being assigned chronologically as each matching group was found. Age. Three of the lines (H-007, H-149 and H-392) can be traced to two sons of a woman with the Hamilton surname whose sons were given the Hamilton surname but whose fathers are unknown. According to virtually all published genealogies of the Hamilton family, this Sir James Hamilton (subsequently referred to as James1) has been considered to be a gg grandson of Walter Fitzgilbert de Hamilton along the senior male line. The answer to this question is subjective. Others appeared in Northern Scandinavia - namely the Komsa and and these scant written reports, scientists have been able to Our ancestors separated about that date. Iceland, and northwest Europe. Northward migrating humans arrived in Denmark by about 10,000 BC after There is a good possibility that there was a large extinction in our ancestors 5000 years after the founding of I - haplogroup. subgroup of I-M223, namely I-M284, occurs almost exclusively in 150 km to the east. There are obvious similarities among the results given within each of the groups in tables (1) to (4) as indicated by the color coding. It is well documented that one Hamilton line began in Scotland about 1300 with Walter Fitzgilbert de Hamilton as the patriarch of the line. This second method for naming branches of the haplotree is now being used most often. Scandinavians were late in adopting the use of sails on their ships, Chow, A.A. Lin, R.P. descendants of Odin intermarried with a line from the Davidic bloodline Nevgen STR based subclade Predictor - Only tested STRs? agriculture, the Mountain Smi preserved a more ancient Mankind could do little more than survive, and was forced to retreat south to a few scattered enclaves in Asia and Europe. This map shows the spread of Haplogroups R1b, I and R1a (12,000 years ago). Group B (or Group I1-II) Particular haplogroups are associated with well-known ancestral groups such as the Vikings, Aboriginal Australians, and the Celts. Subclades I1 and I2 can be found in most present-day European populations, with peaks in some Northern European and Southeastern European countries. As more people test, the history of this genetic lineage will be further refined. From what I'm reading There are 5 DNA tested descendants, and they specified that their earliest known origins are from England, France and United States with 2 from unknown countries. A value of 12 at DYS640 is also quite unique to the Group B Hamiltons. XXIII 1/2014: 96101 Y : , MtDNA and Y-chromosome Variation in Kurdish Groups, The dual origin of tati-speakers from dagestan as written in the genealogy of uniparental variants, Pliss et al. R-L21 Hamilton Group R1b-7 is placed in his type 1722 with reasonably close matches (within about 1000 years) to Mackenzie, Ross and Sinclair from the highlands. It is a subgroup of haplogroup IJ, which itself is a derivative of the haplogroup IJK. Statistic cookies help us understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously. 7. This is consistent with the limited dispersion of marker values observed for those in Group B; the dispersion is about what would be expected for a 600 year (or about 20 generation) time period.
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