About one-third of the Bennington women adopted the progressive ideals of their teachers. James Farr and Raymond Seidelman (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993), 32743. Harris, J. R., Where Is the Childs Environment? Young people, even those who have not reached voting age, can become involved in election campaigns by using social media to contribute their own commentary and videos online. Adolescents who accompany parents when they attend public meetings, circulate petitions, or engage in other political activities stand a better chance of becoming politically engaged adults (Merelman, 1986). The media brings attention to candidates lagging in the polls. The correct option is b) i.e Independence rule does not apply to non audit service . Greenstein, F. I., Children and Politics (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1969). Protestors held views different from their peers; they were less trusting of government officials but more efficacious in that they believed they could change the political system. Kaiser Family Foundation, The Media Family (Menlo Park, CA: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2006). Elazar, D. J., The Generational Rhythm of American Politics (Philadelphia: Temple University, Center for the Study of Federalism, 1976). It is the distance from about one-half feet to four feet. What does a decline in GDP of one-tenth of one percent translate to in dollars of lost output? (t/f). Carpini, M. X. D., Stability and Change in American Politics (New York: New York University Press, 1986). geographic region 1. Children tend to idealize political figures, although young people today have a less positive view of political actors than in the past. Wealthy parents tend to have better educations and often work in managerial positions or careers that require creative problem solving, so they teach their children behaviors that are beneficial in these positions. They pay attention to long-term changes in opinion, but not short-term changes. The largest of the generations, this cohort protested against the government establishment in its youth and still distrusts government. People are the most politically impressionable during the period from their midteens through their midtwenties, when their views are not set and they are open to new experiences. Except where otherwise noted, textbooks on this site Personal ideology 5. What is an agent of political socialization? Polls are carefully designed and results are analyzed by statisticians and social scientists. Tactics that candidates use to try to persuade voters from both parties to vote for them. Which response relates the stages of political socialization in childhood correctly? It talks about the powers of the state government. Finally, the section will address the ways that political generations develop through the political socialization process. Disney seems to have gotten the message about the concerns. The strategy that political figures use to socialize with the public in person and through the media. a. The country did not experience violent protests after the decision was announced, but instead moved on with politics as usual (Conover, 1991). For instance, it held Korea as a colony between 1910 and 1945. Thus, option (A) is correct. A number became leaders of the womens rights movement (Alwin, Cohen, & Newcomb, 1991). The process of political socialization begins in childhood and continues throughout one's lifetime. 3 (1995): 45889. are not subject to the Creative Commons license and may not be reproduced without the prior and express written C) Schools foster important democratic principles such as voting and patriotism. b. Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty gave way to The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Mulan. Other institutions, like the media, contribute to socialization by inundating us with messages about norms and expectations. 4. Political legitimacy is a belief in the integrity of the political system and processes, such as elections. Television programs such as The West Wing and Law and Order offer viewers accounts of how government functions that, although fictionalized, can appear realistic. And many people acknowledge that girls and women are often currently portrayed differently than they were in years past. American political culture tends to be more liberal than other Western democracies. public attitudes toward government are measured and reported. They tend to be arranged by the mother of the bride. This is evidence of what is known in political science as the ______ gap. There are subgroup differences in political socialization. The sense of discomfort or distress that occurs when a person's behavior does not correspond to that person's attitudes. (Multiple Choice) Which current trend is being used by citizens before voting in an election? Steckenrider, J. S. and Neal E. Cutler, Aging and Adult Political Socialization, in Political Learning in Adulthood, ed. Young people who observe their parents reading the newspaper and following political news on television may adopt the habit of keeping informed. Which of the following was NOT used to measure presidential responsiveness to public opinion? Levels of confidence and trust in government increased and remained high over the following ten years b. Live interviewers cannot be trusted to record the correct data. -a large sample Unlike the family and school, which are structured hierarchically with adults exercising authority, the peer group provides a forum for youth to interact with people who are at similar levels of maturity. For example, they show the child how to use objects (such as clothes, computers, eating utensils, books, bikes); how to relate to others (some as family, others as friends, still others as strangers or teachers or neighbors); and how the world works (what is real and what is imagined). This generation developed a reputation for lacking both knowledge and interest in politics (Strauss & Howe, 1992). In the "receive-accept-sample" model of public opinion, what happens when you hear a media report that goes against your beliefs about tax cuts? Parents can teach their children about government institutions, political leaders, and current issues, but this rarely happens. Historically, men have occupied a more central position in American political culture than women. Young people often have warm feelings toward the political system. Heuristics and research. Religious institutions and ceremonies do not influence peoples political affiliations. -The more education one has, the more tolerant of racial minorities one is. obedience i. This trend is partially a result of the medias preoccupations with personal scandals surrounding politicians. Which of the following statements about political socialization is the most accurate? It proposed a unicameral legislature in which each state would have one vote. In the United States, children are taught to say the Pledge of Allegiance. The effects of these experiences are highly variable, as people can accept, reject, or ignore political messages. (Multiple Choice) Question 15 . stereotype vulnerability c. Changing one's behavior at the command of an authority figure. The government can easily and substantially influence public opinion. Therefore, it can be concluded that option (A) is correct. 16. Conflicts between generations have existed for centuries. Young people who see television coverage of their peers volunteering in the community may take cues from these depictions and engage in community service themselves. Agents of socialization, which include parents, teachers, and the mass media, convey orientations to subjects, who are mostly passive. Today, the trend is to switch jobs at least once a decade. Women at Bennington College in the 1930s became active in community affairs as a result of their political socialization in college. There is a gender gap in political views between men and women on issues such as affirmative action and government spending for social programs. a. Americas religions specifically forbid torture. Children whose parents discuss politics frequently and encourage the expression of strong opinions, even if it means challenging others, are likely to become politically active adults. https://openstax.org/books/introduction-sociology-3e/pages/1-introduction, https://openstax.org/books/introduction-sociology-3e/pages/5-3-agents-of-socialization, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Evaluate the roles of families and peer groups in socialization, Describe how people are socialized through institutions like schools, workplaces, and the government. There are significant differences in the way that males and females are socialized to politics. True statements are reserved for powers granted to the states, such as ratifying legislation. 3. 1. $21.63+$22.71+$24.95, The family has a significant effect on political socialization. Which criteria must be met for a poll to be completed scientifically? b. Lower-class children tend to be inadequately informed about politics. O Socialization describes the ways that This problem has been solved! The political socialization process in the United States stresses the teaching of democratic and capitalist values. They avoid making policy decisions until public opinion is heard. The beliefs people acquire early in life are unlikely to change dramatically as they grow older. Public opinion is the same for Democrats and Republicans. American Government Chapter 6 Public Opinion, The Man Who Died Twice - Chapter 54 (words on, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. The socialization skills of political officials that enable them to sway the public on certain issues to get more votes, The process by which peoples political opinions are formed, The ability of people to discuss politics in the United States openly and freely, The strategy that political figures use to socialize with the public in person and through the media. Langton, K. P., Political Socialization (New York: Oxford, 1969). They also can show people how to get involved in politics and community work. D) All of the above - People may support policies against their own self-interest. In one-third of homes, the television is on all day. Q. On which of the following topics is the government most likely to respond to shifts in public opinion? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is one of an increasing number of women who has achieved a highly visible political leadership role. Over forty years ago, pioneering political-socialization researcher Herbert Hyman proclaimed that foremost among agencies of socialization into politics is the family (Hyman, 1959). Political learning and socialization experiences can differ vastly for people depending on the groups with which they associate, such as those based on gender and racial and ethnic background. Understanding and participating in complex political issues, c. Caring about the public affairs of your community, d. Making your political voice heard and your views known to everyone in your community, Our Experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. They may change their positions to match the public mood. Reserved powers are those that are exclusive to the states, such as ratifying amendments. Many place blame on entertainment companies, such as Disney, for its portrayals of girls in its movies. Entertainment media, including television comedies and dramas, music, film, and video games also contain much political content. central-route processing h. Negative attitude held by a person about the members of a particular social group. How do your attitudes differ from those of your parents. For example, they show the child how to use objects (such as clothes, computers, eating utensils, books, bikes); how to relate to others (some as "family . If political leaders engage in questionable behavior, there are mechanisms to hold them accountable. Media also establish linkages between leaders, institutions, and citizens. Nie, N. H., Jane Junn, and Kenneth Stehlik-Barry, Education and Democratic Citizenship in America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996). Learning about politics at a young age prepares people to switch and change their views throughout the course of their lifetimes. A sample in which each person has an equal chance of being chosen to participate in the poll. Question: Which of the following statements is true about political systems? Which of the following is not true about political socialization? d. Some people may never be completely or successfully socialized. Family. , on of slavery into the territories O B. Every citizen should have the opportunity to take part in the government process. Religious congregation members are no longer discussing politics in places of worship. This generation is more multicultural and has more tolerance for racial and ethnic difference than older cohorts. Free True False Q01 Some democratic governments monopolize radio and television broadcasting or own and operate television networks. Hyman had good reason for making this assumption. Online polls cannot detect whether a person with multiple email accounts answers the same poll multiple times. The most effective civic education programs engage students in activities that prepare them for the real world of politics, such as mock elections and legislative hearings (Niemi & Junn, 1998). Schools also socialize children by teaching them about citizenship and national pride. The home environment can either support or discourage young peoples involvement in political affairs. Most often older members of society teach younger members the rules and norms of political life. Public opinion can be swayed by the media paying more attention to candidates who poll well during the fall and the first few primaries, a strategy known as the _________. In order to aggregate responses in a manner that reflects the quantified opinions of the population under study, the researcher must collect a ______. Peer-group influence begins when children reach school age and spend less time at home. - Most voters are relatively informed about an issue that matters to them. Why dont we use torture more often to get confessions from suspects? Developing a political self begins when children start to feel that they are part of a political community. To be defined as an adult usually means being eighteen years old, the age at which a person becomes legally responsible for him- or herself. Dennis, J. and Diana Owen, The Partisanship Puzzle: Identification and Attitudes of Generation X, in After the Boom, ed. Sociologists recognize that race, social class, religion, and other societal factors play an important role in socialization.
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