All three monsters are enraged and fighting for different reasons: Grendel is an angered, social outcast; Grendels mother is out to avenge her sons death; and the dragon is furious after being burgled. Frustrated, Unferth told Grendel that he was wrong about heroism, that it really did exist and that Unferth was a true hero, because no one would know whether he found Grendel and died heroically or simply fled. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Basically, Grendel attacks humans for one reason. Men wise in counsel continue to remember him. 07. Their future depends on a nuclear-free world. What is a short summary of the epic poem Beowulf? Beowulf spends some time giving the Danes a rundown of his resume so to speak. Beowulf's decision to fight Grendel without a weapon has a touch of irony. Debbie Notari received her Bachelor's degree in English and M.S. Why do you think this is so important to him? First, he is a young warrior eager to earn glory and enhance his reputation. Why do you think no weapon can hurt Grendel? Beowulf has courage and pride. Her son has returned to their cave mortally wounded, one of his two arms (or claws) ripped from its shoulder socket and hanging, now, beneath the roof of Hrothgar's mead-hall. Grendel's mother then pays a visit to Herot. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and most of the international community, want to ensure that nuclear weapons are never used again and are eliminated entirely. What would humanitarian organizations do in the event of a nuclear attack? We are all responsible for making sure that decision makers understand that nuclear weapons have no place in the world we want for ourselves or for future generations. Explanation: "Beowulf" is an epic poem about the brave actions of the main character Beowulf. Beowulf states that he will fight Grendel without armor or sword, hand to claw, because the ogre does not use weapons. Grendel 's fierce cries and the sounds of their epic struggle wake the warriors. 5 What is a major difference between Beowulfs fight with Grendel and Grendels mother vs his fight with the dragon? The Dragon Character Analysis. Latest answer posted September 30, 2011 at 8:06:33 AM. The sword, which was hammered by the Giants, which was described as being magical and containing special powers. He will fight Grendel on equal terms. Why doesn't Beowulf's weapon harm Grendel's mother? People like you are the only ones who can make a difference. Why can't weapons hurt Grendel? And this spite is all the stronger because Grendel knows that he was once part of mankind and is forever shut out of that fellowship. It took 10 days for the Geats to work on the tower. Taut adj. Grendel's arm is hanging from the rafters as if it is to show a demonstration of taunting and teasing from Beowulf to Grendel. shield of the people here, a reference to King Hrothgar. Unferth continued to refer to himself as a hero, which annoyed Grendel. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. (Lines 322-326) Grendel put a spell on all men's swords so they cannot pierce his skin. Why do you think this is so important to him? The hall remained empty for 12 winters out of fear of Grendel. Beowulf is an impressive-looking man. He carries himself with the bearing of a noble leader, a champion. Why do you think no weapon can hurt Grendel? Hrothgar's herald, Wulfgar, strongly urges the king to meet with Beowulf and the Geats. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We later learn that Grendel is protected by a magic spell and cannot be injured by mans weapons. The reader first encounters him as he disembarks from the ship. In this contest, the odds are equalized by the fact that neither fighter is armed with a weapon. Beowulf uses all sorts of weapons throughout his many battles with monsters. When reading the text, the . From Beowulf, give two examples of kennings and two examples of alliteration. : pulled tight Sentence? Reputation is one of the major themes of the epic. Accessed 2 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Episode #3"Battle with Grendel" pp. Each weapon that he uses there is attached a cultural significance. Rough seas finally drove them apart. Writing letters to local media to share these concerns. Active Themes So he throws the sword away and attacks the mother with his bare hands. 4 What weapon does Beowulf use against Grendels mother? Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice. Grendel will follow his whims for the rest of his days . Explain why this is. Grendel turns Heorot, the heart of Danish society, into a slaughterhouse. Since these atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the ICRC has been calling for a ban on nuclear weapons toensure that these dark events are never repeated. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 7. hurt him. . 40-44. The only way men can stay alive is to leave the hall. Who was the second Geat he took hold of? Beowulf insists on fighting Grendel without weapons. Among the nefarious practices of this ruling elite is the . it had been called to perform heroic feats. Unferth asserts that Beowulf was vain and foolish to enter such a dangerous contest and that Breca proved the stronger, defeating Beowulf in seven nights. 2011-01-12 04:18:45. Grendel has terrifying claws that scare everyone. There is nothing they can do to stop him. What are the duties of a sanitary prefect in a school? When Beowulf was a youth, apparently during his adolescence, he engaged in a swimming match on the open sea with another boy, named Breca. For one thing, consider how his evil nature is described as being transmitted directly down to him through his descent from Cain (a descent which parallels the Augustinian notion of original sin, which itself traces this state of corruption back to Adam himself). Latest answer posted January 21, 2021 at 12:03:24 PM. This answer is: Helpful ( 1 . Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Heroes need weapons to defeat their enemies, and it is no different for the hero Beowulf in the epic poem Beowulf. Yet it is not enough. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Beowulf holds a lot of pride since he is descended from a family that consisted of many strong warriors and fighters. You stimulate them!" Grendel is the spawn of Cain, purely wretched by nature. Fulfill long-standing commitments to nuclear weapon reductions and elimination, Join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and. The book reflects the author's experience across more than forty years in assessing and forming policy about nuclear weapons, mostly at senior levels close to the centre both of British governmental decision-making and of NATO's development of plans and deployments, with much interaction also with comparable levels of United States activity in the Pentagon and the State department. He is modest in his speech when King Hrothgar offers him many lavish treasures and gifts. In this sense, his attacks against Heorot reflect a deeply personal slight not only against the Danes, but also against the entire human condition, one which (I suspect) ties sharply to the poem's underlying Christian themes. They wore body armor for protection, and each carried a sword. Which ends up being is demise. What service did Hrothgar perform for Beowulf's father? Why do you think he does this? Why do you think Beowulf offers to help another tribe in spite of the danger? Beowulf's father, Ecgtheow, once killed a leader of another tribe in a feud. (L: 322-326) Why do you think Beowulf hangs Grendel's arm from the rafters? She enters the hall where the warriors are sleeping. The description of the monster's lair is an allusion . CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. No men's weapons can cause any harm to Grendel because he had all of the weapons bewitched. Thus, she is immediately connected with evil. Beowulf sees Grendel's mother in a cave. Grendel's Mother. Instead, they fight each other with bare hands and Grendel is defeated. So he throws the sword away and attacks the mother with his bare hands. Raising his rhetoric a notch, he shames Unferth by saying that Grendel would not have been so successful against King Hrothgar if Unferth's "battle-spirit, were as sharp as your words" (596). The men grab their weapons to help, not knowing that a spell protects Grendel from all swords. Define imagery. How does Beowulf affect the immediate future of Hrothgar's kingdom? After he locates it, he proceeds to cut Grendels head off of his body and takes it with him as he leaves the lair. Give us the right advice and direction. Explain why or why not. If you don't if you'll dare do it I wish you'd give him, now, just such a shot as you would give a horse to make it win a race. He gives Wiglaf his helmet, gold collar, ring, and breastplate. Fatally wounded, Grendel slinks back to his swampy home to die. The reason that Beowulf offers to help another tribe is more of pride than anything. He will fight Grendel on equal terms. Copy. Additionally, Wikipedia cites 6.5 Grendel as having a case length of 38.7mm (which is then rounded to 39mm) -- so the new round would appear to have the . 2. With fourteen loyal men, Beowulf sails to the land of the Danes. By dawn, he had killed nine of them. And what does international humanitarian law say? In his conclusion, Beowulf sardonically refers to the "Victory-Scyldings" (597), still directing his speech to Unferth, and concludes that Grendel has no fear of him. See answer Advertisement Advertisement cinnamongrey cinnamongrey On January 22, 1917, Woodrow Wilson in a session of Congress told politicians that the United States should stay neutral in the Great War. He was taught evil; therefore he does evil, making him evil. Why cant Beowulfs sword hurt Grendels mother? Why do you think so? Since he cannot be hurt by weapons Beowulf fights him unarmed. So, instead of trying to kill the monster with a sword or spear or anything like that, Beowulf fights him hand to hand and tears his arm off. According to Unferth, this defines "inner heroism." strength hes able to pull grendels arm right of its socket 3.) But this is one of the character traits that makes Beowulf different and special. How long had Grendels mother ruled the waters? What else was left? What is the name of Hrothgar's mead hall? Lapps inhabitants of northern Scandinavia and Finland. The third, and perhaps most important reason, is cultural. Quote them. Removing #book# Why can no mens weapons hurt Grendel? He attacks the mead-hall because the story demands that he should do so. Grendel the outcast has, symbolically . He is a creature entirely defined by his own malice: he is cruel, vicious, and sadistic. There are a lot of treasures in the lair, but in the end, he only takes the golden handle of the sword he used in battle. They come up in t. (Lines 172-174) Beowulf wants to fight fair - doesn't want to use weapons because Grendel doesn't - wants to brag that he beat him without weapons What service did Hrothgar perform for Beowulf's father? Reminding himself that Beowulf is only a man, Grendel tries to regain his senses and plan a logical attack. He has driven trouble out of his native land. (Click the character infographic to download.) Beowulf is a mighty warrior and knows his own strength. What are the qualities of an accurate map? Explain how the use of alliteration contributes to the imagery in the poem (respond in complete sentences).. 2 Why cant Beowulfs sword hurt Grendels mother? Beowulf sees Grendels mother in a cave. His evil is so all-encompassing that it defines his very nature and, loathing the humans that surround him (humans who moreover enjoy positive virtues and qualities that he can never possess), he attacks the Mead-Hall, looking to create as much suffering and misery as he can inflict. Every living thing was petrified in an attitude of acute pain. Suddenly, Grendel hears a stick snap, and he turns to find a guard behind him. Grendel attacks the mead-hall Heorot in Beowulf because he is driven by his own malice and envy of the humans that surround him. How is he, unlike Beowulf's other subjects? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. - ICRC President Peter Maurer, September 2017. Yes, as an agent of evil Grendel does attack Herot because he hates/envies the happiness and prayers of the warriors who reside there. After, Beowulf had cut both Grendel and his mothers head off, the blade of the sword began to melt because the blood was so tainted from the evil/wickedness. . However, although the sword possessed great power and was claimed to have never failed anyone who used it, when Beowulf descended to the bottom of the lake to fight Grendels mother, the sword proved ineffective. What did Grendel's arm represent? This time Beowolf uses weapons against Grendels mother. Beowulf's method of killing Grendel's mother is ironic. The poem suggests that Beowulf did experience some trepidation about fighting the dragon. The young warrior states his credentials: He has destroyed a tribe of giants, defeated sea monsters in night fight, and returned from battle covered with the blood of his enemies. What two items does she take? What is a short summary of the epic poem Beowulf? How long did Beowulf sink before he reached the bottom? What makes Grendel so impatient and angry with the humans at the hall? Murky adj. He concedes that, as boys will do (at least boys in Geatland), he and Breca exchanged boasts and entered into a dangerous swimming contest on the open sea. Grendel and his mother are purported to be monstrous demons and the descendants of the biblical Cain, who murdered his brother, Abel, out of jealousy. Latest answer posted December 02, 2020 at 9:36:43 AM. Therefore, as a foe of God, Grendel is angered at the fact he cannot exist in light. Hrothgar ended Beowulf fathers quarrel What is Beowulf's father's name? Answer (1 of 211): I dont own an assault rifle but do own an AR-15. He has done his worst but the wound will end him. Heorot shakes with the force of their fight. Grendel, an outsider who spurns society, and Beowulf, an outsider who joins the Danes in fellowship, battle. The third monster he encounters in the epic, Is a mead-hall and major point of focus in the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf. Support your answer with textual evidence. As the poem opens, Beowulf, while in his home in southern Sweden, hears of a monstrous threat to the kingdom of Hrothgar and determines to fight the beast. What areimportant characteristics within Beowulf that make Beowulf an epic hero? He can expect to be rewarded well if he is victorious. Latest answer posted September 30, 2011 at 8:06:33 AM. What time does normal church end on Sunday? Explanation: "Beowulf" is an epic poem about the brave actions of the main character Beowulf. What is Hrunting? Heroic Trait Textual Evidence 1.) The poetic imagery of the passage is worth notice as well, especially when the poet associates the metaphor of feasting with death. Why do the weapons pose no harm to Grendel? He stays and is loyal to Beowulf, unlike Beowulf other subjects, who flee from the battle. Grendel's mother (sometimes called his "dam") is not as huge or as powerful as the son, but she is motivated by revenge. Wiki User. (L: 355-358) What role do poets seem to play in Bewoulf's society? 941 Words4 Pages. Grendel was unable to touch King Hrothgars throne because it was protected by God. Answered by Aslan 9 years ago 10/14/2012 2:36 AM. Grendel 's fierce cries and the sounds of their epic struggle wake the warriors. Describe Grendel's and his mother's lair as described by the king? Grendel's Mother's Attack. karuna therapeutics wiki. Grendel bewitched the weapons: Why do you think Beowulf hangs Grendel's arm from the rafters of Herot? What's more, given the current regional and international tensions, the risk of nuclear weapons being used is the highest it's been since the Cold War. . But just then Grendel slips on a puddle of blood, and the accident allows Beowulf to take the upper hand. didn't realize that no war-blades . Beowulfs sword, helmet, and strength fail him. He once protected Beowulf's now deceased father, Ecgtheow, from a blood feud and knew Beowulf when he was a boy. A beautiful book tackling global issues. Story. The weapons of Beowulf's warriors are ineffective against Grendel because Grendel put a spell on there swords to not pierce his skin. In the Anglo-Saxon period, boasting is not the same as you think now . Grendel is a huge monster who is immune to weapons for some reason. Why do you think no weapons can hurt Grendel? She too, is a descendent of Cain, the first murderer mentioned in the Bible. Who and what is the focus? With that, Beowulf directly addresses the problems that the Scyldings have had with Grendel. Log in here. Most still do. What does he say to them? Why do you think no weapons can hurt Grendel (322-326)? When Grendel's mother pays a visit to Herot, she takes Grendel's claw and closest friend of Hrothgar. Study now. In this battle, Beowulf fights what creature? Latest answer posted September 12, 2020 at 2:40:01 PM. The good cheer is interrupted by Unferth, a top thane of Hrothgar, who insults Beowulf and questions his reputation. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Provide the line numbers. Is Brooke shields related to willow shields? To a real collector it doesn't matter what you collect, can openers, baby dolls, invalid feeders, or AKs. Locate at least three (3) sensory images. He can expect to be rewarded well if he is victorious. Weland in Germanic legend, a blacksmith with magical powers; he made Beowulf's war-shirt (455). What do you suppose this represents? Why do you think so? Grendel is angered by the goat's stupidity. The blade slices cleanly through the Grendel's mother's neck, and she falls dead to the floor, gushing with blood. Beowulf wields Hrunting, the sword lent to him by Unferth, and lashes at Grendels mothers head, but even the celebrated blade of Hrunting is unable to pierce the monsters skin. The setting has darkness with illustrations of big water and snakes with pools of bloody water just laying around. In the Anglo-Saxon epic poem, Beowulf, the protagonist Beowulf insists on battling Grendel with his bare hands, instead of using a weapon, because, he says, Grendel doesn't use one. Describe the giants sword. Did Billy Graham speak to Marilyn Monroe about Jesus? bookmarked pages associated with this title. Already a member? They had betrayed their kind and their Germanic culture and values. Grendel is a being defined by evil, and he lacks even the . The magnitude of the needs made us feel helpless and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has been a strong advocate for a world free of nuclear weapons ever since. I think, however, that this question and my answer above (as well as any other answers which invoke psychology and personality) would be equally incomprehensible to the poet or poets who composed Beowulf. Why do you think no weapons can hurt Grendel? However, a Geat, Beowulf, will defeat the ogre. The hero is exultant. The poem did not appear in print until 1815. 6.Images are words that help us see something, and often hear it,smell it, taste it, and touch it as well. Provide the line numbers. What hangs from the rafters? Thousands of human beings in the streets and gardens in the town centre, struck by a wave of intense heat, died like flies. Beowulf, a noble warrior in the prime of his life and the nephew of Hygelac, the king of the Geats, hears about Grendel. I discovered that the dragon had put a charm on me : no weapon could cut me . Now he discovered-once the afflictor Of men, tormentor of their days-what it meant To feud with Almighty God: Grendel Best bet is finding a local to you outdoorsman related website/forum, with classifieds section, and go from there. Beowulf's motives for sailing to Denmark are complex. Grendel seizes thirty warriors and carries them to his den to kill and eat them. How long did the Geats work on the tower? There is no price they can pay to stop the murders (note how Hrothgar once helped buy peace between Beowulf's father and rival people). What sort of place is the lair of Grendels mother. Able to see the past, present, and future, the dragon attempts to teach Grendel about the humans, time, space, and the universe. Best Answer. Why can no weapon hurt Grendel? A man-eating monster descended from the Biblical Cain. Even though he is evil, he does not know how his actions affect other people. What effects do nuclear weapons have on health, the environment and our ability to provide humanitarian assistance? ), he is respecting custom rather than indulging in vanity. . Describe Beowulf and Grendels battle. It was always expected that the great showdown between the Geatish warrior and the hideous bloodthirsty monster would be like this. Remember, the universe of Beowulf is a Christian one, and Grendel's own background ties directly back to Judeo-Christian origins, given that Grendel himself is explicitly presented as a descendant of Cain. The graphic details of that possibility, along with Hrothgar's gory description (484 ff.) They are traitors because they turned their backs on their kind, Beowulf, at a time when he had relied on them. What did Grendel do to the first Geat he came across? For them and their audience, Grendel behaves monstrously because he is a monster: motiveless as a howling gale or a storm at sea. The weapons of Beowulf's warriors are ineffective against Grendel because Grendel put a spell on there swords to not pierce his skin. Proof of Beowulf's strength, and proof of Grendel's torture ending. There is a cultural significance attached to each weapon that he . Metaphors Of Globalization Solid And Liquid, Michigan City High School Principal Suspended. Driven by loathing, he seeks to cause as much suffering as he can inflict. Over 256 pages, this mammoth volume will update and re-publish key stories from our archive of eight issues. It's only when the king is joined by his warrior that he has a chance against the beast. Thankfully, Gauss is there to clean up the mess. Grendel's mother, like her son, is a mysterious humanoid creature. First, Beowulf states that Grendel does not use weapons, and Beowulf wants to fight in the same way. According to Merriam Webster (my favorite on-line dictionary), "role-play" is an intransitive verb meaning to play a role. Beowulf discovers the sword on the wall and decides to cut the neck of Grendel's mother and kill her. That's why he's an epic hero. (L: 322-326) Why do you think Beowulf hangs Grendel's arm from the rafters? (322-326) Because he is supernatural, only supernatural force can harm him In line 330 explain who the "still worse fiends" might be. 2014-06-10 20 . Heorot shakes with the force of their fight. What have they betrayed? His. While Beowulf is battling Grendel's mother underwater, what are the wise old warriors doing? As the poem opens, Beowulf, while . However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Who was Wiglaf? What does he do with it and why? While Grendel's psychology is not explored in detail in Beowulf, there is a sense . I believe that despite this epiphany, he is motivated by fame and pride, believing that because of his Germanic values and morals, it is important to stay and finish a battle even if you don't believe that you will win. Beowulf's response is composed and in control. The kingdom of Danes under King Hrothgar were terrorized and threatened by the ogre and monster Grendel.So, when Beowulf volunteers to go and fight the monster, the King allows them, arming them with weapons of the best . These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. World War II. This jealousy may also be interpreted as hatred, which seems to present Grendel as pure evil, a rather one-sided view of the story. What does Beowulf long for when he fights Grendel's mother? in Education Literacy and Learning for Grades 6-12. Why can no weapons hurt Grendel? After that, the Danes abandon Heorot to Grendel after nightfall. Unfortunately. His. Given that he cannot enact his revenge upon God himself, Grendel enacts his revenge upon God's . Why might he be trying to run away from Beowulf? So that no one would doubt that the terror was over. He ''scorns'' to kill him with a sword. His ancestor Cain bewitched all weapons so they could not harm him. Grendel essentially ripped apart the first Geats body, drank his blood, and swallowed him whole. As all of the previous posts noted, the act of hanging Grendel's arm over the rafter is a way for the poet to show Beowulf 's prowess as a warrior. He gathers a group of 14 warriors, sails to Denmark and vows to Hrothgar and his queen that he shall kill Grendel or die. See answer (1) Best Answer. : cloudy . 9. A light appears, and Beowulf looks around, his sword held high in readiness. Describe the battle between Beowulf and Grendel. Already a member? and any corresponding bookmarks? Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. (ll.801-805). Beowulf states that he will identify himself with a legendary act of heroism or die right there in the mead-hall. Each of these monsters Beowulf battles has distinct characteristics from one another. Second, he is on a lifelong quest of honor; only through fame and honor can a warrior hope to gain a measure of immortality. In a very practical sense, Beowulf's desire for honest glory protects him. In this battle, Beowulf fights an angry dragon. No weapon can harm her 3. The hall, located in Denmark, serves as a seat of rule for King Hrothgar, a legendary Danish king. It does not store any personal data. Beowulf and Grendel appear to be going back and forth in battle as this truly proves to be a challenge for Grendel. Yet it was only in July 2017 that a treaty banning nuclear weapons was adopted. Define alliteration. why do you think Beowulf hangs Grendel's arm from the rafters? 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Edgetho is Beowulfs father What "epic" qualities does Beowulf display? Go where my feet were afraid to, if I hid, Behind some broad linden shield: my hands, Alone shall fight for me, struggle for life, Who will be given to death's cold grip. Beowulf is huge and strong. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. his armor 5. He has shown admirable restraint without backing down, and his verbal attacks have been centered on Unferth, not the Scyldings generally. Because Grendel had bewitched every mortal mans weapons so that they could not hurt him. The very existence of nuclear weapons is a threat to future generations, and indeed to the survival of humanity. Eventually, Hrothgar settled the feud by making a tribute payment (wergild) of "fine old treasures" (472) to Ecgtheow's enemies. He spies Grendel's corpse lying in a corner. What trophy does Beowulf have when the battle is over? Beowulf has properly held back information about himself while dealing with a mere coastal guard but details his personal reputation to the king. International Committee of the Red Cross, Donate to Israel and the occupied territory. 45-48), Grendel has fatefully grabbed the one warrior who is capable of defeating him, and using a defensive move based on circumstance, Beowulf, who probably has no room to maneuver with a weapon, first avoids Grendel's grasp and then grabs Grendel himself: "he took hold on him quickly/with fierce purpose and pinned his arm." Does the behavior of Grendel's mother seem as wicked or unreasonable as Grendel's behavior? : cloudy; gloomy Sentence? "The Battle with Grendel's Mother" - pages 52-56. Accessed 2 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Sea monsters attacked Beowulf and attempted to drag him down. mail flexible armor made of small, overlapping rings or scales. Why do you think no weapon can hurt Grendel? Battle with Grendel Why do you think Beowulf hangs Grendel's arm from the rafters? Contrast the behavior of the Danes and Beowulf's band and then offer a theory explaining the difference. Why do you think no weapons can hurt Grendel? He hears the laughter in the mead-hall, hates the Danes and their merry-making from which he is excluded, and resolves to kill them. A nephew and thane of King Hygelac, Beowulf carefully chooses 14 of the finest warriors in Geatland to sail to Denmark. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Nuclear weapons are the most terrifying weapon ever invented: no weapon is more destructive; no weapon causes such unspeakable human suffering; and there is no way to control how far the radioactive fallout willspread or how long the effects will last. Beowulf and the Geats lie down and go to sleep in Heorot Hall, resting and waiting for Grendel's inevitable attack. What view of fate does the image of the unwinding string convey? The song has a different effect on Grendel now: rather than feeling doubt, distress, loneliness, or shame, he feels anger at the listeners' ignorance and self-satisfaction.
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