But on the other hand, all communication with Orun, either very simple in the spelling of a particular sentence or convoluted in the form of one made by a babalawo initiate (priest of divination), fills himself with energy by invoking Ase. She relates to Ogun. She is born in an area that they give her by name IfeThis is the population that, according to believers, is the place where the entire Yoruba civilization grew. 1. Once in this land, they were not allowed to practice their rites and the Catholic religion was imposed on them, they had to manage to continue professing their religion. Anoint your Yamaya 7 day orisha candle with yamaya oil. Required fields are marked with *. Yemja (also: Yemaja, Yemanj, Yemoy, Yemay; there are many different transliterations in other languages) is a major water spirit from the Yoruba religion. Those who do not speak the dialect can say it in Spanish, so translated the sentence says: Venerable African lady, with your 7 marks on your face, magical sovereign, I send you my greetings, lady in charge of the waters, progenitor of marine life, your throne is far away, in the depths of the ocean, where you keep your treasures. Legend has it that they are not two goddesses, but that it is the same with two names. As Olokuns rage quelled, the waves he sent to the land began to withdraw back into the ocean, leaving behind pearls and coral. She was the firstborn at the time olofin created the world. Stories of Yemay also depict her as having long breasts, resulting from the numerous children she nursed. Festival Days: February 2nd, September 7th , Mothers day. And now I beg Oy. The rites were performed, they sang and from here great transformations came out, for this serenity for the land was achieved, from here there was peace, the tranquility in the land of this deity was reborn, where its inhabitants managed to work normally and continue with their lives as usual. Buy a large watermelon with seeds, and wash it clean. Yemaya, Queen Of The Sea, Epitomizes Motherhood And Rules All Issues Pertaining To Women. His homeland is in the southwest of Nigeria, which includes Oyo, Ogun, Osun, Ondo, EkitiAs well as Lagos States and the adjoining parts of Benin and Togo, commonly known as Yorubaland. His head must be crowned with a group of objects, these must be; 7 bells, the same number of rings and paddles, while she carries a single anchor, a sun, a compass and a machete. This ceremony is performed by the santeros who sponsor together with the so-calledbabalawos, This is intended to request Yemaya, your congratulations, to be happy in love, the economy, be healthy, in short, everything you want. Perhaps one of the most important human efforts extolled within the literary corpus yoruba is the quest to improve "Iwa" (character, behavior). This majesty is known as the person who reigns in love, who imparts this to everyone else, who produced this wonderful feeling in human beings. October 31st is the grand finale of the Yemoja Festival in Ibadan, when different groups of orisa devotees dance to the rhythm of thrumming drums in front of the Yemoja Temple. The different ethnic groups, believers in this religion, were merging their prayers and thus this way of saying prayers arises. Yemaya Origins. Blue or white lace fans, crystal beads, flowers and food. Ib Mayelewo this road of Yemaya lives in the middle of the sea and controls the currents of the seven seas. She hears my plea and heeds it. He dresses with great luxury, and according to tradition, when he must go on the attack to defend or fight for his progeny, he dresses in seven skirts, all with his particular blue color, the tone must be different, there cannot be two alike, let us remember that it is the representative color of this deity, due to the characteristic color of the sea. I already asked Xang. Here I come! Therefore, they balance each other. The ori inu (spiritual consciousness in the physical realm) must grow to consummate union with the Iponri (ori orun, spiritual self). The enslaved worshippers asked Yemay to bring ease to their suffering, and she watched over them during their brutalized lives. This stage begins around age two and lasts until approximately age seven. Ileke: These consist of seven clear or white beads, seven blue beads, one clear or white bead, and one blue bead, repeated seven times in a repeated pattern. That you make my beloved (here goes the name of the person you want to attract) look at me. The animal that is sacrificed to her, her duck, is placed on the lid of the tureen. Her favorite animal is the mouse, which is always in charge of carrying and bringing messages to her children and from them to her, it is even said that she has the power to become this animal. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to compare the cognitive performance of 11-to 14-year-old children with reading disabilities as a function . But symbols and iconography have a way of grounding the spiritual into something more tangible so that we can better understand it. A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address. What is the holy room and who prepares it? During this party, it can cause the guide to transport, and start saying words that are usually what the queen is saying through it. Remove the ame from the water and roughly mash it up with a fork. Of course this varies, with the parents that have been revealed to you, and with the guardian angel, you can even receive more deities than those mentioned. Yemonja's name is derived from the Yoruba words Yeye or Iya ("mother"), omo ("child/children"), and eja ("fish") and thus literally means "Mother whose children are the fish." According to the itans . She helps people who die transition into . Ib Ogunte (Okuti) this road of Yemaya was married to Ogn. Human beings cannot help but love, which is why one of the saddest situations is having unrequited love. This is strictly because of the . Yemay, my spirit guide. These are different from each other, and have their particularities, they are united and related in the use that is given in the worship of the goddess, they use their colors, they are united in the sea and they have their power. Yemaya, goodness. From emerging talents to celeb-favorites. There are a variety of legends, where the two goddesses are mentioned, among them, the most widespread, tells how both goddesses fought, because Hey saw Yemaya feeding on sheep in the company of Shango. The child's thinking during this stage is pre- (before . By combining these words we get a name that means mother of all marine life, this is why she is invoked to bless pregnancies and motherhood, and is associated with everything in the sea. She can be identified for being the shortest, without this being seen as less valued, moreover, she is the goddess who is given the most love for the effort she puts in when something is asked of her. Oh, my lineage and my friends. As one of the eldest children of Olodumare, the Supreme Being or Creator of the Universe, Yemaya is one of the most widely worshipped of the Orishas or demi-gods associated with different elements or forces of nature. They interact with each other in a somewhat peculiar way, as is popular knowledge she is the progenitor of Shango, this is not a biological relationship but an adoption relationship, then it happened that she left the earth to go to her home, at the bottom of the sea, since she had to resolve various issues, which took her a long time. When the Angel of the guardian is ShangoYou have to become a crowned deity, this deity does not accept a washed deity. This is a very particular deity because he is afraid of dogs, they are not to his liking, this means that his children cannot have this animal as pets at home. She cannot mention her name by people who have her settled, unless that person touches her sand with her fingers. Olokun: Orisha of Earth's Wate. As a mother, she's wise and virtuous, but she likes to have a good time and she enjoys dancing. Perfumes, jewelry, combs, mirrors, images and statues of mermaids, statues of herself, strings of fresh-water and salt-water pearls, and corals make appropriate offerings, as do sea fans, seashells, white stones from the beach, starfish and seahorses. Clarify my destinations and how to reach them. Generally, they're calm and don't lose their temper easily, but their temper is terrible when it erupts. From my home, from my surroundings. Yeye: this word means "mother"; omo: Is son; hey: used to name the fish. Yemaya enjoys rooster, ram, and guinea hen. This involves divination using cowrie-shells, ranging anywhere from eight to twenty-one shells, although sixteen shells is common in West Africa. The goddess likes to be full of luxuries, not only does she like jewelry, she also likes to dress well and luxuriously. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up to join the Infinite Roots Coven and get access to all exclusive content while keeping Spells8 ad-free! As human beings, we tend to be hopeful in superior beings, who can help us overcome obstacles, allowing us to achieve our aspirations. Among the many offerings to the goddess, are cakes. At times they can seem a little arrogant, but only because they take their role in life seriously. Yemaya can be found in all the waters of the world, and because of this she has many aspects of "caminos" (roads), each reflecting the nature of different bodies of water. There are couples who cannot fulfill this desire, so they go to the goddess Yemaya, being the mother of all, she has the power to help achieve pregnancies. The use of this bracelet indicates that the queen is worshiped, and that respect is owed to her above all, the goddess takes this as a blessing. When she dances, she begins slowly and gracefully but as she swirls and moves her skirts to reflect the rhythm of the waves, she builds up speed and intensity, showing her immense power. While Yemay is the goddess of life, none may return from Olokuns depths alive. It has a tureen, which has a sword that is made of silver, in addition to this mask that is made of copper, there are also seven plates and the same amount in seashells. The faithful who can do so gather on the beaches, there they place gifts for the goddess, they play percussion instruments, they make requests for their personal problems, and thus this becomes the place of celebration for the goddess. She is very popular due to the fact that she performs a variety of remedies of which nobody knows the composition of her, this is her great secret, but the most important thing is that she manages to cure the sick of any disease. On Wednesday, it was announced that Chloe x Halle singer Halle Bailey would be cast as Ariel in the live-action remake of Disneys The Little Mermaid. If you see the number 5 a lot (my two most recent apartments were on the 5th floor), are attracted to the color yellow or gold and enjoy sweets, specifically honey, then you too may be a child of Oshun. She can make true love happen. People light white and blue candles along with offerings. The clothes used are coat. In most cases it is made with baked white clay, they can also be made in another way. With anchored roots in the Yoruba religion, Yemaya was brought over to the New World by enslaved Africans as early as the 16th century. It can also be used to initiate new santeros, that is, when a person is going to start being part of this belief or tradition. Women were kept from doing this, but Yemay proved a natural at divining and Orula agreed that she could divine using the cowrie-shell method. This is the last goddess that we will mention, they are not all but there is not enough space to mention them. Cut into halves the pomegranate and apply honey to both sides. Her headdress, because she is also a crowned goddess, she must wear in this headdress oshumare, since to Olokun, it is up to you to wear your jewelry. It should be noted that depending on what you want to ask for or thank, there is a type of prayer, so you cannot make a request with a prayer for well-being, for example, or vice versa, so you have to prepare. This discrepancy will always be maintained for the simple reason that they live in opposite elements, one queen in the sea and the other in the air. May your loving ardor be overwhelming like the impetuous waters. It is the oldest and the richest of the Yemay. This is a goddess who has a name that means the woman who lives in the shells, it is a strange denomination, which is given to her because that is where she lives. These riches include marine life, and everything under the sea. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It can be performed by practically anyone, as part of the ritual water fruits must be on hand, in sufficient quantity, all must be tropical. But the origin story of mermaids is one of diverse folklore and spirituality, that spans across the world in many different iterations, with some being of African descent. Since you have the power to subdue the force of the seas with your great and strong love. Yemaya has a very special relationship with two orishas in particular: Oshn and Chango. They can be metallic and what they have in common is that they are richly decorated. She is among the most powerful and beloved of the Seven African Powers, the sexy matriarch of the Yoruba spirits known as orishas. She is one of the most popular and venerated orishas. In her association with the seas, Yemay, through the moon and its phases, together with the force of the wind, which stirs the waters, would control the tides. It lives in the depths of the ocean waters, it can also be found in some coral reefs, it is a legend that it was responsible for the ocean swallowing the, Responsible for the data: Actualidad Blog. Oh praised sovereign Yemaya. As an Orisha, Yemay is a deity, more importantly, she is the mother of all Orishas. Although the Orishas were aspects of the single expression of existence, they were also autonomous beings with their own personalities, desires, and failings. Please bring (name of loved one) back to me. The number 7 belongs to her, representing the seven seas; her devotees wear seven silver bracelets, and she is often seen wearing full skirts with seven blue-and-white layers. Your email address will not be published. To learn more about the elements in rituals read incense. Let your cleansing waters wash over me She was informed that the life that would come into the world through her body was going to be a being capable of terrible things, wherever she was there would be problems and she would regret having brought it into the world, which she ignored, and her husband he was always upset. Once the prerequisite is ready, according to the deity that was revealed to the initiate, one or several immolations must be carried out, the forces to be used will be chosen and the disbursement, or granting of rights, necessary for the coronation will be determined. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Yemaya, did not escape this, and its corresponding saint in the Catholic religion is the Virgin of Regla. Yemaya is a fierce protector of women. But just as there are deities that reign over the river or the ocean, this one has power over certain animals, such as the goose, swans and ducks. Dodging justice: Characteristics of repeat child sex offenders. To learn much more you can read prayer to Shango. Peace of mind and well-being should be requested throughout the process until delivery. Guard me like the parent you are. She has a special relationship with Oshun; who is said to be her sister and Chango who is said to be her child. Her eleke is made out of transparent crystal beads alternating with royal blue ones, in a pattern of seven, which is her number. With the passage of time, his hardships increased, each time he saw himself poorer, he was a service person, he suffered hardships for food, he was cold; the valuables that he owned, he was selling them to be able to eat and his beautiful hair fell out, because of all the hardships he was going through. Powers that are received when crowning saint, Yemay, characteristics, symbols, colors, prayers and much more. Take care of me like your seed. This bracelet, like the necklace, has a meaning and a use. Required fields are marked *. Oh Yemaya! Have any questions? She wears pants and kills her enemies with a scimitar or daggers. She is often syncretized with either Our Lady of . For this reason, Ife is known locally asIfe Oodaye. Daily Devotional: Todays Candle and Magical Correspondences, Spells8 Book Club VI :Apr 5 May 7 (2021). The way each person views religion also affects the ritual. Oshun is a goddess of love and beauty. somehow all this Yemaya It has been permeating society, and although many do not share the belief, everyone knows something about it. Yemaya, goodness. The santero, during the rite, will make a secret combination of these plants, and with this tincture he will give it to the sick person to drink, through this ritual the goddess will restore his health. Since she is the queen of the sea, she caused eddies to come out, churning the sea, due to the strong shocks that occurred Shango He fell from the boat, begging the goddess to save him, to which she ignored. She, like Oshn, carries all of the experiences of womanhood within her caminos. May your passion be as powerful as the waves of the oceans. Enter and dance with us." This goddess is the one who protects and promotes fertility, she is the one who is asked for a woman to get pregnant, or for the pregnancy to come to a happy term, for when women are going to give birth to their babies . Oshun, whose domain is freshwater and rivers, is referred to in some stories as either Yemay's daughter or sister. Each of them has its own characteristics and rites, and has its own tastes and customs. Participants, aged 7-17 years (mean 10.7 yrs), had a principal DSM-IV diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder (SAD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), or social phobia (SP). She watches over them and protects them, ensuring a safe labor. They are sensual, but in a quiet fashion. The story of Yemaya was originally brought over to Cuba via the transatlantic slave trade. This prayer is not only effective for getting pregnant, it also works for health during the gestation period and for the delivery to come to term safely. When you have conceived, offer sacrifices to her and ensure to dedicate the child to her when he/she is born. Her punishments can be terrible when she's outraged, but she's fair minded and forgiving when proper remorse is shown. She's a powerful goddess and is seen as the ideal archetype of womanhood. These will bear her name and an allegory to her body. Yemay is the Mother of the Seven Seas, the Creation Goddess, and Santeria Orisha of fertility and motherhood. This is a religion where each deity has a day assigned to pay tribute, in the case of the goddess, it corresponds to February two of each year. Some autistic children meet developmental milestones until about 18 to 24 months of age. Much is your strength and your shining glory. "For my mother, Yemaya, Mother and mistress of the sea. The ceremonial deity washed, lasts only one day, and does not entail the time of iyaworaje, nor does it require you to shave your head. Her strong and protective energy can be found virtually everywhere, but especially near oceans and lakes. Yemaya is perhaps the most nurturing of all the Orishas, and its believed that all of life comes from her deep nourishing waters. For example a son of Shango male, it is revealed to him who his mother is, if it is Yemaya You will know who your father is. I ask you to fill me with your healing energy. It brought nutrients and the area began to have plants. Meanwhile, when this was happening on the planet, Olodumare it gathered the gaseous elements from the limits of space and caused an explosion that turned into a ball of fire. Shine your light onto me, Reports the characteristics of a large, representative sample of treatment seeking anxious youth (N =488). The crowned deity ceremonial is quite large and laborious, in this ceremonial the Guardian angel places a crown on the initiate, hence its name. Accept out offerings. Although there is a specific ritual for each request, they all have elements in common. It should be decorated with pearls and seashells. And Oxum pity the needy. This goddess has a very peculiar place to live, she lives in a soup container, which is located on an ornate drawer. This is a very powerful prayer, as long as it is done with true faith in the powers of the goddess, it must be accompanied by the right offerings, and it must be uttered with the right words. These rituals, carried out by the santeros, consist of the intonation of songs in the yoruba, and performing dances, all to the sound of these wooden instruments. This is the goddess to whom very specific and complicated things can be requested, such as tying up those evil entities, which sometimes attack children, who manage to cause death at an early age. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a4aa75dc357e33c8241f24d31e99f3dc" );document.getElementById("ac7e17cd64").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Coronation Ceremony Requirements and Costs. In addition, the rite must be performed in the right environment. An abundance of love, freedom, harmony, tranquility is requested, and that truth always reigns, peace in the soul, that there is no pain of any kind, physical or spiritual; Well-being resides in all this, and it is even used to express gratitude. Yemay, depending on the story, either was given the power of merindinlogun, or she stole it. Although it takes time, this is a very miraculous god, when they want to make blood offerings to her, she has a preference for poultry, such as ducks and geese, and when this happens at the request of something, she counts each and every one of them. She gave birth to all of the orishas and in many ways is the cosmic mother of all things. She is extremely vengeful and effective and she will do justice against anyone who does not respect her. This is the deity that is in charge of everything that requires a large amount of knowledge, has great cunning and vitality, solves complicated matters, since it has great intelligence and wisdom, as well as being very voluntary; An important element of her physique is that she wears a silver chain on her ankle, and she is a deity who is very haughty. She is an Orisha, a guiding spirit of the rivers sent to aid humanity. beloved mother. He's grown up, is for believers, considered the goddess of the two waters, but what do they mean by the two waters? I only ask for peace. In Havana, Cuba, Yemay is celebrated on September 7th. The shells are placed either on a table or a mat, and the patterns of the shells must be comprehended through a process known as Odu. So be it. In one of the many days orula, he had to travel, it would take a long time, he had to meet Olofin, at his request. Yemaya she had strength and fortune, and was the being who loved her the most, it gave her much comfort, told her that she would be powerful again, since all the precious metal that was on earth would be for her. The content of the article adheres to our principles of editorial ethics. The present study evaluated the 23-item Screening Tool for Feeding Problems (STEP; Matson & Kuhn, 2001) with a sample of children referred to a hospital-based feeding clinic to examine the scale's psychometric characteristics and then demonstrate how a children's revision of the STEP, the STEP-CHILD is associated with child and parent variables. In addition to blue and white, the bracelet uses a colorless glass. To serve, place a grass mat (estera) on the ground and place Yemayas pot on the mat. Once the request is fulfilled, it should be thanked by helping another believer to obtain this same favor, preaching as the goddess was requested. The first human man and woman were borne from her womb. They rarely coincide, despite the fact that both elements support life on the planet. Olukun is respected for his ominous power that has no perceived limits or boundaries while Yemaya is associated with life, fertility and creation. Having children is one of the deepest desires of human beings, to bring another life to this earth, it means the continuation of what people are, and it is the greatest love that someone can have. Boil the ame until it is fork tender. A tobacco must be dried for the ahse of the Read, and then the following will be sung: In the same way, if the beginner has doubts about what is being done, this is the moment to ask the questions that are needed, the people already initiated can clarify the doubts. There is also the belief that she is the one with the most purchasing power; something in common that she has with the one we have been presenting is that she also lives in the sea; and not near the shore but well away from it, it is said that the greatness of the ocean is due to it. They can be sideburns or melons. I am the daughter of the ocean, the daughter of the waves, the daughter of the seafoam. It is common for regla de ocha initiated priests and priestess to keep a vigil for Yemay on September 6th which is called vsperas. Her color is sky blue. Love is a great motivator for human beings, it blinds them, makes them suffer or makes them happy. The coast is dressed in light blue and white to celebrate it and the beach is transformed into a place of worship. The fruit that we will use, we will crack it a little, through this crack we put the paper that we have just calligraphed, while we do it we will ask for our wish, that it guide us along the path of happiness, that everything be sweet, and what we wish to ask for as complement. Watch on. Yemaya, goodness. In one depiction she might be married to Obatala, the Sky Father and begetter of humanity, while in another she might be wed to Oko, the Orisha of iron and rum-making. Everything must be covered with feathers, the head of the rooster must be carried for the Iseh Ozyan. both so much Yemaya with the Virgin of Regla, are similar, they like to work permanently, both are considered perfect, they like everything related to good health. Receive from my hands these gifts, accept them, as a symbol of my devotion and trust. As she is a goddess of cold tributaries, this implies that her children tend to have much more luck in that season of the year when temperatures are lower.
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